Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 405 Card King!

Chapter 405 Card King!

Caesars Palace is really super luxurious, with majestic fountains, restaurants, fitness spas, beauty salons, in short, there are all kinds of entertainment items, as long as you are rich enough, you can live here for a lifetime, and you will not lack anything .

In short, the architectural color here is full of modernity and historical significance in the 21st century.

Fang Yun drove the Lamborghini Star Edition into the entrance of the Caesars Palace, and did not surprise the doorman too much. After all, there are too many local tyrants here, and all kinds of sports cars, luxury cars, and nearly a million dollars of Lamborghini Star Edition are here. It's nothing.

However, Boss Fang's demeanor was different from most of the others, especially the issue of charisma. When he came to the hall, he attracted the attention of many people.

With the arrival of Hanks and others, the five men with similar temperament finally attracted some people's attention.

A white man who had been waiting in the lobby, smoking a cigar, was lying on the sofa in a seemingly lazy manner.

But he is a contractor of Caesars Palace. Although he only belongs to a gatekeeper to identify the existence of the contractor, the treatment is also very good. The moment Fang Yun came in, he felt a terrible sense of crisis .

Even if Boss Fang just glanced at him, it made him feel like he was in an ice cellar.

But there is only one evolutionary, and it doesn't make him too scared, but at this time there are 5 of them!
Judging by their acquaintance, they seem to be a team!

The most important thing is that everyone in this group of guys has such a powerful aura.

This situation finally made him lose his temper. He quickly stubbed out the cigar in the ashtray, picked up the walkie-talkie and said quickly: "The same kind of people, 5, the breath is strong, extremely dangerous!"

When he finished saying this, he immediately walked towards Fang Yun and the others, keeping his posture very low. After all, what the contractor pays attention to is not the power of the real world, but the strength of space!
No matter how powerful you are in the real world, if you as a contractor can't kill me, I will have to kill you when I get to the space. Although I may not know your information, sooner or later I will find a way. After all, there are too many weird tricks in the space, so this contractor Even if there is a lot of power behind him, he dare not have any arrogant mentality.

"It's really a distinguished guest. Everyone can call me Dai Wen. Are you five planning to stay here for a few days?" He smiled and invited Fang Yun and the others to walk to the elevator with fewer people.

Fang Yun nodded and asked him to lead the way. After walking to the elevator, he said, "Is the largest shareholder of Caesars Palace also people like us?"

Devon turned his head and said with a smile: "No, that kind of person already belongs to the elite in the real world. If you don't want to disturb the world too much, and don't want to anger the space, no one will kill him and let yourself replace him. Besides, the government will not allow such a thing to happen."

"Oh, so, then you are willing to serve an ordinary person?"

Boss Fang is very puzzled about this kind of thing. Why does a powerful contractor want to work for an ordinary person? Isn't this a waste of his fighting power? Where is his dignity?

However, Devon shook his head, thinking to himself, although these five guys are powerful as hell, they don't understand the rules here, but this kind of people is even more terrifying. It is estimated that when they return to the real world, they don't want to vent everywhere, but Zhengtian Studying the plot of a movie is scary.

“Didn’t my friends see that, although I’m just a janitor, I’m wearing a $10,000+ suit, smoking Cuban cigars, and I’m accompanied by a woman in good shape every night.

Not to mention the owner of this casino wouldn't speak to us in that tone of voice towards other people, overall my life is fine, safe and have enough money to spend.

Moreover, Caesars Palace is very powerful, and basically there is no one who dares to cause trouble."

Devon paused and glanced at them: "To be honest, so many evolutionaries came together, I was really shocked!"

The subtext of this sentence is obviously to ask them if they are here to cause trouble!

Boss Fang smiled: "Don't worry, a small gamble will hurt your health, people like us are not short of money, but my friend wants to find someone to learn how to gamble.

Find him a guy to play with, the most powerful one, and of course rich money, if you lose, I pay, and if you win, you don't have to pay, right? "

Devon glanced at the poker with a red face, his eyes were full of excitement at this time, he seemed to be a sick gambler, but there are so many neuropathy in the space, who knows if this guy is a real master of gambling, and These guys don't want trouble, they just want someone to have a big fight.

Well that's fine!

Caesars Casino really has an ace!
The king of poker that never lost!
This guy is also an evolutionary, but he doesn't like playing cards with casino money, he only likes to use his own money. Of course, the money he wins naturally belongs to him, so he is worth at least hundreds of millions of dollars at this time, and he has nothing to do all day long. Boring, just enough to let him play.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements. I don't know when they plan to start? Or go to the casino below to play first. There are too many people. I hope everyone wins 200 million US dollars..." Devon said It's very embarrassing, it's true, after all, a team of 5 people are all evolutionaries.

According to the aura, you can find that this group of guys are not easy to mess with, maybe they are the top teams in the space. In this situation, even Caesars Palace can't afford to provoke them. There are some powerful Sanren.

But facing this kind of evolutionary team who dared to meet in reality as an enemy, isn't this a death sentence?

Maybe if you get in a hurry, this group of guys will go on a killing spree, maybe even the apostles they attract will not be spared.

It's a pity that what he didn't know was that this team has two apostles... One is really about to come, and the equipment will be properly delivered!

Boss Fang glanced at poker and shook his head: "If there is a real master, let him come and compete with poker. I won't watch it. I'll go downstairs to play blackjack!"

However, Ares and others were curious about the strength of poker, and wanted to take a look.

Dai Wen glanced at Fang Yun in surprise, actually playing blackjack?
The perception of the contractors is very high, but only when they bet big or small can they make the most money. It seems that these guys are really not making trouble.

Then the poker four came to the top floor of the casino. The two security guards looked at each other and hurriedly opened the door. There was a very arrogant blond young man sitting inside. He was the trump card here.

And there are still a few evolutionists guarding here anxiously, mainly because the boss of the casino is here, behind the glass next to him, and he also wants to see how powerful this guy's card skills are!

"I heard that your name is poker, what a coincidence, I'm the king of cards!" The blond young man smiled, not caring about the people behind the poker, after all, he was playing cards, not making trouble, so he had this aura in the casino, and he didn't care about it. I won't be cowardly.

When Poker heard the words of the King of Cards, there was a look of reminiscence in his eyes: "The King of Cards... My master said he was the King of Cards, but he has already lost to me... and the loser will give everything to me Is it..."

"Gambling King..." The blond young man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately felt that he was facing a big enemy, and it seemed that a big battle was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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