Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 513 Final Battle

Chapter 513 Final Battle (1)

Upon receiving this news, everyone present sat there peacefully except for some changes in their eyes. Gandalf just silently crossed his hands without revealing any surprises.

What is meant by the collapse of Mount Tai without changing its color? The few present here are a good portrayal of it.

The angry dwarf king just now...

The indifferent orc Thrall...

They are all pretending, they just want Gandalf to tell the key reason why El Yunze didn't attend the meeting, people of this level have a strong sixth sense, they can feel it, Fang Yun is doing something Things that can decide victory or defeat.

And it seems...the Burning Legion has also discovered this, otherwise he wouldn't have picked the most difficult city, Sunset City, as his primary target.

In fact, there are only four remaining main cities, each with its own advantages. Just relying on defensive equipment, magic cannons, trebuchets, giant crossbows, etc., they are almost the same.

It's just...the addition of a world tree to Sunset City, which gave it a title, that is, 'the most difficult city in Azeroth'

Lothar glanced at the crowd, and then took a deep look at Gandalf, wondering if he should say these words now...

"Commander Lothar, please feel free. If you know any news, just say it out loud..." Gandalf knew that becoming a god would not be hidden for long. It will arouse the perception of some legendary plot characters.

And... Sargeras obviously knew this too!
"Medivh sent me a message from the astral plane...El Yunze might become a god, and Sargeras was afraid that he would become a god, so he wanted to attack Sunset City in an all-round way.

It seems that they want to snatch El Yunze's godhead that is about to be condensed, but I just got the news... Sargeras led the army to go there! "After Lothar finished speaking, even among the unchanging crowd, they couldn't help but look at Gandalf when they heard that Boss Fang was about to become a god. He seemed to be wondering and shocked. Isn't this guy growing too fast?

"Since Sargeras is here, I will leave first. As for your your best!" Gandalf saw the fear in their eyes.

It's not because of anything else, they are just afraid that after Fang Yun becomes a god, if he defeats Mr. Sa and then turns around and swallows other kingdoms, then they will be powerless to stop him!
So even though Gandalf had already entered the portal, these people didn't say anything, they just fell silent, bowing their heads and thinking about the stakes...


Alliances, so-called allies, are all because they have stronger enemies and need to unite to fight together, thus forming a synonym called 'alliance'.

When a kingdom can be so strong that it can kill all kinds of enemies without taking you to play, and can swallow other kingdoms by the way, then this situation has to make everyone worry.

Especially Fang Yun back then, who was very powerful... He dared to take two territories from Stormwind City before he became a god. If he became a god, how would he pay off?
Don't they even have to go to Elwynn Forest and Twilight Forest not far away?
Then he patted the king of Stormwind City, that is, Wrynn on the shoulder and said: "Hey, you said that you have no territory, and there is only Stormwind City left, so what a fart, come on, come on, you will give me some money later!" Just be a city lord, don't be a king..."

This kind of thought keeps appearing in Wrynn's mind, and it's still good. If it is worse, the city lord will be gone, and he will be a little noble at most. This depends on the good relationship between the two Condition……

As for Thrall of the tribe, he is even more worried that Fang Yun will become a god. After all, the hatred between the two is so great. If this guy becomes a god, according to his thinking, Sunset City will definitely chase after the tribe and exterminate the tribe, and he has avenged their hatred .


What a powerful presence.

Medivh, the guardian of Azeroth, was only at the top of the legend. At this time, the guardians Khadgar, Gandalf, Lothar, and Thrall are all at the top of the legend. They can feel the powerlessness of becoming a god , I don’t know how many more years it will take.

But now someone is about to become a god, so the leaders of the kings chose to end the meeting with silence!

The support will definitely support, after all, they will not watch Sargeras destroy Sunset City, it will not be good for them.

But it must not be now, Sunset City's military strength is so strong, at least it can hold back the Burning Legion for a few months, and they took the opportunity to develop their strength.

And at the moment when both of them are hurting, it is king to help them. Don't say they are unrighteous, but every king has a desire for power in his heart. Even if he faces a choice between life and death, he will not eliminate them. kind of desire.

On the contrary, even make this desire stronger!

At that time, even if Fang Yun really becomes a god, he can only become a lonely god without military strength. No matter how big his anger is, it is estimated that he can only vent to the Burning Legion.

As for the duel between him and Mr. Sa, it is completely uncertain who will win!

Anyway, whoever wins, the strength of both will become very small, and when the time comes, which one of them wants to destroy the three countries alone!
That's not sure, the combination of the three can kill a god or something!

Fang Yun, who is at the critical moment of becoming a god, is intoxicated by the mystery of the law of time. At this time, he doesn't want to wake up at all, and can't wait to fully integrate into time, because the law of time is like a seductive beauty, wearing layers of light clothes. Yarn, some faint places are so tempting to swallow, and they are still waiting for him to slowly reveal them.

Although there is another layer to be uncovered, the temptation to see the whole body immediately is too great...

So he doesn't know the thoughts of this group of people, in fact, even if he knows, he has nothing to say.

Because being an ally is naturally equal in strength, at least the difference should not be too large, otherwise, when the difference in strength is too large, people will not dare to be allies with you, for fear that you will bite back at the end of the war, and you will not be able to beat you in the end, then there will be no place Justify it.

After all, history books are written by the victors, and you can write whatever you want, that is a grievance, so... this is not a time to talk about benevolence and morality... but a political decision of those in power. What hope... Anyway, it's all a waste of troops, so you should come first...


The entire Sunset City is now under martial law, and the 2000-meter-long city wall is full of warriors with gun shields and even sword shields in golden armor.

As for the World Tree, its branches and leaves have been loosened at this time, so that it can't see the inside of the city wall at a high altitude outside, especially on those branches... There are 9 archers densely packed!
If you want to ask why there are so many archers, the main reason is that the elves in Middle-earth are powerful enough. Whether it is a warrior or a cavalry, at this moment, they can become pure archers, especially when shooting arrows on the World Tree. wonderful.

The 300 trebuchets and 100 magic cannons in the city are already in place.

And the more than 200 contractors finally saw the most powerful strength in Sunset City, it was really shocking!

The three elf kings of Middle-earth came to the city wall in person!

The Elven Queen has become a legendary top storyline character at critical moments!
Sorin, the kingdom under the mountain, personally leads the dwarf warriors to defend Sunset City with a sword in hand!

The white-robed wizard Gandalf and 130 legendary mages are on top of the magic tower, watching the 80 demon army below the city!
6000 Griffin Legion.

The 2-person first-generation elf ultimate personal guard.

The Quel'dorei Heavy Armored Legion of 3000 men.

The Sunset Legion of 5000 men.

They are ready...

It seems that at such a critical time, there is only one person missing.

But when the Burning Legion shouted to attack...

The countless branches and leaves of the world tree suddenly formed an extremely huge human face, and that giant face faced the oncoming army of demons, roaring wildly, just watching the waves of air billowing and rolling towards the distance Go, within a radius of [-] meters, I don't know how many demons have been blown away, just look at the sky, like raindrops, falling down...

Although this face appeared briefly, then disappeared again...

But he left a sentence, still the familiar and shocking voice.

"When I ascend to the throne of God, all of you will be wiped out!"

The final battle will start today.

(End of this chapter)

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