Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 41 One Punch Night Ghost!

Chapter 41 One Punch Night Ghost!
Hearing these words, Fang Yun took off the thermal sensor, took out a flashlight and shone it on it. At that moment, his entire face turned pale. This is indeed an egg, and it still has a heartbeat! !

The whole egg was grayish white, about the size of a person's head. Fang Yun took a flashlight and scanned around, only to find that there was not only one egg here, but many... many...

"Grass, human beings are really going to be extinct." Hanks widened his eyes, pressed his fingers, and found that it was soft and elastic. When Hanks made a cut with a sword, green blood flowed out. Come out, but at this moment, Fang Yun's back felt a chill!
And there is also news from space.

"Hint: You have discovered the secret of night ghosts' ability to reproduce, take away an undamaged egg!"

"Hint: If you can bring an egg back to Robert Nefer, the completion of the task of collecting precision instruments will reach 50%"

"Ye Ye..." Before Fang Yun could finish yelling, there was a sound of piercing through the air behind him. Looking at Fang Yun who turned around, he saw a huge night ghost nearly 2 meters 5, with a fist the size of a hammer directly Masked came, for a moment, Fang Yun felt that he was dead.

But Hanks is an MT with defensive talent. As long as he defends things, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he does well. He descends in front of him like an angel, but even if he is an MT, that extraordinary power is still The two were beaten into the air, dragged on the ground and rolled for countless times, and how many 'eggs' were crushed.

Fang Yun, who was sticky all over his body, hurriedly stood up, put on the thermal sensor, only to find that Hanks' shield had cracks, and quickly helped him stand up.

"Reminder: You suffered a severe impact and lost 21 HP."

A healing spell landed on Hanks, and then he blesses a magic shield before he spit out a thick breath. The moment he was hit just now, he fell into a coma for 3 seconds.

At this time, seeing the terrifyingly tall night ghost, it looked like a miniature version of the Hulk. With just a random shot, Pete was knocked into the wall and almost couldn't get up.

"Take Pete, remember to hold the egg, I'll fuck him!" Fang Yun's insight technique had already been used. After seeing the attributes, he knew that someone must break the back at this time, but Hanks was running slowly, so he definitely couldn't. It was actually a mistake for Pete to pull him into the basement with a remote.

Fang Yun is very afraid of death, but he will not use the sacrifice of his partner to save himself, not to mention that he has a gold medal for avoiding death. If he must die, he can apply for a return space, not to mention that he can run if he can't fight.

Male Nightghost (Silver Story Creature)

Height: 8 feet
Weight: 131 kg
Power: 31
Stamina: 13
Agility: 23
Perception: 6
Wisdom: 3
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 2
Special ability: Silver plot creatures have an additional 1500 hit points.

Special ability: Steel Fist: When Night Ghost hits you with all its fists, you will receive (strength X3) +30 points of damage and will be stunned for 3 seconds.

Special ability: Throwing: Night Ghost throws objects weighing more than 10KG. If you are hit, you will receive (item weight + strength) X2 damage.

special power:? ? ?
The night ghost in front of him is a silver plot creature. It seems that his health is not much, but the 23 points of agility and the tall 31 points of strength represent his crazy attack power and attack speed.

Although there is a super muscle needle in his hand, it is not time to use it. Fang Yun vaguely feels that with his agility, he seems to be able to maintain it, at least he can run.

"Go, or it will be too late!" Fang Yun roared.

"Go, go, go, Pete, run." Hanks pulled up Pete, who was lying in the corner, and each of them picked up an 'egg' and ran out desperately. The giant night ghost rampaged, trying to stop the two of them.

Fang Yun rushed forward, and pulled the trigger coldly and mercilessly: "Taste the baptism of the bullet."

A loud noise surrounded the entire basement, and a series of blood flowers bloomed. The tall night ghost never thought that this small pistol could produce such great power. The huge impact made him back again and again, but his high agility still avoided some The bullet was still shot out of the wound with rolling flesh.

"Hint: You deal 127-26=101 damage to Night Ghost"

"Hint: You deal 93 points of damage to the night ghost."


"Fuck, you only hit 4 rounds?" Fang Yun couldn't help clenching his fists, it was different from what he thought!It only caused 396 points of damage, a single shot missed the head, and there was no critical hit at all, but this also angered the night ghost, using all four limbs, it crawled over frantically.

As a half-elf, plus 21 points of agility, Fang Yun is almost faster than a monkey, shuttling through the egg forest, almost wherever there are many eggs, he will run wherever there are many eggs, but he still does not destroy them, which makes this tall night ghost very angry , has a whole body of speed out of thin air, but dare not run over, can only grab something, throw something, fortunately, this guy's perception is not high, Fang Yun can form a crush on him, can't throw anything, and even smashed it A few night ghost eggs.

But in this way, as if he understood something, the night ghost boss didn't care about the group of unborn little night ghosts, smashed all kinds of objects blocking the road, and smashed Fang Yun fiercely with his fist.

What it didn't expect was that Fang Yun, who had nowhere to escape, didn't intend to hide at all. Instead, he stepped on the back wall and rushed over with an indomitable momentum. The excited night ghost flickered in his eyes, and he felt that he was about to go away. To kill this damned human, and then eat meat and drink blood...

An accident followed, and Fang Yun fell to the ground strangely, slipping down his tall crotch skillfully, and of course that smooth sword... also brought down a long thing by the way. . . .

"Aww!!!" Boss Yegui's eyes were wide open, and his heart felt cold. In his heart, except for one part of his body, he didn't think it was too important, but this sword cut off his lifeblood. , A real crit, because the days when wives and concubines are in groups are gone! ! !
Like a human being, he subconsciously covered his crotch, as if he was touching it.As a result, there was nothing to touch, only bleeding continuously.

"Hint: You have dealt 209-26=183 points of damage to the night ghost's lower body, and caused 146 points of critical damage."

"Reminder: Since you cut off the night ghost's lower body, it will cause 1 points of bleeding damage for 3 second and last for 20 seconds."

Fang Yun hurriedly got up, but the furious night ghost, as if possessed by a demon, rushed forward crazily, punched him in the chest in an instant, knocked countless objects into the air, and slid for an unknown number of meters before hitting the wall stop.

"Reminder: You were hit by Night Ghost's 'Steel Fist', causing 185-63=122 points of damage and causing a 3-second stun. Since your physical strength is 16 points, it is reduced to a 2-second stun."

There are only 310 health points in total, more than one-third of which fell instantly, and he was in a dizzy state. Fang Yun could feel how many ribs were broken. Fortunately, they didn't penetrate the internal organs, otherwise he would have to bleed internally .

But the night ghost in front of him was rushing towards him with unstoppable rage, the wind from his fists had messed up his hair, no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't move.

 -. - Made some deals today with the pet store next door to my house, I can take his dog to the park for free, and help him promote.

  It seems that I have made money, can pick up girls, and can walk the dog, but I thought about it carefully, if I meet a girl who likes dogs and me, should I buy this dog and give it to her?
  I really want to be tricked. I'm still young..
(End of this chapter)

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