Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 2 Dataization

Chapter 2 Dataization

Of the Hobbit trilogy, the first part is naturally an accidental trip. In short, all the movies and plots of the Lord of the Rings have the shadow or connection of the Supreme Lord of the Rings. Fang Yun has carefully studied the movies with elves. Especially Lord of the Rings movies.

Discover the hidden talent ability of Contractor (Apostle) No. 6250: Affinity (Passive).Some plot characters, animals, and plants will naturally increase your favorability by 20 points, and there will be certain discounts when buying things from plot characters.

"Explanation: The hidden innate ability belongs to the ability that you are about to awaken but has not yet mastered. Therefore, it can only be used in the killing space and is invalid in other environments. Once you have mastered this innate ability, you can use it in any environment. .”

"Explanation: The evaluation of this hidden talent ability is: B+."

(Evaluation: Lucky ability, 20 favorability points as the starting point, you are a born diplomat.)
Your basic attributes are as follows, and the average attributes of normal human men are in brackets.

Race: Half-elves (sons of humans and high elves)

(Comment: Killing Space has doubts about you, a non-human being, do you dare to say it, how did you escape from Killing Space?)
Strength: 11 points (5) Strength determines the power of some melee attacks, can enhance your own weight-bearing ability, and wear and use some heavy and powerful armor/weapons.

Dexterity: 15 points (5) Dexterity determines your movement speed and shooting speed, and it can also determine your dodge rate, and it also has a certain impact on physical long-range attacks.

Stamina: 10 points (5) Basic Stamina: Stamina determines your ability to fight and fight, and it also determines your persistent running/combat ability. It also has a partial impact on the speed of life recovery and defense. The speed of life recovery and physical strength / 2 minutes (That is to say, Fang Yun can automatically recover 5 points of health every minute at this time), your current maximum health limit + physical strength X10 = 100 points of health.

In the state of serious injury, the recovery speed of HP will be greatly slowed down. (below 10% of health)
Basic Defense = Stamina / 2
Fang Yun's current defense = 5 points

Defense is the main attribute to reduce enemy damage, and defense can also shorten the duration of various abnormal states (coma, freezing, deceleration, stun, paralysis, burning, etc.) on you.

The damage reduction conversion formula is: Reduced damage percentage = (defense X0.4) / (defense X0.4 + 10)

The damage reduction ratio is: 1 point of defense is equivalent to reducing all damage by about 4% / at the same time shortening the duration of various abnormal states on you by 4%
5 Defense can reduce all damage by about 16% / At the same time shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 16%
10 points of defense can reduce all damage by about 28% / and shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 28%.

15 points of defense can reduce all damage by about 37% / At the same time shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 37%
50 points of defense can reduce all damage by about 66% / At the same time shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 66%
100 points of defense can reduce all damage by 80% / at the same time shorten the duration of various abnormal states on you by 80%
The higher the defense, the smaller the increased damage reduction.

Perception: 17 (5) Perception is the collective name of your hearing, intuition, vision, etc. Perception mainly enables you to have a certain chance to discover the dangers around you in advance, and to observe the surrounding environment faster and more carefully. The higher the perception People, the higher the probability of discovering imminent danger, the earlier they are. In the real world, there are often people with high perception, such as some soldiers, who predict the crisis in advance and dodge bullets.Perception will also affect the accuracy of all attacks. An excellent long-range fire striker must also use good perception to suppress the enemy.

Note: When the enemy's perception is similar to yours, or higher than yours, your anticipation will be weakened or even offset. If the enemy's perception is too high compared to yours, it will have an overwhelming advantage, or even can mislead you.

Wisdom: 16 points (5) Wisdom determines the upper limit of your mental power, the recovery speed of mental power, and intuitively determines the number of times you release skills.Your maximum MP value = Wisdom X10.

Fang Yun's MP value at this time = 160.

Intelligence: 15 points (5) Intelligence has a bonus effect on your energy power, and directly determines the critical strike rate of your ability.

Charm: 19 points (5) Charm is a general term for abilities such as appearance, temperament, eloquence, affinity, etc. Charm mainly enables you to better communicate with the characters in the plot, more likely to learn various magical abilities, and successfully reduce the plot The attack rate of the characters against you is more likely to make the plot characters have a good impression of you. In addition, some charm/summoning abilities have rigid requirements for charm.And charisma has an additional bonus to this ability, and people with high charisma will also have an extra boost when they earn prestige.

Lucky:? ? ? (Hidden attribute, not to be viewed.)
Passive Skill: True Luck Lv7.

(Comment: Your parents have definitely paid a high price for your newborn baby, believe me, you are lucky to have this, and you will be really lucky.)
When you are in the killing zone, (HP recovery speed = (physical strength/2) per minute) your current health value is 100 points, (MP recovery speed = (wisdom/3) per minute) the upper limit of mental power is 160 points .When your HP is lower than 2 points, your mobility will be affected, and when your HP is below 0 points, you will die. When your mental power is lower than 1 point, you will experience dizziness, nausea, fatigue and other symptoms, and your mental power will be 0 points. fell into a deep coma.

Your body has been digitized, no matter you are in the real world or Killing Space, damage to fatal areas such as your brain/heart will not cause you to die immediately, but will greatly increase the critical strike chance of your attack.When the cumulative damage to some functional parts of you by the locals, such as eyes/ears/nose/joints, reaches one-third of your total HP, functional loss effects such as blindness/deaf-mute/disabled will appear .

Functional loss effects cannot be restored by rest/common medicine, etc.Under normal circumstances, it is possible to return to the killing space for treatment, and it is not ruled out that plot characters/rare medicines/contractors who have mastered the healing ability can treat them.

Feeling the subtle changes in his body, Fang Yun shrugged and thought, if his body had been digitized long ago, he would not have been hunted down so badly.

More importantly, if the digitalized body is attacked on fatal places such as the head and chest, there will be no sure kills. Although it will become a critical strike, it cannot die immediately. This is a miracle.

And there are red horizontal bars and blue horizontal bars under the corners of the eyes, which are the health bar (HP100 points) and mental power bar (MP160 points) respectively.

Fang Yun looked at his charm value, and then glanced at his talent: affinity.

"What does my charisma have to do with talent?" Fang Yun said these words silently in his heart, and as expected, a mechanical and indifferent voice rang in his ears.

"Because your talent is extremely special, your charm value will directly affect the effect of your talent."

Fang Yun curled his lips when he heard these words, and he didn't reveal any data. He didn't need to fart. Of course he knew his talent: affinity and charm were linked.

(End of this chapter)

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