Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 51 Rare Scroll

Chapter 51 Rare Scroll
The newborn sun had already jumped out of the horizon, and when that ray of dawn came, the night ghosts in the shadows had already disappeared.

But the same sun as usual seems to be a little different, but today it has a sense of dampness.

Fang Yun, who was dressed in rags, struggled to support his body, climbed out of the ruins of the basement, looked up and saw the dawn, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

"I won..." With less than 50 health points, he leaned limply on the leather sofa with only half of it left, and the other half was still shining with sparks.

Yes, Fang Yun and the others still killed the night ghost in the golden plot after all. The three of them were lucky not to die, but they were all in a state of frequent death. Half of Pete’s face was gone. If anyone saw him, it would be frightening to death, and the flesh and blood would be blurred , the left cheek, only the eyeball is still intact.

Hanks' left hand was completely broken, and he couldn't use 'healing technique' to heal it. The durability of the shield in the blue plot was permanently reduced by 100 points, which made things worse.

Fang Yun seemed to have a slight concussion, but it wasn't obvious. His nasal bone collapsed, his entire face was bruised, and he couldn't see a trace of handsomeness.

The luckiest thing is that Robert didn’t die either, but he was so weak that he was almost carried out by them. The side effects of the super muscle needle were too great, all attributes were -50%, and it lasted for 5 hours. His mind seemed to be a little unconscious , but fortunately, intelligence is permanently -2, and it won't make him an imbecile.

But at this time, there is no need to worry, the sun has already risen, so there is no need to use the 'hamburger', Fang Yun will naturally use the 'healing technique' after cooling down for 30 seconds.

The golden plot night ghost did not explode the golden plot key, but a silver plot key appeared. This kind of explosion rate is very common in the killing space, and it is almost impossible to meet a key with a silver quality or higher.

"Open the key and take a look." Hanks held his wrist with one hand, the pain of a completely broken bone will definitely not be good, so Hanks also wants to see the harvest, have some surprises, and reduce some pain.

Fang Yun originally planned to drive away first, but seeing the longing expressions on their faces, he could only rub his hands helplessly. When the silvery white light flickered, Fang Yun held something like paper.

"Hint: You got 3000 utility points from the silver story key."

"Hint: You got the 'Muscle Crunch' scroll from the Silver Story Key"

The three people's eyes lit up. Although the silver plot key didn't reveal anything, and there were very few common points, they saw the scroll! ! !

This means that you can learn a skill for nothing, and the name 'muscle tightening', you can tell at a glance that it is the skill used by the night ghost. It forces the bullets out and greatly increases the defense, although the duration is not too long. , but for contractors, it is also a treasure-like skill.

The contractors are fighting all the way in the killing space. Many people are not for how powerful they are, but for survival. In the killing space, the stronger the person, the more powerful the difficulty of the plot will naturally be. From the beginning to the end, there is no I have heard of a contractor who yelled arrogantly, saying that he is not afraid of any plot world.

Therefore, if this defensive skill is not used by oneself, it can also be sold at a high price.

Not to make the two of them anxious, Fang Yun immediately clicked on the detailed information of the scroll and shared it.

muscle tightness (rare)
Origin: I Am Legend, New York City.

Material: Killing Floor vs. Golden Night Ghost, digitalized and processed.

Learning times: 2
Effect: Lv1: Tighten the muscles of the whole body, enhance the defense and compactness of the body, increase the defense by 1 point, and weaken the attack power by 10% for any shield attack, stabbing, slashing, bullet and other damage.

Side Effect: Movement speed slowed by 10%.

Duration: 1 minutes
MP consumption: 30 points

Cooling: None
Use restrictions: more than 13 stamina, more than 12 strength.

(Explanation: Powerful and unusually life-saving skills. Obviously, you killed the final boss of I am Legend. Congratulations, you saved the world.)
The embarrassing thing is that this scroll can only be learned twice, and then it is gone. In an instant, the temporary team of three people was silent.

Fang Yun knew in his heart that even if everyone had just experienced the same life and death, but in the face of huge interests, if they didn't handle it well, a gap would be torn in the team. It might not be big, but it might be fatal in the future. After contemplating, he just wanted to speak.

Pete cracked his painful cheeks, and the corners of his mouth were still dripping with blood, but he said with a calm smile: "You learn, after all, I am not a melee fighter, I am just a long-range fighter. If it weren't for this unlucky world, I wouldn't be able to go there." A close collision with it."

"No, learn it. I'm an MT. Apart from shields, I have many life-saving means. And don't forget, I'm a super tactical defensive MT with a natural talent." Hank said with a face of refusal.

At this moment, there was only a trace of warmth in Fang Yun's heart, and he suddenly looked at the sky. This is the team, a newly formed team. If there is a trustworthy partner behind him, who will go alone in the killing space?
"You and Pete." Fang Yun suddenly looked directly at the two, said in an unquestionable tone, and pointed at Hanks.

"You are a natural MT. Now that you know it, you should increase your defense and block all the skills that attack us. That's the key. Is your head full of muscles? Don't you know that after learning this thing, Your defense increases, and then you can play a greater role?"

Crackling made Fang Yun gesticulate and scold. Hanks was very wronged. He wanted to say that he was for the two of them, but he couldn't get the words out of his mouth. Could it be that the pastor was for himself...

"And Pete, you don't have much defensive ability. I can still have healing, magic shield, powerful attack, and extraordinary agility. Ordinary people want to kill me and exhaust him, so don't open your mouth with bad breath. mouth, I want to vomit when I see your face."

Pete rolled his eyes and twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't feel any pain on his cheeks. He just decided in his heart that he would follow the pastor, and he would be a follower who couldn't be kicked away from now on.

"Then you can accept all 3000 utility points." Hanks couldn't refuse, he could only accept it.

"Or the two of us are making up for 3000 utility points, you know, this is a 'rare' level defensive skill." After Pete finished speaking, Hanks nodded immediately.

Fang Yun waved his hand: "Forget it, everyone doesn't have many common points, and they have to be used to buy equipment and upgrade skills. Hanks' shield has a permanent -100 durability, and he still has to find a way to repair it. Pete doesn't have a sniper rifle either. , If you can’t show your strength, all of this requires common currency, I’m not welcome to the 3000 universal points in the key, don’t talk about the others, Pete is looking for a car, we should go.”

When an army green Hummer was speeding on Route 17, Robert had recovered and was smirking with Sam in his arms. Bethel, Vermont, they had come and saw the tall mountain built on the plains. city ​​walls.

Everyone also saw the hope of mankind...
 Don't care about gains and losses, it is always worthwhile to exchange scrolls for two companions who stand side by side.After all, Fang Yun's defense is very poor. If he really fights with other contractors, he must be protected. After all, he doesn't have the talent of "sigh of death"
(End of this chapter)

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