Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 24 Specialization Scroll

Chapter 24 Specialization Scroll
Fang Yun doesn't care how they scold her, anyway, I just don't care about you, and the sudden addition of 1600 common currency points is hard to do such a good thing. Although some people abuse Fang Yun, generally the sellers who can be scolded are basically Something good, otherwise you won't be able to fool anyone.

In this way, it attracted quite a few people. Seven or eight of them pushed away the contractors surrounding Fang Yun in groups. A woman with a haughty expression was always holding a shining silver staff in her hand. One of the short men said something to the woman, and then pointed to Fang Yun.

After seeing Fang Yun's appearance, the woman was obviously taken aback, and said casually, "How do you sell this silver item?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this is a team member. Fang Yun finally said without hesitation: "5000 common currency."

"Why don't you go grab it?" The short man who needs this item, if it wasn't because the team is about to enter the killing field in the next game, how could he not even be able to buy a single item if he bought the life potion with common coins? He looked at Fang Yun viciously, but it was a pity that Brother Yun didn't care at all.

"Would you like to buy it or not, unless you trade it for equipment or props, or you will bite me?" Fang Yunjian stretched out his hand, and called you come, come here!

The short man took several deep breaths before holding back, and the mage woman walked up to him: "Are you attacking or long-range, I have this."

"Melee weapon specialization scroll!"

Rarity: Rare

Use effect: Allows you to master basic ability advancement: melee light weapon Lv1.

Requirements for use: strength of 11 points or more, physical strength of 10 points or more.

Requirements: Basic Melee Lv1, Basic Footwork Lv1, Basic Endurance Lv1.

Description: Learning this skill requires 1 potential point.

Description: Make you proficient in all melee weapons, and greatly improve your melee attack power, dodge rate, and block rate.

Explanation: The basic abilities of scrolls are usually divided into three types: mastery, proficiency, and specialization, among which specialization is the rarest.These three items are the advancement of basic abilities, but if you choose one of the advancements, for example, the advancement is mastery, you will not be able to choose proficiency or specialization.

Therefore, the vast majority of contractors are holding back their big moves and buying a specialization scroll.

Fang Yun is not interested in this scroll. What he wants is a long-range specialization scroll, and he doesn't like short-range, but after thinking about it, if he can learn the hand, it is also a hole card. Even if he doesn't learn it, this thing is still valuable. A thing that has no market, for melee players, they are absolutely willing to pay a high price to buy it.

The mage woman glanced at him indifferently. She didn't want to take out the specialization scroll, but the whole team was about to enter the killing field and needed a lot of common currency to buy potions and props, so she had no money in her pocket.

And even if this scroll is used now, in a short period of time, without potential points and common coins, it will not increase its power too much.

But Fang Yun directly displayed the information of his basic long-distance combat Lv7, which made the mage woman's face change slightly. The opponent is not a melee player at all, so this scroll is extremely worthless to him, because each contractor has only one choice , melee, defense, physical long-range, magic long-range, etc. If this person is a basic long-range, he will not be able to learn melee specialization at all, so it is naturally worthless to him.

"Okay, tell me a price!" The mage woman took a deep breath and said slowly.

"This silver plot item, exchange your scroll, and you are adding 1000 common coins!" Fang Yun asked the price extremely shamelessly.

The faces of the many teammates behind this woman turned black. I don't know how to say such a shameless thing. There is a limit to being shameless. Although this is a black market, you don't have to be so shameless. Anyone can tell the difference. The role of the specialization scroll is permanent, not a temporary item. Although there is a critical time and a critical price, it can't be like this. Even if you are not melee, you can still sell this scroll.

The mage woman took a deep breath: "You pay 2000 common coins, plus silver plot props, and this specialization scroll is given to you for only 3 seconds, otherwise we won't buy it."



"OK, buy one and play casually!" Fang Yun shrugged. After the transaction between the two was completed, the mage woman gave him a disdainful look, with deep contempt in her eyes. It was obvious that a handsome face was useless. In Killing Space, you have to have skills, but not bargaining skills...
I haven't learned the scroll yet, so I went to the black market and bought 900 bottles of low-level potions to restore MP for 3 common coins.

Drinking a bottle instantly recovers 50 MP, and then restores 20 MP every second for 5 seconds, for a total of 150 MP.

The remaining 600 common coins allowed him to buy the basic endurance scroll, which can also be learned with only one potential point.

Basic Endurance Lv1: Increases own defense by 1%, and increases HP by an additional 10 points.

Generally speaking, a potential point was wasted, but this basic stamina Lv1 is really garbage. Generally speaking, the advanced specialization of this ability should be very good, but unfortunately I really don't have the money to buy it.

"Okay, it's time to learn this scroll." Fang Yun slowly clicked on the light weapon melee specialization scroll.

"Hint: Your compatibility with melee weapon specialization has reached 88%, and the learning success rate is also 88%."

Fang Yun didn't expect that there was such a saying, but the 88% success rate is already very high, so he learned it without hesitation...
As a result, the entire scroll turned into streaks of starlight and rushed directly into Fang Yun's body. For a moment, he felt that he was full of strength, and a stream of heat flowed around his body. Ren Du's second line....
Melee weapon specialization Lv1: Let you skillfully use various melee weapons (excluding special heavy weapons, such as mace, big hammer, etc.), increase melee attack power by 7%, melee dodge rate by 7%, and melee parry The rate is 7%.

Basic melee and melee specialization cannot be superimposed. After learning melee specialization, only melee specialization will be added.

"Space, why does the learning scroll still have a success rate and fit?" Fang Yun had some doubts. Fortunately, he was lucky, otherwise he might have bought the scroll for nothing.

"Hint: Everyone has a combat talent, that is, each contractor generally only has one combat method, such as melee, defense, long-range, or magic. The specialization scroll represents your understanding and talent for this combat method. Of course Very few people can choose two-way or even multiple combat talents, but the price is that you need to pay more potential points and common coins."

The corner of Fang Yun's mouth curled up. It was true. To upgrade melee weapon specialization from Lv1 to Lv2, 3 potential points and 3000 common currency points are needed. It is conceivable that if there are a few more ability specializations, these things alone will be enough. I can bear it.

I regretted it for a while, but Fang Yun thought it was nothing to learn. Lv1 only needs 1 general point, which is almost the price of cabbage. If you don’t learn it, you don’t learn it.

I still have 10 potential points, but I don’t have common coins. Other basic abilities, except for basic endurance, are at the lowest level of Lv3, and I need 4 potential points to upgrade to level 2, 2000 common coins. I have no money at all!
(End of this chapter)

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