Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 183 The black market meets a pervert!

Chapter 183 The black market meets a pervert!

Opening his eyes in a daze, Fang Yun gasped, only to realize that he had been soaking in the bathtub and had slept for 18 hours.

"It's really tiring!" Fortunately, after such a long rest, he felt much better at this time, but the first thing he did was to use the ability of 'Arrival' to come to the Caribbean Sea and saw these guys buying cannons , I feel more at ease.

After all, having seen Fang Yun's power and the means to travel through the world, the crew members who returned to the Caribbean Sea once again, even if they became stronger and fiercer one by one, would not dare to violate the will of Captain White Wizard. Don't dare not listen.


Regarding the arrangement of the 9 free attribute points, Fang Yun still intends to follow the previous method and use them as evenly as possible.

So Strength +2, Physical Strength +2, Perception +1, Wisdom +4, so the assigned naked makeup attributes are.

Strength 40, Dexterity 42, Physical Strength 38, Perception 40, Wisdom 40, Intelligence 43, Charisma 36.

Although 21300 points of common currency seems to be a lot, for Fang Yun alone, it is just a matter of upgrading a few skills. Fortunately, there is still a golden 'chain hammer' that is not for sale, and there are three unopened killing keys .

However, just as Captain Fang was about to open the key, the doorbell rang, and when he opened the door, Hanks and Pete also walked in with excessive lust. Hanks was smoking a big cigar, wearing handsome sunglasses, talking to an idiot There was no difference. Fang Yun raised his head and found that the killing space had left the planet and returned to the starry sky.

"Now the space should be unblocked, and we can return to the real world, right?" Fang Yun glanced at the half-dead Hei, pulled out its little head, and found no response, so he ignored it.

"It is indeed possible, but Pete and I are going to break through the evolutionary. Although we don't know if we can succeed, it should be about the same." Hanks is more confident. After all, his talent has been awakened once, and his overall strength has risen by an unknown amount. Pete awakens with him, possibly with Hanks' help.

Although none of them knew the details of the breakthrough, it was better than entering the story world alone.

"Let's open the key, but I only intend to open the key of the left-hand shield. The other two keys are better than turning in the killing space. One can be exchanged for 5 killing points, and the two are worth 10 points." Fang Yun pays more attention to military rank, after all The higher the military rank, the better the benefits, and there are other effects.

For example, those props that offset the failure of the main mission are very likely to be purchased by contractors with high military ranks, and they, such as young lieutenants, cannot see them without permission.

"Alright, it would be great if the shield in the left hand was blown out." Hanks and the others had gained a lot, everyone had a few kill keys, especially Pete, who had quite a few high-ranking half-orc keys. , if you can't mix equipment, you should be able to get some common coins.

After unlocking the killing key, there are many options, but since we know it is the key of the left-hand shield, it is natural to choose the equipment. Captain Fang rubbed his palms and prayed.

As the dark red light flickered, Fang Yun closed his eyes and stretched his hand in, and a guy with silver light was pulled out by him.

"Fuck, his right hand sword?" Hanks exclaimed.

Fang Yun glanced at this western sword, which was slightly longer than the dagger, and threw it to him directly: "Take it, anyway, your broken sword should be replaced anyway."

Hanks chuckled: "That's so embarrassing."

But even though he said so, he put it into the storage space very quickly. As for his blue long sword, it should be sold.

A group of people died in Killing Space, and a group of people came, so that the low-level equipment could not be sold. Fang Yun's little hand became popular once, and he didn't expect the other two keys to be of any interest. He has 10 merit points.

At this time, the merit point is exactly 72 points, and the merit point of 70 points can be promoted to lieutenant. After hearing the reminder, he didn't go, but waited for Pete to open the key.

A total of 7 killing keys of "Ding Ding Dong Dong" were placed on the table by Pete, including 4 keys of plot characters and 3 keys of contractors.

