Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 187 Enter!

Chapter 187 Enter! (addition for Xiao Yuner)

Fang Yun, who returned to Killing Space again, began to exercise in a planned way. However, Fang Yun didn't have much confidence in playing so vainly two days ago. He didn't have much confidence in adding any attribute points, but maintaining a good motor instinct is still relatively good, at least The 500 universal currency of the fitness membership card cannot be spent in vain.

Do a series of high-intensity training every day, and press your limit in the gravity room all day long. Although you don't feel your own attributes increase, your mastery of your body is increasing almost every day. The contractor's attributes will face sudden changes every time. growth, but without proper training.

Even with digitalization, you can make your battle damage not weaker than others, but because of the lack of control over your body, you will always distance people, and in the end, you will not be as good as people with lower attributes than yourself. This is also possible.

Hanks and Pete didn't stay long in the real world. After being close to their families, they returned to Killing Space, so Fang Yun also tried to apply for the formation of a group.

As a result, the team building task told him that entering a separate task world does not overlap with other worlds, that is, Fang Yun is in this separate story world, no matter whether he successfully builds a group or not, after he comes out, he is not counted in the three peaceful story worlds among.

So, after he came out, he could go to another world with Hanks. In this way, Fang Yun didn't have the heart to train anymore, and directly applied to form a team!
"Tips: When you apply to build a team, you can start the task of building a team. The task of building a team will let you enter a random world. You can choose to invite your teammates, 1 to 5, or you alone. If you choose other people to help yourself , the task of building a group will become geometrically more difficult.”

"Myself." Hanks had told him a long time ago, so Fang Yun could only choose to go alone.

"Reminder: You will immediately get the relevant team building missions. You can't get the killing key in the team building missions, and you can't bring back any props or related items, but you can get some items in the story world and use them directly. yourself, and this world will be extremely risky, but your final task evaluation will determine the benefits and team capabilities obtained after the team is established, are you sure you want to do this?"


"Reminder: The mission of forming a group will open a random small plot world for you alone. You need to pay 5000 common currency to generate an exclusive mission channel!"


"Reminder: Because you insulted Killing Space, 100 common coins will be deducted!"

In desperation, Captain Fang had no choice but to pay 5000 universal coins. As for the random small world, what the hell?

"What is the level of the team?" Fang Yun hurriedly asked before leaving.

"Hint: The team level is generally determined according to your team building tasks. It can be divided into 'black iron', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold' and 'epic'"

"And an epic team? Who are there?"

"Reminder: Your military rank is not authorized enough to make inquiries."

"Ahem, let me change the way. Is there any 'epic' level team?" Fang Yun looked expectant.

"Hint: None"

"To what extent can the task of building a team be built into an 'epic' team?"

"Hint: 100% completion of all"

Hearing what Killing Space said, Fang Yun lost interest instantly. In the plot world he has experienced, the task completion can only reach the passing line. However, it says that all completions have reached 100%.
"Reminder: You have paid 5000 common coins, the group building task has been generated, and the small space passage is in your private space, please enter immediately!"

"Warning: The small space channel dedicated to team missions can only last for 5 minutes, please enter immediately!"

Fang Yun spent 100 Universal Coins without hesitation, and returned to his room. Fang Yun wanted to know, if there was a contractor who spent all 5000 Universal Coins, and there was nothing left, the free 3 times of teleportation would be gone.

In the end, he couldn't be teleported back to his bedroom. Looking at such a large killing space, would he cry?

But after seeing this small light gate, Captain Fang stopped thinking about other things. Fortunately, he spent 3000 common coins and bought 5 bottles of medium-level blue-returning potions. The potion has never been used, so there is no need to buy it.

As he stepped into the door of light, his whole body was torn apart again. When he woke up, he found himself lying in a lounge. The simple steel bed frame was covered with sponge cushions. A small alarm clock, this is a house full of metallic colors.

There was an electric mattress on the bed, and the electricity was still on at this time. The room temperature in the room was not too high, at least for normal people, it was impossible for a normal person to wander around the room shirtless.

"bang bang bang"

Before Fang Yun could thoroughly search the room, he heard a knock on the door.

"Pastor, you're out for a meeting."

After Fang Yun opened the door, he saw a Caucasian man. He was wearing a thick down jacket and breathing non-stop. It seemed that no matter how much he wore, he couldn't warm him up. However, his expression was somewhat arrogant and confident. .

On the way to the meeting hall with him, he saw everything outside, and he realized that he was on an icebreaker with endless ice outside. It was conceivable that he was either in the South Pole or the North Pole.

"Hey, buddy, why are you going here?" Fang Yun needs to know what he is going to do as soon as possible, and then activate the main task so that he can have some preparations.

"Of course it's to tell you where you are going. The purpose of Weiland's invitation to you is to hope that you can protect everyone's safety. Oh, it needs your fighting ability, but the following route still needs to be guided by Ms. Lex. Arrange, after all, she is the survival expert."

"Wayland Company?" Fang Yun felt a little impressed, but his memory was not too deep.

He was full of doubts at this time, and said casually: "Very good, no problem."

But this white man looked at him with a scrutiny at this time: "But in my opinion, your strength is not necessarily stronger than those fighters."

"Really, how is their strength?" Fang Yun smiled.

"They're bigger than you..."

Before he finished speaking, with a "bang", Fang Yun slammed his fist heavily on the metal wall, directly hitting a huge fist mark, and there was an echo in the corridor, only to see the white man frightened His face turned purple.

"How about this?" Fang Yun flicked his fingers casually, without a trace of blood at all.

"Sorry, sorry, I was just asking..." Some trembling white men seemed to feel that the wall was not made of steel plates, but some fucking cotton candy, otherwise how could he have such great strength?
Not long after, more than a dozen people came to the entire hall. Fang Yun glanced over, and they were basically scientists. Not many were capable of fighting. The moment the projector was turned on, one of them was several thousand meters below the glacier. The pyramid appeared before him.

Almost instantly, Fang Yun was in a sluggish state. He didn't even hear what the supervisor above said. Sweat broke out involuntarily on his forehead. He even had a thought of escaping from this plot world. A feeling of wanting to take out a weapon and arm myself fully.

Because this world is too scary!
 --Four more done! Call it a day!I'm going to wash up and go to sleep, please ask for a monthly ticket, a recommendation ticket, a reward, okay?
  Thank you guys for your rewards, I can only record these pitfalls.

  People on the fringes, people in dreams and worlds in dreams, vast sheep, good young people everywhere, star control sacrifices, cold moon and night brilliance, pink buns, Emperor Baize, ah, half a catty, life and death, life and death, life and death. , the dark side of Io, the language of the blue sky, the kitten eats the eagle, half a branch of 123
(End of this chapter)

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