Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 196 Parasitism and Death

Chapter 196 Parasitism and Death

Fang Yun, who was still lying on the ground at this time, had already calculated the time it would take to break out of his chest after being parasitized by the alien, and he had also calculated the possible impact on him after being parasitized!
But the most important thing is that after Fang Yun was parasitized, this group of damned aliens would definitely not attack him, otherwise he would be dead!
And at this point, Fang Yun's purpose is obvious, that is to kill the alien empress!
I don't know how long it has passed. When Fang Yun woke up from the ground, he realized that he was being covered in a sticky white substance. When he looked closely, it seemed like white silk threads, but it was like glue. He couldn't move.

Fortunately, he can also use the most powerful, shining, and practical fireball technique, but his hands are close to his body, and when the fireball technique blooms, he seems to smell a smell of barbecue.

"Mad!" As the white matter was roasted off in some places, his hands became useful, and he used all his strength to tear it apart in an instant. Fang Yun, who stood up abruptly, remembered that there was a strange-shaped egg in his stomach. , couldn't help retching.

"Reminder: Contractor 6250, you have been parasitized by alien eggs!"

"Reminder: You have a total of 46 points of physical strength, so there are still 15 minutes and 20 seconds left before the alien egg hatches!"

"Reminder: Contractor 6250, this alien egg cannot be taken out easily, please do not try to attack it, if you hurt it, it is not directly fatal.

Then it will retaliate and devour all the organs in your body. Your life has been threatened at this time. Please find medical equipment and anesthetics as soon as possible, and ask your companions to help you take out the alien eggs! "

"Reminder: You have 14 minutes and 30 seconds left before the end of your life!"

"Fuck you eighteen generations of ancestors!" Since Fang Yun came to this plot world, his mental state was not online, and he was even more broken at this time.

It never occurred to him that he would not be able to take out this thing, but he calmed down and thought about it, if he could dig out the chest cavity and take it out by himself, things like alien shapes would not be so incomprehensible.

14 minutes seems like a lot, but he needs to find the location of the alien empress, in the face of death.

Fang Yun still planned to give it a try, but it turned out that the legendary initial healing technique had no effect on it at all, but the more critical it was, the less messy it was.

He didn't know the location of the alien empress, but he could tell by looking at his feet. This sticky white substance was connected to the hatching room from a passage, and there were even more sticky substances in the passage.

That is to say, that direction is likely to be the location of the Alien Empress, but the things under her feet are like glue, and the running speed cannot be accelerated.

And when he immediately entered the passage, he saw three aliens, one of which was very tall, even stronger than the alien boss he encountered, it should be the personal guard of the alien queen.

When the three-headed alien saw the sudden appearance of a human being, it immediately rushed towards him with a low growl.

But Fang Yun's right hand held the elf long sword tightly, but he didn't dare to show too much, and the three aliens stopped suddenly the moment they hit him immediately, and the biggest alien , leaning over with a huge head.

Slowly opened its ugly and huge mouth, and a stench came to Fang Yun's nose, which could only make him swallow a mouthful of saliva. Following the alien sniffing at him, Fang Yun felt his own The heart has reached the throat, and the distance between the two is so fucking face-to-face.

But what made him breathe a sigh of relief was that this alien head tilted its head, as if surprised at how Fang Yun could run around, but ignored him, and continued patrolling here with the other two alien shapes.

"Reminder: You have 13 minutes left before the end of your life."

"Enough is enough!" Fang Yun was very annoyed by the notification sound, and really wanted to turn it off, but if he really wanted to turn it off, he really didn't even know when he would die.

Originally, the distance between the passages was not too far, but the ground was covered by those sticky substances, and it was very difficult to run, but this is not the most important thing, but there are too many aliens encountered along the way, these stinky idiots, Everyone wanted to smell him, and even had the urge to jump over and overthrow him.

