Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 213 Super shameless tug of war!

Chapter 213 Super shameless tug of war!
Wolverine suddenly turned into a werewolf, so he must belong to a dark creature, but after Fang Yun jumped up, the direction was not him, but the illusionist behind him. Ares passed by him and exchanged opponents instantly.

This is not only what Fang Yun wants to exchange, but Ares also plans to do this, because the illusionist is too difficult to deal with, and Ares's defense is super strong, which can restrain Wolverine, and if he can kill them, The killing key that exploded was also a melee and a mage, so the distribution was obviously more reasonable.

Seeing Fang Yun holding a long sword, the illusionist finally sneered: "Dual cultivation of magic and martial arts, so you are the seed player of Killing Space."

"But no matter how strong you are as a contractor, you're nothing more than that!" The lightning from the staff in his hand flickered, and electric arcs splashed on the ground, directly scorching the branches and leaves on the ground. Before Fang Yun rushed in front of him, a light blue The power of thunder has struck.

But he didn't see Fang Yun's eyes at this time, which had turned into a piece of silver. The power of thunder and the barrier of thought power collided together. He only saw that the blue lightning could not penetrate the thin layer of thought power at all, and could only shoot in all directions. gallop away.

"No matter how strong a mage is, he's still a piece of rubbish when he gets close!" Fang Yun snorted coldly. The thunder force was so powerful that it directly knocked out more than 600 health points of the barrier, but he had already come in front of the illusionist. , he wondered if Ares was an excuse, is he difficult?
Seeing the illusionist's tense face, Fang Yun slashed down with his sword vertically, with a "stab", Fang Yun felt as if he was cutting tofu, piercing through a white quality shoe, and the illusionist had already run behind him.

Seeing that his staff was shining again, and an exaggerated super fireball hit, Fang Yun could only turn his head and block the mental barrier in front of him. With the explosion of a huge fireball, the two disappeared, but he was caught off guard. Next, he was still blown aside by the explosive fireball, and felt a burning heat and severe pain on his face that he dared not touch.

"Hint: The enemy's attack on you has caused 203 points of damage."

The Illusionist just sneered, his fireball technique is not rubbish, but Lv7 super burst fireball technique, which is completely more powerful than grenade, and the cooldown time is not long, he waved his staff without hesitation in pursuit of victory, a A blue lightning ball roared towards Fang Yun.

There were 5 blue lightning balls, Fang Yun dodged three of them, but was still bombed by the other two.

"Hint: You have been hit twice by chain lightning balls, causing a total of 312 points of damage."

Seeing the miserable priest, the illusionist was trying to understand him, but he felt a huge hand holding him, and an unstoppable force pulled him back. The distance between the two was less than one inch in an instant. rice.

Fang Yun, whose face was completely burnt, was ferocious and terrifying, but these two attacks only caused more than 500 damage to him, but to him, what a fart, a single healing technique can restore more than 200 damage! ! !
"I said before, the magician is a P in front of me!" The surging and powerful elf sword directly penetrated the illusionist's body, but the expected blood did not flow out. The expressionless illusionist, Become a white quality equipment again.

An exaggerated sense of danger appeared from the top of his head, only to see the sky covered with dark clouds, and with the sound of a thunderclap, a blue thunderbolt struck his head in an instant, Fang Yun was completely unstoppable and was blown away by the thunderbolt, I just felt that blood kept leaving on my head, and my body felt like it was scorched.

"Reminder: The enemy's attack on you has caused 513 points of damage, and every 5 seconds, it will cause a persistent paralysis state for 30 seconds. (Paralysis state: interrupt skills, interrupt offensive.) "

Fang Yun, who was struggling to vomit blood, only felt at this time that such a difficult problem, no wonder Ares didn't want to face this kind of unbeatable guy.

The illusionist looked at Fang Yun, who was covered in pitch black, with tiny electric arcs flashing on his body, and was surprised that he was not dead yet. He really didn't expect that this contracted person who practiced both magic and martial arts would be so difficult to deal with. Almost the last blow!

But Fang Yun's heart was already burning with anger, and he directly used the team skill, Rain of Life, to restore 50% of the upper limit of the total health within ten seconds. For Fang Yun's health, it is basically More than 100 points per second.

"I've said it before, the magician is nothing in front of me!" Fang Yun's hand of thought, the cooldown was reset to zero again, and directly crushed the magician who was performing the skill.

It was easy to pull him over, but even the caught illusionist still sneered arrogantly. With a sword slashing on his head, although Fang Yun killed one of his white quality equipment again, he could not After receiving the side effect of paralysis, the body stopped in embarrassment.

The disappearing illusionist laughed again, and waved the fireball at Fang Yun!
However, at this moment, Captain Fang's expression was cold, and he directly used the shape-shifting switch, which allowed him to instantly move to a position visible to the naked eye. Fang Yun, who swung his sword the next time, directly inserted heavily into the illusionist's stomach.

At that moment, Fang Yun even saw a look of panic on the illusionist's face, and his long sword still pierced the illusionist's body, but pierced through a silver magic robe, and the silver special effect has disappeared , obviously this magic robe has been scrapped.

"Damn you..." The illusionist was about to wave his staff angrily, but Fang Yun's casting speed was faster, and the shock wave came to the illusionist's back in the blink of an eye, and a huge thrust sent him directly in front of Fang Yun .

Fang Yun with a cold expression stabbed his sword again, and blood finally couldn't wait, gushing out from the illusionist's abdomen. It wasn't that the illusionist had no cooldown and couldn't use skills, but that he couldn't afford it!

Fang Yun didn't give him a chance to take out his equipment at all. If he was hacked a few times, his wealth would be lost.

He could only resist the sword forcefully, enduring the sharp pain and the urge to vomit blood, the golden staff glowed with white light, and a huge thrust came out, directly separating the two of them by more than ten meters, the illusionist took a military potion without hesitation , otherwise the life value will bottom out soon.

Once again, he took out a white outfit from the space and held it in his hand, as if he was going to spend like Fang Yun to the end.

However, Fang Yun, who fully understands the tricks of the illusionist, just sneered: "I am a priest playing consumption, I just want to say, how many hours do you have to cool down for those high-damage skills?"

Then Fang Yun used the hand of thought power, grabbed it with a sword, he ran away at once, Fang Yun was rushing over, the two of them will be chopped when you come, and throw skills when I run away.

After fighting for nearly 20 minutes, Ares ended the battle early. He wanted to come to help, but he was entangled by the dragon monster. At this time, he was almost beaten into a dog.

Fang Yun pierced the illusionist's chest with his sword again, and the illusionist, who had nothing left except the staff, was really chopped down by Fang Yun.

The illusionist who had already exhausted Fang Yun's face was full of panic at this time: "Let me go, pastor, I am worth a lot, I can go to the killing space and be your servant!!!"

"I'm really sorry, you are such a disgusting person, I won't cheat on the little friends of the Killing Space." Fang Yun immediately swung his sword to kill him, but the illusionist roared ferociously: "You kill my staff! It's gone, you'll never get anything from me!"

"Shabi, I have gloves, I want some staffs!" Captain Fang spat on his face, chopped off his head with a sword, and the spatial information appeared instantly.

"Reminder: You have killed the contractor and obtained his killing key."

"Reminder: You have killed the seed players in Ark Space, completed the side missions, and killed the hostile space contractors."

Fang Yun licked his lips at this time, this guy's staff can't be used as a dead ghost, it means that the staff must be in the killing key!
 -. - The weather is hot, so I can only code at night. It will be really hot during the day, and there is no air conditioner.
(End of this chapter)

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