Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 31 The Road to Shit

Chapter 31 The Road to Shit

As Fang Yun thought, curly hair can't find fault with his two arrangements, but curly hair can't bear to send Pete to Robert, because this is an opportunity to trigger side missions, so it's easy to send the four-person team Separately, although a contract has been signed, the conditions of the contract signed by everyone are loose, basically it is mutual restraint, and it can be broken up if it is said.

And this is what Curly wants to sign on purpose, probably because he intends to kill people and steal money at any time, for example, after killing the boss, the rewards are so much, and if one person is missing, the rewards will be less.

Places like gun shops are really easy to find in the United States, but the area where Robert lives is not a commercial area. They still need to walk a distance, but it will definitely not exceed 10 kilometers, or even a shorter distance, Fang Yun Secretly remember the traces of a few flower deer, find a chance to kill one, and eat some game when you go back.

"Look, it's a gun store, but be careful there are night ghosts inside." Pete pointed to the front, and the shotgun in his hand was already taken out.

"The pastor is at the end. We'll protect you. Hanks is in front of you. Don't let the night ghost rush over, or you'll stab your ass with a knife." The curly black man grinned, not giving Hanks any face. At this point, the chrysanthemum tightened and stabbed in with a knife. It must be a critical hit. It's too despicable. With such a teammate behind him, what MT can concentrate on defending against the enemy.

The curly hair is extremely arrogant, thinking that except for the bastard Hanks, everyone else is his subordinate.

Hanks seemed to be desperate, took out his shield silently, then stood at the front, pushed open the door of the gun shop, and slowly moved forward, Curly followed closely, walking right in the middle of the door, Hanks' footsteps But it is getting slower and slower.

"Hurry up, you white-skinned pig, you are so timid and afraid of death as an MT." Curly was about to insult him unscrupulously, when two reminders that made him feel cold came, followed by That shiny blue shield.

"Shield strike!" Hanks turned around, his eyes were full of anger, the tiles under his feet shattered, and he swung the shield vigorously. With a 'bang', the huge shield instantly hit Curly's nose bone. The nose can be said to be the second most vulnerable place, and the first is between the crotch of human beings, especially men...
Being slapped on the nose by a heavy shield, Curly, even if his physical strength exceeds 20 points, his eyes are still shining with gold, and his nosebleeds are flowing, but he did not cause dizziness. This is his chance, and the machete in his hand crazily turned towards Hanks .

The mage behind him shook his hand and was about to rub the fireball. He found that the fireball was cooling down extremely slowly and high, so he planned to draw a gun. But as a mage who has not had a chance to grow up, what's the use of pulling out a gun?
Fang Yun had already raised the cold Desert Eagle and aimed it at his forehead, his mouth changed, as if to say "Headshot!"


"Hint: Your gunshot to Contractor No. 6398 caused 133-27=106 damage."

Although the mage saw the black muzzle of the gun, he only had time to fall to the side. Although he escaped being shot in the head, the extremely powerful desert eagle almost killed him, and after hitting the shoulder, the powerful piercing The force made him turn a full circle in the air, not only killing him frequently with a single shot, but also falling all over the place.

Fang Yun, who was at the end, and Hanks, who was at the front, fought back suddenly, making it hard to guard against. What they never expected was that the deputy head pastor, who was harmless to humans and animals and only greedy for common currency, tore up the contract with Hanks at the same time. It's really hard to imagine what conditions Hanks finally gave him.

"Schete, you bastard priest, you are as disgusting as God's servant, wait for my revenge when I come back." Curly cut Hanks back with a knife, his eyes were fierce, and he smashed his head into the ground next to him. Glass ran wildly, followed by Fang Yun. After several consecutive shots, a few blood splashed on the back of the curly hair, his body trembled, but he did not fall down.


"Hint: Your gunshot to Contractor 4369 caused 65 points of damage."

Fang Yun squinted his eyes. Although he used all means to move his curly hair very fast, he couldn't let him run away, otherwise it would definitely cause trouble, and his own moving speed was even faster!

"I'm going to catch up with him, you look at this mage, Pete, you'd better not move around! OK?" Fang Yun narrowed his eyes and glanced at him, turned around and chased after him.

Curly was trembling all over after using up his boiling muscles. Although there were no side effects, the feeling of muscle tearing was so painful that it could be engraved into his head. At this moment, his eyes were dark, and he broke into a door In a closed supermarket, no one knows if there are night ghosts here, but he is confident that the pastor will not break in, and even if he wants to break in, he must come with MT. After taking the medicine and even bandaging his body, he ran away.

I have more than 20 points of physical strength, even if I lose more than half of my health points at this time, I drink another bottle of life recovery potion at this time, and after 1 minute, it will almost become more than 200 points of health. The pastor should come in, and he must be left dead.

In an extremely cold supermarket, with a smell of rancidity, the curly hair dragged its muscular body and hid under a shelf. The sound of footsteps came gradually. Through that glimmer of light, he had already seen someone with a gun coming pastor.

Fang Yun squinted his eyes, and was about to go in, but his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and the hairs on his back stood on end. He slowly retracted his legs, keenly feeling that this supermarket is not safe, and the elves are very sensitive to night vision. He performed much better than humans, and he vaguely saw a dozen night ghosts turning their heads.

Originally, the night ghosts were all gathered together, standing in a daze, which was to reduce the consumption of energy in the body, but the series of movements were too loud. Although they slept for a long time, they finally woke up.

"Want to play hide-and-seek? Why don't you play with Night Ghost!"

"Bang!" Fang Yun aimed at the night ghost and shot it out. The huge gunshot instantly caused the night ghost to roar, but Fang Yun turned his head and ran away. The sun blocked them and dared not come out, but they sniffed, and there was actually a living person inside, so they immediately turned their heads and ran over frantically.

"Damn night ghost, get out of here!"

"I'll chop you off with one knife."

"Ah!! Help me, pastor... help me!! I will give you things, I have treasures, I have skills!" The sound of chopping, roaring, shelves falling to the ground, and the sound of endless fear Cry for help, when a human being is surrounded by a group of night ghosts in a pitch-black place and keeps eating every piece of flesh on your body, then you know what fear is.

Fang Yun leaned against the wall silently, and began to puff. He didn't leave, he was just in the sun. This is the killing space, and he had to be cruel, otherwise Hanks would be in bad luck. He couldn't bear it, and because of The reason why I accepted the Philosopher's Stone.

After the cry for help disappeared, another 5 minutes later, he walked to the entrance again, fired once, and found seven or eight night ghosts with blood on their mouths rushing out again.

Fang Yun, who quickly retreated to the side, avoided the bites of a few night ghosts. He used insight by the way, but the time was too short, and they all ran back. They all ran back, and they couldn't see the attributes at all in less than five seconds.

But enough to be sure, curly hair is on its way to becoming poop.

 -. - Recommendation tickets, why are there so few

(End of this chapter)

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