Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 36 Don't mess with the protagonist

Chapter 36 Don't mess with the protagonist
Robert chased after him and asked Fang Yun why he had that magical ability. Fang Yun could only say that after the virus infected him, it seemed that his gene had mutated, but this sentence attracted Robert. Fang Yun couldn't help being cold with that inexplicable look Shiver, this guy definitely wants to lock himself in the basement, and then... torture himself severely.

It is undoubtedly difficult to follow the marks left by the enemy. After all, they are not dogs... But it seems that the only surviving dog in New York was not killed by them.

Revenge does not last overnight, not to mention that the female night ghost seems to be a special experimental subject, and the protagonist has also discovered the problem.

Both Robert and 'Sam' are eager for revenge, the wolfdog has a sharp nose, and I don't know if the group of people used the smell to eliminate the water, but Sam still ran madly in one direction, Robert had a good eye this time, and got A chain was tied around his neck. Emotionally speaking, he would not treat his partner like this, but at this time, for its safety, he had to do so.

Not long after, Fang Yun and the others came to an abandoned warehouse. It was obvious that there were people living in it. The windows and doors were almost completely closed. They were afraid that the smell and sound would come out. They bent over cautiously. Waist, moving slowly against the wall, as for Sam, Robert locked him in an abandoned vehicle.

Robert, whose chest was burning with flames, thought of an ice cube silently at this moment, but he decided to pull the bolt of the gun and told Fang Yun and others that he would never show mercy.

"Fighting against the protagonist of the plot undoubtedly feels like courting death!" Fang Yun couldn't help but think that even if Robert is an ordinary person, he is still the protagonist in this world. Basically, they all have to die, this is the law of the protagonist. . .

"There are people inside!" At this time, the room was not quiet, but there were some voices, and there were some noises, as if there was an uneven distribution of spoils for the issue of rewards, it shouldn't be, it was probably arguing about sharing the spoils.

With a glance, Fang Yun was about to let Hanks break through the door. Who would have thought that Robert would touch the backpack behind him and take out three or four grenades and flash bombs. The three of them were instantly stunned. Goods are the overlord of New York City, the only human being, let him take all the good things...
With a 'bang', Robert kicked open the door, and amidst the exclamation of everyone, he threw a flash bomb, the dazzling light was shining, although the people inside made a burst of intense gunshots, but there was no sound at all. Can't hit anyone.

Followed by three high-explosive grenades, thrown in one after another.

"Boom!" The grenades exploded one after another, and the entire warehouse seemed to fall apart. The wooden windows that had just been pressed were shattered, and the sawdust flew away, creating a mist of smoke and dust.

Fang Yun rubbed his hands, and was excited to rush in and start a killing spree, but Robert still shook his head, took out another shock bomb from his backpack, and threw it in lightly, even if the three of them were outside the room, when the shock bomb exploded, Fang Yun also half-kneeled on the ground, feeling dizzy and completely unable to grasp the sense of direction.

Before the three of them could make a move, Robert took the silver plot weapon M4A1, turned on the infrared, and rushed in wearing sunglasses. After some gunshots came again, Fang Yun and the three walked in. They could only twitch their mouths. The contractor was covered in wounds, shot in the head one after another, and 4 of them died directly...
The only one who was still alive was the black man with the giant axe. It was this black man who lied to Robert's feelings, saying that these people wanted to ask for help, and then cut his thigh with an axe.

Obviously, even after the end of the world, there are very few human beings, but there is more trust among the same race. Robert was angry and sad, but with cold eyes, he shot the contractor.

The three of Fang Yun were a little scared, thankfully they didn't offend Robert, otherwise his marksmanship would be really terrible, and there are too many good things in the backpack, but that's right, Robert can wantonly search for weapons and equipment in the military base, It didn't show up in the movie because Robert was raided, and Robert was alone, so even if he had missiles, he wouldn't be able to use them.

"Bah, shame on mankind." Hanks snorted coldly, Robert nodded and sighed before finding the female night ghost hidden under the table. The ghost has a sexual interest and is otherwise intact except for some coma.

Fang Yun was originally curious that Robert didn't trigger the side mission when he took the initiative to take revenge. Only now did he realize that this buddy doesn't need them at all...

"Have you brought the ultraviolet flashlight?" Fang Yun turned his head and asked.

"I have, and there are 3 batteries, which can last for 3 hours." Hanks nodded. They planned to do some side missions. Up to now, they haven't earned a universal point, which is a bit sad.

"I have it too, but there's only one battery." Pete said embarrassingly, the higher the merit value, the better he can know what the next plot world will be in advance. Pete only knew the information not long in advance, and it is estimated that he has not had time. Buy the corresponding props.

These props can basically be found in the story world, but the effect is often not as good as that of the space. Killing Room will not let you take advantage of it. For example, if you use the ultraviolet flashlight in the story world, there may be a sudden power failure, or the bulb will explode...
In short, it was like this, killing countless contractors...
"OK, let's go here. It's only 1 pm now, and it's only 2 kilometers away from Robert's house. Whether you can catch the night ghost or not, you have to come back. Otherwise, I'll come back to pay your grave today next year..." Fang Yun If you want to catch night ghosts, Robert will naturally provide information. Robert has almost explored the night ghost strongholds around the house.

"FUCK, why didn't we both visit your grave." Hanks couldn't help but said.

"Because my legs are long, and yours are short~" Fang Yun snorted softly, and led the team to run over. The three of them all had night vision devices provided by Robert. Although they were not top-notch, they could see things clearly at night. It's pretty good, as for whether it will suddenly lose power... No one can say for sure.

Since human beings were young, all heavy industries have disappeared, and the greenhouse climate has basically disappeared in three years. They just walked to the predetermined place, and it turned out to be cloudy! ! ! !

"Watfark!" Hanks couldn't help cursing, the sun was going to disappear, the weather was getting too fast, I thought it was just a small cloud, but tall buildings blocked their sight, and now it was going to be cloudy a feeling of!

"Ma De, quickly find a place to hide." Fang Yun cursed bad luck. The scorching sun for several days made them never think about the rain. You must know that if there is no sun now, the night ghosts can have fun up.

(End of this chapter)

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