Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 369 Los Angeles!

Chapter 369 Los Angeles!
Bruce Wayne silently put away the bottle of water of life, and his favorability with Fang Yun rocketed to 100 points, reaching brotherhood!

Although there is no eau-de-vie, Fang Yun no longer has this kind of cheat to increase favorability.

But Fang Yun heaved a sigh of relief. Although there are many DC heroes, he is still the most optimistic about Batman, so he gave this eaux-de-vie, but he got a very big return.

When the relationship between the two of them reached the level of brothers, Bruce no longer mentioned the issue of the secret room, but took him to dinner with a smile on his face. After all, his lifespan was going to be extended, even if he was Batman, he couldn't bear it. Live a little excited.

Then Boss Fang saw Batman's daily dinner.

There are not many dishes, but they are in line with his rich lifestyle. The so-called daily dinner is also one of the three most nutritious delicacies in the world.

So obviously, caviar, foie gras and truffles.

Of course, Boss Fang is not surprised by these foods. When he had a housekeeper to take care of him, he lived such a luxurious life. He could even eat it with ginseng dipping sauce... Well, this kind of nourishing meal The method, except for Boss Fang, a half-elf, other rich people must not imitate it!
But since the old housekeeper passed away, he dismissed all the servants and chefs, and the three meals a day that followed have completely become a dream. He can cook, but he is too lazy to do it.

He can hire a chef, but he is not at home often, and he doesn't like to close his ears when he is at home, so it is very inconvenient for him to be unattended at home.

In the end, he has hundreds of millions of property and can only be reduced to a miserable life of eating fast food every day.

Well, thinking about it makes me want to cry, Bruce saw the sad look on his face.

Thinking that Fang Yun thought of the life without parents and mothers to take care of him again, he sighed and said: "I will live here from now on. Wayne Manor is too big, but there are too few people living there. I am still not used to the deserted place. If you don't have a house in Gotham, here it is."

Of course, Boss Fang agreed to this kind of invitation without hesitation. As for whether Batman's words were polite, he didn't care about it because he had no lower limit.

The dinner was eaten quickly, Fang Yun burped comfortably, and followed Bruce to his bedroom, with a flash of light, it should be some identification method.

A door wall opens, revealing an elevator leading underground.

Bruce glanced at him: "Since you can guess that I am Batman, then I am a bat, and naturally I also have my Batcave. There are many equipments in it, but they may not be suitable for you. Then you can choose a task, and then I will give it to you." You provide some equipment."

As the elevator descended an unknown number of meters, the moment it opened, an extremely spacious cave appeared in front of Fang Yun's eyes.

And the whole cave is not too dark, the walls are covered with lights, if he takes one step forward, he will see an endless abyss, and the surrounding area is at least more than 100 meters before he can step on land. As Bruce presses a button on the elevator, Scan your fingerprint.

An automatic pontoon snapped together and extended to their feet.

As far as the Batcave is concerned.

Whether you watch movies or read comics, you can't reflect the high-tech content of the real Batcave. The fantasy scene is like a dream, and it makes people feel uncomfortable to take everything for themselves.

The electronic floating bridge under their feet is transparent, and the circuit through which the current passes can be clearly displayed in front of their eyes. As they walked forward, the back road was still slowly disappearing.

As they walked across the pontoon bridge, Fang Yun saw that there were glass covers on both sides, and all of them were bat armors. They were of various kinds and never repeated. There were a total of 100 sets, and the lowest grade was dark gold. Suits, as for legendary suits, at least 60%.

Fang Yun and the others are in the middle of the bat cave. Except for the outside of the long corridor, they are all extremely deep, but on some independent stone pillars, there are all kinds of bat planes, helicopters, jet fighters, etc. Wait.

Fang Yun could only be stunned to show respect for this situation, and wanted to say: "Iron Man seems to be very weak..."

When they walked through the suit corridor, there was a loot collection room in the center, such as the mask worn by the clown, Mr. Freeze’s freezing gun, the big yellow question mark of the Riddler, and the vines on Poison Ivy’s body seemed to be planted , in short, various, colorful, dizzying.

"Hey, as expected of DC's own son, the ability to make cheats is perverted enough, and he even has the evil taste of collecting cheats. This kind of behavior is simply outrageous. Why don't you give me a little bit..." Fang Yun I was silent about this, just thinking about it at will.

Finally, he and Batman came to a large screen, and there was a small screen in front of Bruce. He used fingerprints, retina, and voice to verify.

The big screen in front of him instantly lit up.

"Call out Fang Yun's physical fitness, and the tasks he can accept!" After Batman finished speaking, a ray of light swept across Fang Yun, and data immediately appeared.

Overall, his physical fitness and equipment information all appear on the top of the screen.

At this moment, Boss Fang was exposed in front of Batman as if he was naked, but even if Bruce saw through Fang Yun and knew that he still had a few pieces of legendary equipment, he would not be moved, because he didn't care about these...

Fang Yun's body data at this time forms a three-dimensional mode and rotates on the left side of the screen.

As for the right side of the screen, a three-dimensional earth appears. Red dots light up all over the world, and with countless blue silk threads, they converge to Bruce Manor. The flight distance is also marked on the lines, which will take some time. data.

And these are tasks that Fang Yun can accept!

There's still room for a bonus when you're done!
"So... I can accept all these tasks?" Boss Fang was stunned and asked in a daze.

Bruce nodded normally, and looked at him and said, "It's all right, but you can only choose one mission, and then I will lend you some equipment that is just suitable for the mission according to the details of the mission."

"The bat..."

"This is impossible... your strength is good, but you have to understand that you are a half-elf.

With a lifespan that can be called eternal life, if you live an ordinary life, you naturally don’t need strong strength, but if you want to fight criminals, then you need to continue training, because you still have the possibility of growth, so I can’t borrow you too much Excessive equipment will limit your growth. "

In short, this is the space limitation, which will not allow Fang Yun to easily obtain equipment, so next, he has to choose a mission. Since there are missions all over the world, Boss Fang will not choose Gotham City.

After all, the people of Gotham City are too pure, and the criminals in Arkham are too kind, so he happily decided to choose other missions!
"Then, let's choose this strange incident of a woman being possessed by a ghost!" Fang Yun saw this task, and suddenly remembered a certain scene in his memory.

Batman glanced at the mission briefing and raised his eyebrows: "The mission is located in Los Angeles, the type is supernatural, and it is very likely to encounter ghosts, resentful spirits, demons, and even angels with wings...

Then there are quite a lot of equipment for you, but you should be careful when you go to Los Angeles, where there is a weird person..."

 Guess who he is?

(End of this chapter)

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