Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 425 The Holy War of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 425 The Holy War of the Lord of the Rings (1)

With the sound of the horn of the setting sun cavalry!

The Rohan cavalry, all the warriors and contractors in the capital of Gondor rushed out!

A joint siege was carried out with the warships on the edge of the river bank.

The blood bloomed at the same time, and the numerous cavalry caused indelible fear to the half-orcs, so that they had no confidence to resist at all, and the cavalry rushed into the army of half-orcs like a torrent of steel, crushing them completely Meat!
The infantry team at the back strode forward, brandishing shields and long swords, and quickly cleaned up the remnants and defeated generals who had been maimed.

And at this time, Karl's Hellriders finally showed their advantage!

At the moment of breaking through the siege, he showed a very strong combat power. With the strength of the hell horse, he surpassed the Sunset Legion in one fell swoop and became the vanguard of the cavalry, harvesting a large number of heads without causing any damage to himself.

Seeing this scene, the Angmar Witch King felt furious in his heart, but still made the Ringwraiths howl horribly. Although it aroused the fear of many legions, the Ringwraiths did not come down!

Instead, they followed behind him, all retreated to the river bank, and immediately returned to Mordor, waiting for the final decisive battle!

"Gothmog, take your life!!" Karl roared, leading the whole regiment and 2000 Hellriders, rushed up frantically, and faced the 1000 golden plot-level orcs, he issued a suicide sentence. type of attack!

And he doesn't care about the so-called hell knights at all, because he can resurrect the corpses all over the ground with a wave of his hand!

Fang Yun saw Karl stepping forward bravely at this time, so he didn't want to compete with him for the head. After all, Gothmog was really hard to kill. Just talking about the 1000 orcs and the four legendary trolls would make him His own soldiers suffered heavy losses.

And my soldiers are living beings, not hell knights who can be resurrected, so there is no need to waste too many people's lives for the 30000 military merit points!
So he simply led an army of cavalry to clean up other half-orcs, even ignoring the contractors in the ark space. After all, the strength of this group of people in the desperate situation cannot be underestimated, but he doesn't care about the value of this group of people.

But the value of a contractor is at least 3000 military merit points, and the value of an evolutionary is 10000 points. Although Boss Fang doesn't want to go, there are naturally evolutionaries with killing space to go and kill them!

At the end.

Didn't expect a fight that should have been easier.

But it caused a lot of downsizing to the evolutionists of Killing Space!
Especially at this moment, the two sides must not use the method of returning to space, it is a desperate fight!
In the end, 388 Ark space contractors on the battlefield died.

Adam, the so-called king of the beast clan, has already died in battle!
Uriah, who could summon Roman soldiers, also died in battle!
Killing Space's contractors also died 151 people!
Gothmog was eliminated by Karl in a suicidal manner, and the 2000 Hellknights were completely wiped out, and at least eight or nine members of his own team died!
And as the last half-orc died completely!

Endless cheers erupted from the entire battlefield!
Especially the man on the white horse with blood-stained armor!
It has to attract everyone's attention!

In the case that Aragorn did not bring the ghost army, he could still do such a heaven-defying move!

It has to be said that in their eyes, the priest of Satan's team already has the ability to change a large-scale plot!
Seeing the strange eyes of some contractors, Boss Fang really wanted to say to them: "I am not changing the plot, but creating history, not to mention that the evolution of the ark space can change the plot and make Aragorn in a dying struggle In such a situation, why can’t I?”

After all, he is a local, a half-elf born in Middle-earth. In a certain situation, he is a bug in Middle-earth, and he is still a guy who will not cause disgust!
He belongs to the guy who can be recorded in the history of Middle-earth, and even if his contractor has created a legend, he is just a vague memory or even an impression of other plot characters!
The Satanic Squad gathered again, followed by a large number of Sunset Legion, Boss Fang's limelight was second to none at this time!
And the entire Sunset Legion also lost a lot in battle!
12 legions, more than 8000 casualties!

The number of disabled people is uncountable, but in the face of this kind of war, as long as you can still hold a sword, you cannot quit!
Hanks approached Fang Yun at this time, and asked in a low voice: "My brother, how much military merit have you gained, do you dare to tell us?"

When everyone thought of those epic suits, they couldn't help swallowing. The military merits of the five of them, combined, only had 23000 points!
For epic sets, get a pair of shoes too!
"Hey, do you want to buy a suit?" Fang Yun smiled and said.

"That's right, I'm your real brother, think about it, when you entered the first plot world, brother, how many times have I saved you!
And I'm still an MT, give me an epic suit, I guess I will become the strongest evolutionary below the superhuman! "Hanks approached shamelessly, after all, he knew Boss Fang the best.

Although Ares is also an MT, he doesn't care at this time, but the envy flashed in his eyes. I have to say that this kind of thing is still very attractive to him, but he is not so shameless!
And no matter how much Boss Fang's military merits are, he can't buy several sets, right?
"It's okay to buy two sets. I don't need this thing. The key is to see what you do, right?" Boss Fang has gained too much military merit in this battle alone.

With 24, it’s no problem to buy two sets, and he doesn’t need this epic set too much. Attributes and skills can exert very powerful effects!
What's more, he is still accumulating apostle suits. He doesn't believe that his apostle suits will only be in the golden plot level, and he will definitely be able to improve the rank, so there is no need to waste military merit points and buy one for himself!
Hearing this sentence, the four of them gasped.

But Poker waved his hand first: "I don't want any suits. Brother, I entered the first story world and got mixed up with this set of equipment. I don't need to change at all, and my equipment is a growth suit... "

Fang Yun twitched, this guy is indeed an apostle, and has more bugs than him, the first plot world, let him play so well, no wonder the world after that is always playing alone.

And Pete also shook his head: "With a set of power armor, and other equipment is not bad, I am already very powerful, and the most important thing is that the sniper rifle is very smooth, and the gun feel is very important. I guess I will not change it into a shooter suit." Will adapt!"

"So, you all don't want it, so let's exchange it for Ares and Hanks!" Fang Yun nodded. If the two MTs really wear this kind of suit, they will probably be extremely powerful, at least face-to-face. He will not be at a disadvantage against the King Kong of the three humble guests of Glory.

Because from the beginning to the end, Boss Fang thought that King Kong was the strongest MT he had ever seen.

And the whole war, has it really come to an end now?

of course!

The main reason is that Fang Yun created an opportunity for Aragon!
A chance to attack Mordor with an army of ghosts!
Although Boss Fang boasted in the last chapter that he was capable of overthrowing Sauron, he is still bragging after all!
His main purpose is because he knows that the three of Aragorn will definitely not die!

Although there are only three of them, they are undoubtedly the three who run through the three Lord of the Rings movies!

They didn't die one by one, but the three of them fought side by side together!
And this kind of super plot, if you want to rely on some evolutionists, you have to kill three of them?
It is no different from the 500 contractors from Killing Space going to besiege Sauron, but is this possible? Of course it is impossible, so he knows that Aragorn will still lead the ghost army.

But the ghost army didn't even kill a half-orc, even if they were all undead, they couldn't be too shameless, and Aragorn could use this reason to lead them to kill Mordor!
So, three hours later, the three of Aragorn lived up to expectations, and brought the ghost army to the capital of Gondor scarred.

And the people who finally got together did not rest, and went directly to Mordor to carry out the final crusade of the Lord of the Rings!
(End of this chapter)

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