Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 344 The war has just begun!

Chapter 344 The war has just begun!
Just because the trebuchets can't hit the tribe's camp doesn't mean those magic cannons can't cause lethality!

The 10 magic shells all fell into the tent with great accuracy. Although they only caused damage to more than 200 orcs, the huge movement was like an earthquake, and puffs of smoke bloomed in the camp. The deterrence and fear caused are completely unimaginable!

After all, this is the first time the magic cannon has appeared on the battlefield. They don't know the pros and cons of this thing. The orcs who don't know the situation think that the forbidden spell is coming...

Especially the tribes never thought that Sunset City would take the initiative to attack, so the first ones to come were some small tribes with many chiefs. Without a leader, it would be impossible to form a combat force!

Unfortunately, the head of one of the big tribes lived in a relatively large tent, so he was targeted by the magic gunner at the first time, and died during the first round of shelling...

But even though the morale of the orcs who had been hit so hard was low, they did not have the thought of fleeing. Instead, under the leadership of the various little chiefs, they rushed out of the camp at the first time, took big strides, brandished their war hammers and fought with them. Axe, face the heavy cavalry regiment head on!

The collision of blood and fire!
The fighting power of the all-gold heavy cavalry built with a lot of money will be revealed soon!


Fang Yun stood indifferently on the city wall, looking into the distance, a big river was at his feet, separating the entire Sunset City.

When the orcs of the tribe set up camp, they also separated to both sides of the river, planning to attack the two walls at the same time to reduce the pressure on the soldiers!
But in this way, the orcs blocked by the river cannot quickly support the other side.

So eating 5000 orcs is a bit greedy, but eating [-] orcs is a breeze, and it doesn't even take a lot of effort!

As the commander of the Heavy Cavalry Legion, Gilhard took the lead and rushed to the forefront. At this time, his heart was burning with anger. He had seen too much cruelty of orcs and ogres, so he had to protect the homeland behind him. He could not Retreat, and will not retreat!

Gilhard, who had experienced many battles, suddenly did something that a commander should not do. He glanced back at the city wall, and then turned back immediately, and it was just that one look...

But at that moment, Gilhard seemed to see her...

The female elf who gave everything to herself, the female elf who was still pregnant with his child, the one who picked up the bow and arrow again and stood on the city wall!

" could you be willing to go into battle in armor, Irene!" No one knew that this man who had become a legend, this cold and ruthless iron-blooded commander in the past, actually had a crystal clear teardrop fall from the corner of his eye!

Along with the heavy cavalry corps, the orcs were about to approach the tribal camp, he pulled out the silver short gun stuck in the saddle and held it high!

The entire heavy cavalry corps seemed to have a tacit understanding, and there was no unnecessary sound, only the heavy and orderly sound of horseshoes, and the rushing momentum of raising their guns.

But everyone in Sunset City heard an angry roar!

Then the entire heavy cavalry corps roared in unison, and the sound of 'killing'... pierced through the sky!
And with the orderly rhythm of the galloping horses, 3000 short spears also appeared in the sky!
Some orcs who had just been organized, saw the densely packed short spears in the sky, and I don't know how many people couldn't help but feel fear in their hearts!

They are orcs, but they are also intelligent creatures. They are generally not afraid of life and death, but that doesn't mean they are not afraid of death!

But there is no turning back when you open the bow!

Just look at the 3000 short guns falling from the sky, green blood splashing on the ground, and countless howls of pain. The first wave of throwing guns caused hundreds of casualties!

And when the last short spear landed!
The heavy cavalry army was like a golden dragon. At this moment, it slammed into the heart of the orc army. There were 3000 heavy armored spearmen!
Like a knife cutting into tofu, it ruthlessly pierced through the vanguard of the tribal camp!

A series of long spears stabbed out extremely quickly, accompanied by the rapid withdrawal of green blood, no one cared whether the stabbed orc would die!

They only knew that the brothers behind them would help them solve everything. All the heavy cavalry needed at this time was speed, which was as fast as a thunderbolt, to hit and fly all the enemies who came to block them.

Behind the heavy cavalry regiment were two shield warrior regiments. The moment they rushed to the battlefield, they all dismounted, raised their shields and strode forward to harvest the remaining orcs!
Two archer legions rode war horses, forming two arcs around the battlefield, drawing bows and shooting arrows, just looking at the arrows, and shot them mercilessly!

5000 orcs, facing 15000 sunset fighters, are still veterans in golden suits. It can be said that they are completely beaten!

The 5000 orcs on the other side just stared at all this with wide eyes, but there was nothing they could do. It was not easy to swim across this [-]-meter-wide river!
And a crocodile several meters long, or even more than ten meters long, somehow appeared in the river, so that they did not dare to swim there. As a result, they could only take small boats, but although they had some boats, even if they Some people in the past were just sent to die.

So these soldiers can only watch in pain as their fellow soldiers are wiped out!
Wherever the soldiers of Sunset City passed, no one was left alive, and the equipment was smashed and burned without hesitation.

And there are still dozens of ogres in the orc camp here, but how could Fang Yun not be able to cope with the three-year-long battle?
Just look at the hundreds of heavy armored cavalry, rushing in front of the ogre, and before it could wave its mace, it immediately took out the dwarven muskets on its waist, and fired at the huge body in unison. As a result, the crowd could only hear a series of miserable shouts, as well as the flying rotten meat and blood splattering...


Fang Yun, who stood with his head held high on the city wall, took one last look at the battlefield and knew the final result, so he led the members of Satan's team out of here.

Poker only felt that his little heart was about to explode. From the moment Fang Yun held the swearing-in meeting in the conference hall, he felt that his blood was about to burn. The position in my heart has instantly risen from the boss to the level of the boss!
And that kind of extremely awesome boss!

Before, he had only heard how powerful the Sunset City of Satan's team was, but he never expected that there would be so many plot characters under Fang Yun's command!
There is actually a prince Legolas in the middle of the legend, how did this guy come from?

And there are still seven or eight legendary beginners!

There are even a lot of dark gold, and the golden plot characters are almost countless!
As for the silver plot characters?Just run all over the street, okay?

Is this really a city built by an evolutionary?

As the sun was setting, he followed Fang Yun in Sunset City, looking at the blue magic lamp. As the sun disappeared, it gradually lit up from the foot of the mountain and spread to the griffin's lair beside the top of the mountain.

This kind of dreamlike lighting is layered and scattered, especially on the World Tree above the head, among some leaves, there are some houses on it, and the lights there are brighter. This is simply a wonderland!

Poker seemed to have discovered at this moment that he had just met his team leader!

And he wants to take himself to the blacksmith's room, saying that he wants to upgrade his golden equipment to dark gold, what kind of benefit is this?
"God, my mother blesses me!" Poker seemed to want to get a stick of incense, and kowtow to his old mother a few times.

"Hey, that's not right, my old lady is not dead yet..."

(End of this chapter)

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