Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 293 Selling Butt?

Chapter 293 Selling Butt?

No one knew about the money transactions between the two. Maybe the soldiers behind the captain of the royal guard could understand, but no one dared to speak.

After all, the captain would often take them to eat, drink and have fun after receiving the money.

What's more, it's not something illegal or taboo.

The token of the village chief is real, and Lothar did give such an order, he just did it for convenience.

"I heard that there are some orcs in Elwynn Forest who are plundering villagers, and your Excellency the mage.

I heard that you have established some villages to protect the villagers. In fact, our Royal Guards in Stormwind City deeply admire your approach. I wish the Holy Light to bless you at this time. "

"The Holy Light also blesses you all. After all, Captain Lacy and your companions have paid more to defend Stormwind City."

"You are polite. It is our duty to protect the safety of the people of Stormwind City." Although Captain Lacy was a little curious about Fang Yun's ears, he didn't ask, because he had already felt that this El Yunze was an elf.

I just don't know which group of elves it is, but Azeroth is so big, he hasn't seen many of them...

The two bragged each other shamelessly here, and it really made Ares see what it means to be thicker than a city wall, and how to brag without blushing.

With 20 people, Stormwind City is definitely a big city in the Eastern Kingdom, especially when they came to Stormwind City.

After chatting with the captain of Lacy's Royal Guard, I found out that the current number of people in Stormwind City should be nearly 30, which is far more than the so-called 20 people.

Fang Yun also understood a little bit that everything cannot be referred to the game. After all, this is a modified version of the movie, and it is very likely that there will be a big gap with the game records.

Looking at the tall city wall not far away, it is majestic and magnificent, and the lines left over from time to time represent the imprint of history.

Hanks has a different obsession with Stormwind City, he keeps touching every stone, tree, flower and grass, and even touched the girl on the street...

Captain Lacy thought Hanks was a resident of Stormwind because of his yearning look, but he hasn't been back for a long time, and he didn't care too much about him, even though he was chased and beaten by a girl for a long time.

After all, the friendship with the 10 gold coins is still there, even if he touched the girl, there are at least 9 friendships now...

There are flowers, plants and fountains everywhere on the street, and a series of crystal-clear rivers interspersed in the territory of Stormwind City. Only by being there can you truly feel it. This is the charm of Stormwind City.

But because the territory of Stormwind City is too large, even Hank, the three old players, has been transferred. After all, Stormwind City in reality has too many more buildings than in the game.

Fortunately, after going around, Captain Lacy didn't lose them, and finally came to a palace. Lacy walked to the guard at the gate and said a few words.

The man glanced at Fang Yun, knocked on the door, heard something, turned his head and pointed at Fang Yun: "The village chief of Luosun Village can go in, others can wait here now, or they can go out for a walk."

When the three of them heard that they were going out for a walk, their hearts were itchy for an instant. Ares licked his lips: "Let's go, go out for a walk, and go to the tavern for a drink?"

"Drink, must drink!"


After Fang Yun entered the room, how could he know that they were all gone, and they also took away Captain Lacy who led the way. What was even more annoying was that when he heard about drinking, what kind of Spartan soldiers, what kind of pirate second mates, etc. Why did he run away.

They're just a bunch of dishonest guys...

Walking into this large and scary office hall, or in other words, the place where Lothar handles official business, he found that the walls were covered with all kinds of weapons. Fang Yun widened his eyes and looked over. A golden two-handed sword.

Legendary level staffs, and some broken swords, etc., although the level cannot be displayed, the aura is still very strong.

And all kinds, absolutely no repetition.

"How about my spoils?" Just when Fang Yun was about to drool, Lothar suddenly and silently appeared behind him.

Captain Fang's long legs were almost frightened. When he turned his head, he saw a manly middle-aged man with stubble, brown hair, and deep eyes, but he didn't look at Fang Yun.

And looking at his loot in relief, although there is still a large space on the wall, it is not filled by the loot.

But Losar's proud expression all means that he will gradually hang the entire wall with all kinds of treasures.

The coercion of the legendary high-level plot characters is released silently, not intentionally, but because this kind of breath is unavoidable. For example, Fang Yun is so handsome. As long as he hooks his fingers, many girls can't help but pounce. Come here, I can't stop you.

"El Yunze, Sunset Village, I have met Lord Lothar!" Fang Yun still lowered his head in the face of such people, but the etiquette is a bit different!
"Is this the etiquette of your Middle-earth elves?" Lothar patted him on the shoulder, telling him not to be so rude.

"Yes, this kind of meeting ceremony, in our middle-earth world, is often such an elf courtesy to respectable people!" Fang Yun stood up straight, the breath of this guy is too strong, and he can't do it at this time when.

"Haha, very good, very good, but the best thing is, I didn't expect you to be able to build a village and upgrade it to a small town in a short period of time. You must know that this is just over a month, see Come, you paid a lot, right?" Lothar smiled, and Fang Yun was happier. He had met with him for so long, and finally increased his favorability.

Relying on his natural ability, coupled with his crappy reputation and charisma, he suddenly increased his favorability by more than 60 points.

As for why it is a crappy reputation...

Because in front of such legendary high-level figures, the legend experienced by Captain Fang, in front of Lothar, is basically the story of a fairy tale novel...

"The contribution is not small, but for Stormwind City, for our human homeland, some sacrifices are nothing." Fang Yun said righteously from the side.

Lothar just nodded and didn't reply, but stared at Fang Yun's ear for a long time.

It made the tips of Captain Fang's ears turn red, and this guy stopped. For a while, Fang Yun even felt that he was going to sell his ass...

Of course, if you give him all the equipment on the wall, whether this ass can be sold can be considered.

"Come with me, there are quite a few elves from Middle-earth, but you plan to settle down in Azeroth?" Lothar said while walking forward, turning his back.

And this sentence almost broke Fang Yunqian...

But facing this terrifying existence, he could only swallow and nod.

But after nodding, Lothar turned his back to him, as if he saw it, and there was no feeling of being stared at. Fang Yun took a deep breath, secretly thinking that he would never see this guy again, but the scene that appeared next The scene, but let him no longer think so.

 -. -I'm going to rent an account and play World of Warcraft, otherwise I haven't played this game, the more I write, the more difficult it is.

(End of this chapter)

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