Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 4 Contract

Chapter 4 Contract
At this time, Fang Yun followed Gandalf to find Bilbo Baggins' residence. After reviewing the situation of the meeting just now, he found that the side quest was interesting. After accepting the main quest, there was still a hired side quest. It is simply sending common currency.

Most people will definitely accept this kind of money-giving task, but Fang Yun has been thoughtful since he was a child, and naturally he will not be short-sighted. The common currency is the same as RMB, but the most important thing in Killing Space is definitely not the universal currency, and various equipment, Skills and so on, I don’t need gold coins, and following Gandalf for free will definitely make him feel good. If the bet is right, there will naturally be better things in the future.

And this side mission appeared very strangely. According to the information given by Killing Space, it was obviously because of his high charisma and extraordinary talent.

With a full value of 100 favorability, Fang Yun can easily reach 49 favorability points with the protagonist of the plot. If people know about it, they will definitely win him over strongly. People like him are talents in the killing space. Sending a lot of gifts will not increase your goodwill.

After a while, the two walked to a 'hill'. A short man with brown hair, that is, Bilbo Baggins, was sitting on a bench made of pine, smoking a pipe leisurely.

"Ahem, ahem, good morning, what do you do?" Bilbo asked with a pipe in one hand.

"I'm looking for a companion to go on an adventure with me, are you going?" Gandalf smiled while leaning on his wand.


As shown in the plot, Bilbo did not agree, but Gandalf still carved a mark on the door, and the two turned and left. Fang Yun would not change the plot in a leisurely way, but quietly followed Gandalf, and he could Now, don't think about using the Desert Eagle to attack him seven times in a row.

When Fang Yun used the insight technique just now, Fang Yun could only twitch his mouth after seeing it, but couldn't say anything.

Gandalf (dark gold plot character) (nerfed)

Occupation: Wizard

strength:? ? ?
Agility: 41
Stamina: 45
Perception: ? ? ?
wisdom:? ? ?
Intelligence: 50 (limit)
Charisma: 31
special power:? ? ?
special power:? ? ?
equipment:? ? ?
Basic Meditation: Lv9, Basic Prayer: Lv9, Basic? ? ?

Special ability: Dark gold plot character, with an additional 3000 points of life.

Explanation: Gandalf can resist, fight, and output. If he wants to sneak attack his enemies, he doesn't know how many times he can change.


In a word, Fang Yun has seen it through. This Gandalf is a wizard with a little more strength, and according to the plot, he will soon go to fight the little goblin with a long sword in one hand and a magic wand in one hand, and this is still a weakened Gandalf. It is probably due to the novice world, but it is still so fierce after being weakened, it is definitely not something that can be done with a seven-shot burst.

Not to mention that he is wearing an enchanted mage robe, and his physical strength is 44 points of health, which is not counted as equipment. 440 points of defense can reduce 22% of the damage, plus 46 points of health, not to mention giving Fang Yun seven bursts, You can't kill me with ten consecutive rounds.

Spirit: 50 points, (limit) This is a bit interesting, it should be the highest value of difficulty for beginners this time, Fang Yun can only curse secretly: "CNMD, a group of bosses with such high attributes are still in the world of newcomers"

However, according to his 100% connection with Middle-earth World, it should be for this reason that he brought himself here. Fortunately, he strengthened himself a lot, otherwise he would die very quickly.

Fang Yun didn't worry about this kind of problem. Gandalf didn't seem to want anyone to follow him here, except for the dwarves. He searched Shire carefully and found no outsiders before returning to Bilbo's hill.

Before going in, he saw the chaos in the house. He knocked on the door and went in. Bilbo had a gloomy expression on his face.

I don't know if Fang Yun followed Gandalf. The two of them arrived last. The dwarf Thorin Oak Shield has long black hair and a piece of oak on his left arm as a shield, faintly shining with a dark golden light.

He was simply eating dinner on the mahogany table at this time. He wanted to say hello to Gandalf, but he saw Fang Yun.

Suo Linzai looked at Fang Yun carefully, and when he saw the pointed ears, he showed an extremely disgusted expression, but the talent of 'Affinity' came into play, and the favorability between the two of them was rattling, and some of them still had 10 Point, this is the reason for the charm bonus.

He frowned. "Who is he, Gandalf? Another Snitch?"

The other dwarves turned their heads and looked at Fang Yun. They didn't expect it to be a half-elf. Fortunately, these people didn't hate elves as much as Thorin, and they still had a lot of favorability.

"No, no, no, his name is Fang Yun. He is just a child looking for his parents. A poor half-elf who has never met his parents. He was adopted by humans since he was a child. At the age of 16, he became a ranger. Along the way There must be many dangers, although he is still young, but he is strong, and three years of experience as a ranger is enough to make him an excellent fighter." Gandalf said with pity, Fang Yun walked with him, naturally said pitifully With his own story, relying on his charismatic ability and the fact that it is all true, he easily convinced him.

