Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 277 Above the Mountains

Chapter 277 Above the Mountains (+2 More)
The master builders of the dwarves didn't come out until it was dark. For a while, Fang Yun wanted to rush in with people. After all, these guys are more precious than any dark gold plot characters.

The three dwarf masters looked excited. They had already started the bonfire party. After all, so many people came and there were a lot of resources, it was definitely time to celebrate. The beautiful and unparalleled elf women picked up their instruments and began to play one after another.

The wonderful notes reverberate in the small village, which really makes people feel more comfortable, and it can also bless some special effect attributes BUFF.

And the village is so powerful, with the guard force of a legion, I don't know how happy these suffering civilians are.

Fang Yun's powerful charm and talent easily infected them. Not only civilians, but with his talent, he can definitely control these subordinates firmly in his hands.

As long as the time is long enough, the favorability can definitely reach 100 points.

The crowd gathered around the huge bonfire and happily ate barbecue. Some Spartan soldiers found many wild beasts when they were cutting down trees, and they caught them easily without much effort. It's gone.

Although the elves don't know how to eat this kind of food, they abide by the laws of nature and know that human beings need to supplement this kind of meat to survive in a healthy way, so they don't have any prejudice against it, at most they don't eat it themselves.

Fang Yun and the other main characters gather around a small bonfire. The characters above the golden plot are all here, and of course there are various masters of those dwarves.

One of the dwarf masters was drinking red wine, his face was glowing red from the flames, and his beard was full of wine, but he happily said to Fang Yun: "We inspected the river cave today, and there are many metal veins in this mountain range. , Only with enough manpower to mine, we dwarves can create the best equipment."

Fang Yun toasted a glass of wine to express his gratitude: "I don't know what else the master discovered? For example, how should our village be built?"

Not only him, but the three of Hanks are also very concerned about this issue. There is no need to worry about equipment now. The most important thing is to build a village and collect refugees.

"Haha, don't worry, Your Highness. In fact, we have thought about it. We plan to build our village on the river cave, because the terrain above the river cave is relatively flat. Although it is covered with nearly 2 meters of soil, the bottom is extremely hard lead." Mine, we are in the river cave, and we can see the exposed lead mine when we look up."

"The distance between the top of the river cave and the upper land is at least 50 meters. There are so many lead mines as interlayers, which is enough for us to build tall houses without the slightest problem. What's more, there are so many people besides us. Magic elves, I have never thought about the combination of the two, so we may build a great city!"

The dwarf master said happily. After all, the dwarves and elves joined forces to build the city, but nothing happened.

But Fang Yun was confused, and asked: "Didn't we regard this river as a natural danger, so that the orcs could not attack from here, but now it has become, we want to build on the river cave, on this mountain range?" city?"

Fang Yun was a little dazed by this exaggerated construction situation, and looked back at the several thousand-meter-high mountain range. From the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, there were dense trees all the time, and further up, there were bare snow-capped peaks.

From the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain, the mountain is relatively gentle, but when it goes up, it tends to a 90-degree angle.

"Yes, and this is also our advantage. This river has a gentle flow, but there is enough water. We can dig two river channels to the left and right sides to surround the foot of the mountain, and finally open up the river water to turn them into moats."

"We will build a village above this river cave. Since the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain is flat land, we only need to cut down the trees at the foot of the mountain to build a place enough for tens of thousands of people to live in."

The lover master talked eloquently, but the elf prince was not happy. You cut down all the trees, where should we live?

"What about the elves? Do we have to live in ordinary houses? Please forgive me. Even if I can accept this, most elves can't accept it." Legolas was very responsible for the other elves.

Hearing this, the dwarf master shook his head: "We only need the land at the foot of the mountain, that is, the slightly flat land above the river cave. It is enough to cut down those trees, and above, the patches of trees , You can build the best tree house anywhere, and stand far away, when the orcs attack, you can even shoot directly with bows and arrows without leaving your house."

Legolas glanced at the towering mountains, and apologized to the dwarf master, because he found that the terrain above the river cave was indeed very large, and the river cave was more than 80 meters above their flat ground. Built on top of the river cave, the nearly 80-meter-high mountain is a natural city wall, and with a little reinforcement, it can become the best protection circle.

Fang Yun had to admire the brains of the dwarves, but the main cities of Middle-earth were built on mountains, such as Rivendell, such as Lonely Mountain, such as Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor.

They all built great cities to defend against half-orcs, all relying on natural dangers to defend against ferocious half-orcs.

Therefore, the master architects in Middle-earth all have the awesome means of building on the mountain!
Fang Yun had no choice but to believe them, because these three dwarf masters were the ones he and Sorin had exhausted to come, and all three agreed with this statement, so why doesn't Boss Fang believe it?
In fact, according to the dwarf master, Fang Yun felt that the moat didn't matter, but the dwarf master disagreed, saying that it was also to increase the difficulty of the orcs attacking the city.

But the river cave is an important place, they must guard it, otherwise people will seize the river, and a super magic will come in the middle of the river, then their city will probably suffer and collapse.

Everyone has confidence in guarding the river channel. It is almost impossible for them to enter the river channel by boat from the front. As for coming from the ocean, as long as the sentry is arranged in advance, they can easily find it.

What's more, there are 18 earth magicians in the elves. Fang Yun has already decided that they will accompany the dwarves to build the master, and strengthen the river channel for a month, which is the foundation below them.

He didn't believe it, even if the legendary magician came, could he blow up a mountain at once?

If the enemy really has such ability, then they still build a fart village.

The warlocks who really have this ability are manifested in the tribe at this time, that is, Gul'dan. After all, what they have experienced is a modified version of the movie magic.

But isn't it a little too much for Gul'dan to personally come to Sunset Village to attack the city wall?

The celebration dinner lasted until midnight, but Fang Yun also went to bed early, and there will be more things tomorrow.

In short, this period of time will not be idle.

What's more, he also plans to make some deals with Stormwind City.

 There should be another chapter. I can finish writing before 12 o'clock. More than 80 change
(End of this chapter)

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