Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 437 I'm already working hard, don't rush me!

Chapter 437 I'm already working hard, don't rush me!

"Why, why are we going to war with them, just relying on our little broken boat?" Jack raised his eyebrows, pointing to the island not far ahead and said!

"Well... I mean, get ready for the battle!" Fang Yun put a pirate hat on the muzzle of the Desert Eagle, raised his head slightly, and looked at the menacing Silent Mary, with some thoughts in his head what.

Gibbs next to him didn't want to face these freaks, with a panicked expression on his face, he immediately turned the steering wheel and shouted: "Hurry up, everyone listen to my command, pull the sails to the highest for me, and speed up the sailing!" !"

After he finished speaking, Jack silently squinted at him...

Boss Fang tapped the deck with his toes, curled his lips, and waved again...

In the end, Gibbs, who was slightly wronged, reluctantly left the helmsman, but said with a trace of regret: "Actually... I can also take the helm in such a dangerous situation!"

Captain Fang patted him on the shoulder: "Yes, it's a pity that the situation is not the most dangerous yet, so I don't need you yet!"

"FUCK!" Gibbs turned his head coldly and gave him a middle finger.

Jack smiled and ran to take the helm. At this time, only the two of them at the helm can play the fastest speed of this broken ship. After all, only the two of them are legendary captains. When they are at the helm, they can greatly improve the ship below them. sailing speed.

Sure enough, the moment Jack held the helmsman with both hands, everyone felt an invisible force coming from the sea, like an old driver stepping on the gas pedal... The speed suddenly soared, and the sails also became swollen. Let out a long white wave!


"Damn, damn... Why did they speed up suddenly, catch up with it, catch up with that broken ship!!" The entire Silent Mary is really a real ghost ship.

Salazar has long flowing hair, um... the undead, as if there is no gravity, with black cracks everywhere on his face, and his aura is dark and cold.

Seeing this situation, he really roared crazily. I don't know how harsh this undead scream is. Many human crew members have symptoms of eardrum hemorrhage, but they are unable to groan.

Because of the breath of death on the hull, some of Barbossa's low-ranking crew members were already stiff from the cold, and their faces were livid.

If Salazar hadn't asked the crew to hide the spirit of the undead in the main body, after too long, even those senior crew members would not be able to bear the harm.

As he yelled furiously, the entire hull became creaking, and there seemed to be an invisible big hand behind the hull, pushing the entire hull, and the speed suddenly doubled, and huge waves flowed from both sides of the hull to It turned out that it was a big cargo ship but pressed the legs of the motorboat, it was really scary!
"I Cao... grass, grass, Jack, hurry up, these guys are coming!" Fang Yun couldn't help stomping his feet. This little broken ship is not the legendary battleship Black Pearl. I really want to meet it face to face. , will undoubtedly be smashed into pieces!

Jack looked back, his eyes widened instantly: "MD, I'm already working hard, don't rush me!"

"Then keep working hard!!!" Captain Fang said very angrily!
"Grass! I'm fighting!!" Jack's expression changed, he let go of the tiller, and danced, knelt on one knee and looked up at the sky without image: "Ocean! Give me speed!"

"..." Gibbs.

"..." Astronomer, big-breasted girl Karina.

"..." Henry Turner.

"..." Boss Fang and the others looked at him speechlessly, especially when Captain Fang saw this kind of prayer without magical fluctuations, he really wanted to kick him over and take the helm himself.

But! ! !

Something unexpected happened!
I don't know what the hell it is!

There was a burst of fluctuations on the sea surface out of thin air, and the turbulent waves suddenly appeared, and after they kept hitting the stern of the ship, the huge thrust and speed made everyone almost fall down.

Fang Yun stared at this scene dumbfounded, then looked at Captain Jack who stood up and patted his trouser leg.

He glanced haughtily at Captain Fang, as if to say, "Look, what the hell, I'm the main character, you trash, whatever I say, the God of the Sea will help you."

However, Fang Yun raised his eyebrows, as if he knew what was going on. It should be his old goddess who returned to the ocean to help.

Otherwise... Even if Jack is really lucky Lv99, he can't be so perverted.

But I have to say that Jack's real luck must be very high, otherwise his lecherous old lady might be having sex with a certain man, so she probably wouldn't have talked to him.

(His father once showed him a shrunken skull, but it wasn't a motherfucking one, old Jack tricked him.

You guys asked questions, but I didn't explain...

Today I wrote about Pirates of the Caribbean again. Let me just say that if you look up the background information of Pirates of the Caribbean, you will know that Jack’s father was once a charismatic and handsome guy. The former lover of the sea goddess, Davy Jones who was cuckolded, learned the secret.

The goddess of the sea was sealed on a human woman and turned into a witch, so that she could no longer control the power of the sea, and the pirates began to be unscrupulous, but in the third part, the witch finally turned into a group of crabs (the goddess of the sea) Return to the sea! )

"So it's obviously your old lady who cast a spell..." Fang Yun bent down and looked at the bottom of the sea, and sure enough there were some shadows of crabs appearing there, and then the small broken boat, with the help of this exaggerated thrust, played a super running When the speed rushed to the beach in one breath, the little broken boat finally came to an end and officially fell apart.

Everyone got off the boat staggeringly, and some of them vomited disgustingly...

Captain Salazar, who chased him to the edge of the beach, stood blankly in the sea, not daring to set foot on the shore. He was really unwilling to let Jack run away under such circumstances...

"Wow, the cursed guy can't even go ashore, how pitiful!" Jack chuckled, as if mocking the Dutchman like Salazar.

"Trapped on a small island... Do you still have a boat to leave?" Salazar glanced at the disintegrated small ship and sneered.

"You don't need to worry about this, wait for me map is gone..." Jack turned his head and saw the screaming Karina, who ran towards the island in panic without looking back chase after.

Boss Fang raised his eyebrows, and instead of looking at Karina, he looked at the undead captain carefully.

He really wanted to know what kind of thing this thing was, but it was impossible to obtain detailed data without doing it.

So... Boss Fang swung his sword decisively away!
'Bang' swords against each other!
As expected, Salazar glanced at him fiercely, and he could be regarded as noticing this guy with a legendary degree of 7 points...

"Hmph, looking at you, you should be the captain of the Black Dragon or the so-called White Wizard that Barbossa mentioned?"

"As you wish, I'm here!" Fang Yun put the Sunset Sword into the scabbard, took off the captain's hat politely, and said with a smile.

"Very good... then you and Jack Sparrow... die together!" When Salazar said about Jack, he really gritted his teeth. As soon as the words fell, he turned his head and left, and returned to the boat without hesitation. It depends on when these guys dare to come out.

And Fang Yun watched him go... because he had obtained the intelligence and information he wanted.

But after reading the message, he really regretted why he was so impulsive, which caused hatred, because these bastards are really extraordinary!

 I also read book reviews, saying that Resident Evil City was written wrong!
  It seems that I checked the information at the beginning, and in the end it should be the urban outbreak site written according to the background of the game, otherwise I would write about Raccoon City. After all, I have watched Resident Evil so many times, so I must know what Raccoon City is... So I said There is nothing wrong with writing, and don't easily say bad things in the book review area, after all, it will affect many readers this time.thanks

(End of this chapter)

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