Hearing this, Sorin's face changed quite a lot, it was not so ugly anymore, at least he would not lose his temper with a 19-year-old child: "Sorry, please forgive my rudeness." (A half-elf who is 19 years old is really a child.)
"It doesn't matter. As a half-elf, I am also disappointed with Thranduil, the Lord of the Mirkwood. I never thought that he would ignore the crisis of his allies and be afraid of the dragon leaving. However, I think there are some reasons why the elves disregarded their allies. Do this. I have heard about the matter of the Lonely Mountain. No matter what the other elves are, since I have encountered this matter, I will accompany you, not afraid of the fog in the deep mountain, not afraid of the ferocious orcs, kill the dragon, and come back Seize the Lonely Mountain." Fang Yun's face was flushed, his voice was a little excited, and he looked directly into Suo Lin's eyes and said loudly.

He behaved like a fledgling young man, full of passion and not afraid of anything, but this kind of person would undoubtedly be liked by most people, Thorin had never heard apology from a proud elf, and I still apologize for others. Although Fang Yun is just a half-elf who can't find a home, it still makes him feel hot-skinned, and it also makes his dignity a little satisfied.

The favorability keeps rising, Fang Yun secretly thought, a high charisma value is cool.

"Kill the dragon and regain the Lonely Mountain!"

"Kill the dragon and regain the Lonely Mountain!"

Dwarves are a sentimental group. Fang Yun's passionate speech made more than a dozen dwarves slap the table and shout in unison. Bilbo looked at the table with a distressed expression. He wondered if there was any crack on the mahogany table. The force value is too low, he will definitely let the dwarves know why he is taller than them...

Thorin waved his hand and took out a piece of yellowed brown paper.

"Hint: Sorin will sign a contract with you to go to the Lonely Mountain. If you take back the Lonely Mountain, you will get one-fifteenth of all the treasures in the Lonely Mountain."

"Ding Dong"

"Reminder: Your main mission goal is to cross the Misty Mountains. If you accept this mission, you can only continue it the next time you come to the world."

Fang Yun thought for a while, reached out and took the contract, crossed out one-fifteenth of all the treasures, and changed it to not take a penny, and wrote that he only needs to be responsible for his own funeral.

No one expected Fang Yun to do this, but he won the friendship of the dwarves.

"My God, you're the best ranger I've ever seen."

"A good and just half-elf."

"I don't know when this poor child will find his parents."

A group of dwarves looked at him with kindness and pity.

Sorin was really moved, and patted Fang Yun on the shoulder to signal him to sit aside.

And discuss the contract with Gandalf Bilbo the Flying Thief.

Fang Yun picked up the red wine and drank it with the other dwarves. Dwarfs and elves often don't mix together. No one thought that this handsome and elegant half-elf could be so open-minded.

All of a sudden, the favorability level jingled non-stop.

Fang Yun, who was drinking, was observing Sorin with the insight technique.

Thorin Oakenshield (dark gold plot character) (weakened)

strength:? ? ?
Agility: 43 points

physical strength:? ? ?
Perception: 39
Wisdom: 21
Intelligence: 18
Charisma: 28
special power:? ? ?
special power:? ? ?

Oak Shield (Dark Gold)
Attributes:? ? ? ? ?


Basic melee Lv8, specialized weapon proficiency Lv7.

Special ability: Dark gold plot character, with an additional 3000 life points.

Explanation: The dwarf who has the opportunity to control the Lonely Mountain and become the king can change his destiny.

Then he used insight to look at the other dwarves, all of them ("elite" and "boss") basically have strength, stamina, and agility in their 20s and 30s. A few outstanding dwarves have strength, and their physical strength can barely reach 40 points.

Let’s not mention spirit, wisdom, and charisma. They’re basically single digits, which are flawed for dwarves. Thorin’s other attributes and charisma are so high, and it’s also because he is the son of the king and the golden plot boss.

The reason why Fang Yun worked so hard and didn't want all kinds of rewards was because he wanted to have a good relationship with them. You know, since Gandalf saw him, he had already confirmed his elf aura, and he was a native elf. Link to Middle-earth: 100%.

It is conceivable that one of my mother or father must be an elf, and he is also an elf in the world of Lord of the Rings. In short, in the Lord of the Rings, he is fighting in the local area. The mission prompt just now, presumably I can enter the Lord of the Rings movie again. These Favorability is definitely a great advantage for future help.

 The question of favorability. .Very complicated.Very distorted. .

(End of this chapter)

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