After all, Pi's sniping ability is very strong, especially for the plot characters, the high damage and high explosion really make the plot characters miserable.

But the crispy skin is also quite bitter, and he was beaten to death frequently by a skill. If there is no team rescue, it is estimated that he will not be able to survive now.

Fang Yun didn't care what the other keys could unlock. He mainly wanted to see what equipment the black witch could unleash. In the end, a ring with black magic damage +10% and charisma -2 was unearthed. Fang Yun curled his lips and let Pete Sell ​​it, I don't care about this thing at all.

As the keys of Pete and Hanks were gradually unlocked, the three received 3 pieces of blue equipment, 1 piece of light blue equipment, and 2 pieces of black equipment.

There are also Fang Yun's golden 'chain hammer' and Hanks' silver long sword, but only the 'chain hammer' and those scattered equipment can be sold.

Although Captain Fang's equipment is not very good, especially the defense equipment, but the three pieces of equipment are handsome enough, and this is the problem with his reluctance to change equipment.

"Let's go to the black market, pastor, you can sell it, we are fooling you, I will trust you!" Hanks chuckled, and Fang Yun stretched out a thumb: "It's okay, this kind of work is fine!"

After the three of them turned into a white light and disappeared, they came to the street of the black market. There are many people coming and going here, but most of them just look at it, but don't buy it.

"Damn it, do these bastards have any money, and what are they going to do without money?" Hanks pouted, expressing his disdain for these poor people.

"You don't understand this. Netizens in my country spend all day shopping on Taobao and Tmall. They don't care whether they buy it or not, but it's fun to watch. Girls who live in big cities go shopping all day long, even if they have no money in their pockets. , You have to walk until your legs are weak, they are satisfied enough, even if they can’t afford it, they won’t let them see it.”

Fang Yun said with a smile, and then found a place where no one was around, took out a small bench, sat there, and spread a layer of white cloth on the ground, and the people next to him only heard the sound of "cracking" and saw a lot of The equipment falls out.

"Fuck, what is that golden light, oh my god, my eyes!!"

"No, I'm going to have a look, my titanium alloy cat's eyes are about to be blinded!"

Huh, a lot of people directly surrounded this small booth, and the water was tight. After the golden plot equipment appeared, there was no need for the two of Hanks to be in charge. Fang Yun couldn't hear the group of people talking so much Say what.

"Quiet and quiet, those who have money stand up, and those who don't have money get out!" Fang Yun offended many contractors with one sentence, but the guy who can take out gold clothes and a lot of blue to sell clothes can be a weak person.

"Fuck you, I'm not leaving today!" Some people objected, but no one paid any attention to him. Captain Fang gave him a hard look, as if he wanted to see through him.

This couldn't help but make him feel terrified, and he left after a while, for fear that his disguise would be seen through.

"Brother, did you go to the world of the Hobbit?" A young man in his 20s squatted on the ground, glanced at the equipment, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

"Yeah, which one of the match told me, the price is easy to negotiate!" Fang Yun lit a cigarette casually, took out a table from the space, made a pot of green tea, and pretended to be a protracted war, so that some The contractor is very painful.

"Brother, can you not block the attributes of these equipment, and only leak a name, what's the use?" One of the contractors spoke, and the others naturally started to boo.

Fang Yun didn't care, and revealed all the attributes of other equipment, leaving the 'Chain Hammer' undeployed.

"Asog's Chain Hammer" was supposed to be a dark-gold-level plot weapon, but now even if it becomes a gold-colored plot weapon, its attack power is quite exaggerated.

Fang Yun's elf long sword, as a golden plot weapon, only has an attack power of 180~260, but the attack power of this heavy hammer is 230~290.

And strength +6, physical strength +5, although agility -2, but the attribute blessing is still very strong.

It's just that the attack speed is slower, which increases the probability of a critical strike, and has a knockback effect, and a series of exaggerated attributes. In short, being swung around will definitely beat a contractor into a circle.

