Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 229 Chapter 3 See Suman again~

Chapter 229 No.30 see Suman again~
Ares is so hard-pressed, and the three of them can’t keep torturing him, so they directly use Captain Fang’s room as a place for dinner, and have a good meal. Fang Yun bought a lot of ingredients, a full 400 GM coins, all kinds of delicacies .

The money was spent, which almost broke Boss Fang a little.

The four gentlemen had dinner together, and of course they had nothing else to do except drink. I didn't know how many cases of wine they drank, and each of them was so drunk that they even wanted to go to the bar.

Fang Yun was also the first time the big girl got on the sedan chair, and she had never been to the bar in Space.

Following the flash of three white lights, he came directly to the door of the bar. After opening the door, he really entered another world, with colorful lights shining, and on the stage in the middle, there were many girls in revealing clothes.

"FUCK, are these people employees of Killing Floor, or contractors?" Fang Yun's eyes widened. The stage was full of beauties in fashionable clothes, from all over the world, and they were so beautiful that they were stimulating everyone's hormones.

Hanks followed him shoulder to shoulder and said with a blushing smirk: "Of course you are a contractor, you can earn extra money here. If you pay 500 common coins, you can find a girl and play for a whole day. All poses are unlocked." , that cool, that small waist, that small butt, it’s just too tight, and you don’t know, it’s quite tight.”

"..." Fang Yun's mouth twitched, he came to the front desk and ordered a glass of whiskey. He was not interested in girls who spent money.

As for Hanks who always comes here, he is quite familiar. Before he could say hello, two white chicks in black silk came and put their arm around a small waist, and greeted them. shadow.

Afterwards, Ares and Pete were not good guys, and they rushed into the middle of the stage one after another, looking for their own goals.

After all, not all the women who come to the bar are for sale, many of them are looking for excitement.

Fang Yun was just drinking wine in silence, and no one came over. After all, there are so many handsome guys in the space, and many of them have plastic surgery, and they are no worse than Fang Yun.

"You guys play first, I'll go shopping in the black market." After saying something in the team channel, Fang Yun left here without interest. After all, the pressure on him from the next plot world is too great, and he is not interested in finding any women at this time.

After arriving at the black market, Captain Fang directly bought 6 bottles of medium-dose combat recovery potions. Drinking each bottle directly restores 300 points of health, and in the remaining 10 seconds, restores 200 points of life and cools down for 10 minutes.

A bottle of 500 common coins, a full 3000 points.

And Captain Fang happened to have 10000 common coins left, and 11 potential points, but he didn't plan to spend any more at this time. He had 4 pieces of golden plot equipment, sword, armor, ring, and shield.

There are also a lot of other equipment, if you wear them all, the attributes can reach a very strong level, there is no need to prepare other things at all.

As for the remaining common currency and potential points, it is better to go to the story world. Depending on the situation, it is not bad to choose to upgrade some skills.

When Fang Yun returned home, he didn't plan to train. He chose some movies to watch, especially those with exaggerated difficulty and scary plots.

Of course, there is also the theme of the end of the world, which Fang Yun pays the most attention to. After all, this kind of world is relatively difficult, and some magical, sci-fi, and supernatural themes should not be missed.

Captain Fang is also quite afraid. If he really enters the plot world with ghosts, although the elf sword in his hand has sacred attributes and can cause great damage to it, but he is afraid of ghosts, so he will be surprised and very special. How scary.

The four of them get together every day to eat delicious food and drink spicy food, not for anything else, mainly because Fang Yun wants everyone to get to know each other well and try not to cause conflicts.

Fortunately, Captain Fang's coordination ability is very strong, and the team itself has no weaklings to be looked down upon. Sometimes Hanks and Ares are compared with each other.

Just think about Fang Yun's perverted attributes, and in an instant, all passion is gone.

than what?

Two little scumbags, they are about to break through all attributes.

Since no one could be left at home for a long time, who knows if a security guard knocked on the door suddenly, Fang Yun teleported back to the villa at home on the fifth day.

There was a faint layer of dust on the ground. Fang Yun frowned, opened the windows, and called the housekeeping service center again, asking them to come and clean the house tomorrow.

Captain Fang, who was too depressed in his heart, drove his Porsche 918 to the edge of the West Lake, leaned on the fence, and just looked at the lake not far away.

From time to time, a fish jumped up on the emerald green lake, and the breeze blew slowly, but his thoughts were only scattered, but his mind was in a daze, thinking about how to face the next plot world.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly turned his head and finally saw the beautiful president Su Man whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Su Man seemed to have changed her temper. She was wearing a light yellow long dress and her long black hair was flowing in the wind. She was extremely sexy, but now she gave Fang Yun a pure feeling.

"What's the matter, it seems that every time you have something on your mind, you will come here?" She walked over in high heels and stood with him, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

A few strands of long hair blew onto Fang Yun's face with the breeze, carrying a faint fragrance. For some reason, I saw Suman's uneven figure from the side.

Boss Fang suddenly felt as if he pushed her down on the bed and ravaged her severely.

Mustering up the courage to do it, Fang Yun didn't speak, and came to Suman's back silently, with his hands on her back, feeling the soft and tender body, he slowly moved forward to caress, although the body of the woman in front of him trembled slightly , but did not refuse, Fang Yun hugged her tightly without hesitation.

Put your head close to her cheek and smell her breath: "It's been a long time since I saw you, where have you been?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Suman's eyes, and he shook his head, but Fang Yun never saw it.

"Do you know where I went? I went to a wonderful space that allows people to enter different movie worlds!" Fang Yun finally made up his mind and said these words.

Sure enough, Su Man was not surprised, but heaved a sigh of relief, and slowly took Fang Yun's dog's paw, which he was touching upwards, and took it off his breast.

"You too, why, you are a little contractor, you want to touch me?" Suman suddenly turned his head, and held back his pair of bad guys, but licked them seductively. Those red lips.

Fang Yun broke away from her hands violently, pressed her against the railing, pressed her delicate body tightly, and kissed that small mouth without hesitation, not only kissed, but also touched her hands habitually, the pair The twin peaks are firm and flexible, and the feeling of being unable to hold them at all makes Fang Yun wish to punish this arrogant little woman on the spot.

"Presumptuous!!" Suman suddenly felt a pain in his chest, snorted softly, pushed him away with a red face, and there was a trace of anger on his face.

"Let's go, come home with me!" Fang Yun became sexually interested, how could he let her go.

As a result, Boss Su looked at him provocatively again, pushed him away, and drove away without hesitation. At that time, unless Fang Yun did something, he couldn't stop her no matter what.

"Watfak?" Captain Fang looked at his little brother in a daze, and could only yell at this Suman for being so inhuman that he ran away after teasing him.

(End of this chapter)

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