Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 289 Silver Legion, Gold Legion?

Chapter 289 Silver Legion, Gold Legion? (1 more)
"Big harvest, big harvest!" Fang Yun was so happy that he was drooling at this time. Although he had many dwarf masters under his command, he was happier with ready-made equipment, and the unused ones were reworked, or It can be sold.

The elves jumped down from the trees one after another and began to collect the equipment of this group of guys. The spoils dropped by this war mode cannot be used by the contractors, but the plot characters are fine.

The dwarf master builder came over at this time, looked at the effect of the Black Dragon battleship, nodded directly and said, "We have two roads on the left and right, and they are built next to the river. If the enemy comes, we will not only face the attack from above, To face the artillery on the river, it would be as difficult as going up to the sky."

"Well, you have the final say on this, but it's time to chisel the wall, otherwise these guys can also run to other places from the small road. When we finish building, they want to attack from other places except the roads on both sides of the river. , unless using a siege ladder or siege tower."

But at this time Fang Yun smiled, if these guys want to use siege ladders or something, it will be easier...

Today is destined to be a sleepless night for many people. It took more than an hour for many elves and others to pull all these equipments from the corpses.

Of course, by the way, these more than 1200 corpses were also dragged down the mountain road. Looking at such a high mountain of corpses, it still exudes a pungent bloody smell, and this smell is harmful to some wild animals in the forest. is extremely attractive.

However, the murderous aura here is too heavy, and there are hundreds of elf warriors in armor. They can only hide in the bushes, showing green eyes, but they dare not approach.

"Dig a hole and bury them!" Fang Yun looked at the dead enemies in front of him with sympathy. He could only say that they were too unlucky. They came from other planes and hadn't realized the beauty of this world. It's really sad to die like this.

"Why, seeing so many people die, do you feel a little emotional?" Ares couldn't help but asked next to him, as if he didn't realize that Fang Yun was still a sentimental person.

Fang Yun said lightly: "Is there?"

"Why not, you're about to cry!"

"I'm touched, these guys are not dead, how can I get so much equipment!" After saying this, Captain Fang laughed, and couldn't help it. He just hoped that there would be more of these bastard enemies. What sympathy, does not exist...

A master builder of dwarves looked at the equipment storage room and felt that the place was still too small. There would be more enemies to die in the future, so he probably had to dig a little bigger, so he decided to continue digging deeper tomorrow...

"Master, how many pieces of equipment are there in total, and what level are they?" Fang Yun found him. The spoils are not distributed directly, but recovered first, and then distributed.

And these five master builders are the best candidates, and they can easily assign levels to these equipment.

"The equipment is not bad. After our simple screening, some undamaged equipment and equipment of the same level are divided into a set, that is, helmets, armor, pants, shoes, weapons, a total of five pieces (including shields, bows and arrows) and the like don’t count.).

At this time, the light blue equipment is the most, with a total of 500 sets.

There are a total of 300 sets of blue equipment, of course there are also silver equipment, but they are too rare and can only be composed of 10 sets.

Fortunately, we also seized a set of golden equipment.

As for the other white equipment and black equipment, I didn't take them out, and they were damaged too much, so it's better to directly return them to the furnace, and take the essence and discard the dross. "

The dwarf master brought Fang Yun and the others to the equipment storage room. Seeing so many shining armors, he could only sigh that he didn't need to worry about equipment recently. At least the recruits who were training could have equipment to wear.

"Master, silver equipment, how long will it take for you to build a complete set?" Fang Yun has an attempt to establish a silver army. Gold is a bit bragging, but the silver army is entirely possible, after all, there are not so many restrictions on the equipment worn by plot characters.

Although one's own strength accounts for a large part, the role of equipment is even greater.

"A set of silver equipment?" The dwarf master was taken aback. At this time, there were five master dwarf builders, and more than 200 outstanding dwarf blacksmiths or apprentices were waiting.

"Silver equipment is not too difficult. The materials are a bit precious regardless of the needs, because equipment above silver needs to carry some magic elements, and it cannot be that simple material. Although there are many mineral veins in this mountain range, we There is no shortage of ore.

But Mithril is essential, a piece of equipment does not need much Mithril, but equipment needs this kind of augmentation material to upgrade it to the level of silver equipment.

If Your Highness has enough mithril, 20 to 30 sets of silver equipment can be crafted by us people a day. "

The dwarf master sighed helplessly: "But we haven't expanded this mine on a large scale, and we don't know if there is any mithril, and it's too expensive, otherwise the dwarf warriors in Middle-earth would have been wearing full silver suits long ago." gone."

Fang Yun nodded in a sudden realization, no wonder he needed Mithril to upgrade his elven sword to the silver level, so there is such a thing.

"My Cao, Mithril, let's go directly to buy Mithril ingots, it's not expensive!"

"That's right, at least for a rich man like you, it's not expensive, much cheaper than gems!"

Hanks and the others said what they said, and Fang Yun immediately realized that this world is not Middle-earth, and Mithril should not be so rare.

"And you have so many gold coins, you can even consider buying arcane ingots to form a golden army!"

"Pfft, am I really rich?" Although Fang Yun knew that he had 50 boxes of treasures and ten carriages of gold coins, he had no idea how much he could buy.

As a result, Ares patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "After all, other people's gold coins are all bags or boxes. You have started to use boxes and carriages, what do you think?"

Speaking of Ares at the end, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth. In any world they have experienced, gold is a valuable item, but Fang Yun owns a private pirate ship, and there is a super rich brother, Sorin, the king of the lonely mountain.

So he may not be able to do things that are difficult for others, not to mention that he also experienced life and death, overthrew the Orc Legion, destroyed Smaug, recaptured the Lonely Mountain, and ensured that Sorin did not die, so he gained this kind of friendship of.

As for the Legendary Black Dragon, it also took an untold amount of time and what exaggerated chance encounters to grow to such a degree slowly.

"Then you said that, I understand. When we are free, we will go to Stormwind City and go shopping, and try to get out the combat power first." Fang Yun was thinking about whether to buy Mithril or Arcanista. As for the gold ingots, the dwarf master suddenly turned around and opened a box.

"I don't know what arcane ingots you are talking about, but we just discovered a vein yesterday, and there are a lot of this silver-blue ore in it. It feels very good, so we got back a lot.

It’s just that I just discovered that I haven’t tempered it with fire to get rid of its dross, and I haven’t tried to make it into equipment. The main reason is that we haven’t seen this kind of ore and don’t know what it is. "

Fang Yun didn't know this thing, but the other three were stunned for a moment, and they had a common consciousness in their hearts, the Golden Legion probably didn't have to worry, and it might even be even more awesome...

 Riding the Horse of Slashing the World, a new book, I don’t know if anyone has played it, the game of tiger and leopard riding, the book similar to this kind of game, it’s very interesting to read, everyone may wish to read it.

  It’s not anti-theft anymore, or if you watch the genuine brother, video vision, everyone votes a lot, that’s enough~ Well, it’s the third update today! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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