In this situation, Fang Yun was so fucking crying, and when he came to the place where the empress was, he unexpectedly encountered another damn plot time!
That is, as the alien empress struggled and screamed, suddenly some small aliens ran to the empress's body, biting him frantically!

And those patrolling aliens behind him were even still fighting the Predator.

They all rushed back one after another, intending to help the Queen Mother get out of trouble. As they bit the Queen Mother's body, the corrosive blood that came out stained the iron chains, and the Queen Mother was gradually released from the shackles.

And there was a loud bombardment sound behind him, as if the Predator had used energy cannons in order to chase down the alien, and their distance was not too far.

"I don't want to experience this kind of perverted plot in my life again!"

"Reminder: You are 120 seconds away from the end of your life!"

At this moment, he really couldn't procrastinate, otherwise he would definitely die, and the task of building a regiment could only be completed with one black iron, but this was not what he hoped for!
Fang Yun plucked up his courage and decided to rush over, but he didn't dare to use the super energy cannon at this time.

Although this thing is ferocious enough, who knows if this thing has penetrating power.

If he hit a little alien and dealt with it, but didn't kill the empress, then the loss outweighed the gain.

Fang Yun didn't know how much progress he would complete by killing the empress, but he believed that the death of the alien empress was worth more than 10 little aliens!

But just after he ran forward, two extremely tall aliens ran over, not intending to let him pass at all, while the footsteps of the Predator behind him beat against his heart like a stormy sea.

"Damn you guys!!!" Fang Yun was furious. He only had tens of seconds left. He couldn't delay any longer. He pointed his left hand between the two aliens and threw a shock wave.

Lv3's shock wave is the highest level, it can knock a person flying 12 meters away, but both aliens belong to the high-level aliens of the queen's guard, and their physical strength even exceeds his intelligence.

Moreover, the advantages of physical strength and weight completely crushed the priority of shockwaves. After being hit, they only let them drag the ground, and finally retreated three to five meters.

Although the effect was poor, Fang Yun also ran over in an instant, but the moment he rushed over, two alien-shaped guards appeared in front of him again, and the two alien-shaped guards behind him jumped up and roared at him with a strong wind. Come!

But here's your chance!

Fang Yun had already seen the head of the alien empress at this time, which was completely exposed in his sight, and the moment the four aliens rushed towards him immediately.

An invisible force surged out of his body in an instant. The violent thought power crushed the bluestone under his feet, and with a wave of air, it rolled away in all directions. The four aliens seemed to be blown by a tornado. The whole body spins and flies away.

"The opportunity is here!!!"

His line of sight at this time completely saw the head of the alien empress, but the moment he was about to take out the super energy cannon from the storage space.

Fang Yun suddenly felt a chill on his back, and a telescopic spear of a predator pierced through his abdomen, and a huge force came from behind, dragging his body and flying up, heavy Crash onto the steps below the Alien Queen.

"Ah, my leg!!" The spear was thrown over, with exaggerated force, like a giant crossbow used to attack a city.

Dragging his body, he violently plunged into the bluestone. Under the impact of this high-speed impact, Fang Yun's legs knocked on the steps and were broken in an instant.

"Cough, vomit..." And his head also hit the steps, his face was almost covered in blood, but he didn't care about these, and he raised his head regardless of the pierced abdomen and broken legs.

He suddenly found an opportunity, and it appeared again. Fang Yun could clearly see the alien's chin, and the alien queen was also looking down at him, but when Fang Yun wanted to take out the super energy cannon again.

An indescribable pain suddenly erupted in his chest. The alien was biting his chest cavity and his ribs. The pain was unbearable.

With that exaggerated pain, Fang Yun's eyes darkened in pain, and he felt a surge of blood, which gathered in his throat, and then flowed down from his mouth and nostrils.

He no longer knew how to take out the super energy cannon. It seemed that time had stopped and his thoughts were no longer turning. Everything fell into the abyss. In a daze, he felt that he should die.

But when a person is dead, how can he have thinking?

(End of this chapter)

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