And this kind of equipment requires specialization in melee heavy weapons, Fang Yun probably won't sell well, so he made some tea and planned to stay for a while.

Although Captain Fang likes to quarrel, when there are too many people on the other side, he can only keep silent, because he can't scold at all.

Quietly smoking and drinking tea to breathe, Hanks and Pete pretended to be going to buy something, but someone pointed it out, saying that the three of them were fooling around here last time.

The incident suddenly leaked out, and the scene was once embarrassing, but Captain Fang was thick-skinned, took out two small benches, and handed them to them, and the three of them persisted here, ignoring others' questions about Dragon Egg.

As time passed, all 6 pieces of equipment were sold out. With Fang Yun's three-inch tongue, he just sold 23000 universal coins, but this is not a big deal. The most important golden plot equipment has not been sold yet. go out.

They also want to wait for a while, maybe there will be local tyrants later, as for going to the formal trading market, it's too cheating, and they have to pay taxes to the space.

Fortunately, Huangtian paid off. Fang Yun was drooling on the chair when a team of five suddenly came.

Hanks pushed him with his hands to wake him up slowly. As a result, five muscular men suddenly appeared in front of him, which really shocked him, thinking that someone was going to do something to him.

"Jin Wu, do you want to buy it? If you can't afford it, don't disturb my sleep." Fang Yun didn't seem to wake up, a little stunned, but found that Hanks was poking him with his hand, and then heard the message from the space to chat privately.

"Brother, please speak in a better tone. Their team is very vigorous, they are very famous in the D area, and they are all super perverted!"

Captain Fang looked at these 5 people in surprise, always felt that they were mischievous, whenever a long-legged female contractor appeared on the side of the road.

These people would always stare at them with squinting eyes, and those female contractors dared not speak out, but the male contractors who followed, seeing these five people, seemed to understand something, and hurried away with their female companions.

"Why is the team so fierce, can they kill people in the killing space?" Fang Yun replied disdainfully.

"They are called 'Motor Wolf'. It is rumored that they have the ability to track female contractors, follow them directly to the next plot world, and then carry out a series of horrific 5V1 incidents. They are very powerful, but not top-notch. But their behavior can be called perverted, even an elemental mage would never want to meet the five of them!" Hanks told a series of stories with lingering fear.

Fang Yun shuddered, and then returned: "Isn't there a powerful team of evolutionists who have enmity with them?"

"They don't dare to mess with big teams, and the top teams don't want to talk to them. Some teams have chased them down, but these 5 people can't beat them and can run, so they returned to the killing space. Anyway, they haven't died yet. They are really a disaster. It's been a millennium."

"That's it, it's okay, anyway, our team doesn't have any girls..."

Then Captain Fang said politely: "Golden plot weapon, 20000 common coins, do you want to buy it?"

"Fuck, this shit sells for 20000? Be an idiot, get the hell out of here, I'm here to see beautiful women on the street."

"Hey, hey, don't stand in his dilapidated booth, let's go to another place to see, the view here is not good enough, brothers, let's go!"

Fang Yun's eyes were dull, and this group of people also huffed and walked away. They seemed to be still discussing whether to follow a female contractor and enter her world, and then what. The long-legged beauties in the entire black market ran away.

But fortunately, as a big man with a strong body and a body like O'Neill walked over, Captain Fang knew that business was coming, so he quickly sat upright, hoping that this guy would buy this thing quickly, otherwise it would all rot in his hands.

 Asking for tickets, I will try my best to write 3000 words per chapter in the future, which is equivalent to 3 chapters per day. After all, the subscription is not strong enough, so I can only shorten the number of chapters and write more.

  My friend's new book, I am the Emperor of Eternal Life, friends who like it can go to support it, the old driver drives, easy class, travel through the myth~ If you don't read it, please accept it as a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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