Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 70 The Power of the Quasi-Legendary Battleship

Chapter 70 The Power of the Quasi-Legendary Battleship
Buying so much gunpowder and supplies, plus so many pirates, there are only more than 300 pounds left at this time, but converting money into strength is the most fundamental. Worry about not being able to rob the ship?
The Caribbean Sea at noon, the scenery is like a paradise, in the distance is a pure white sandy beach, a few dolphins will always jump out of the light blue sea water, Fang Yun wearing a pirate hat, heard from the mouth of the magic stick Conslark, The next three days are basically sunny and sunny, but only within 500 nautical miles.

Fang Yun, holding a binoculars, looked at some ships on the shore that intended to surround him, and just sneered. These contractors joined forces with local pirates, thinking they could snatch his ship?
Fang Yun waved the elf long sword at this time and shouted: "Hurry up, you idiots, it's time for us to set sail."

On and off the deck of the Black Sea, there are busy sailors everywhere, tightening the cables of the sails and wiping the rusty cannons. This is what they need to do.

As the Black Sea bulged its sails and was about to leave, the surrounding boats couldn't wait any longer. Under his gaze, some contractors kept yelling at the local pirates, and they didn't know what they said in the end , the hesitant local pirates finally made up their minds and pointed their sword at the Black Sea!

Fang Yun's reputation in the Caribbean naturally made it difficult for the rest of the pirates to have other ideas, but they couldn't hold back the sugar-coated bullets and extra benefits of other contractors.

"Head, there is one one-masted sailing ship in the east, one three-masted sailing ship, and three two-masted sailing ships in the west. At this time, we are still 1 nautical miles away. Do you want to act first and give these grandchildren some good looks?" Navigator Harry Holding a pirate knife, his eyes gleamed fiercely. In his mind, Captain White Wizard was their leader, leading them to defeat Blackbeard. Now he became a member of the quasi-legendary battleship, so naturally he looked down on those miscellaneous pirates.

"Left full rudder, let the speed of the Black Sea fly first, since they want to play, let's see if their speed and firepower are far enough!" Fang Yun shouted, the boss-level helmsman, immediately executed the order.

And he dexterously climbed to the highest point along the cables, and the five pirate ships pulled out a white line on the sea surface, their speed was very fast, but their tonnage was much smaller than that of the Black Sea after all, with a displacement of less than 1000 tons.

What's more, at this time, the Black Sea has not fully exerted its strength. When he held up the elf sword, the huge Black Sea unexpectedly accelerated for an instant, and the entire ship sank on the sea surface, even the pirates on the deck. Many of them fell down, but they all looked excitedly at the magical Captain White Wizard, and no one dared to complain.

He used the captain's glory at this time, and his attack power/defense power/movement speed were all increased by 30%.

"Hurry up to catch up with that battleship, and this kid almost deceived him, thinking that there are many contractors on this ship, but it took two days to find out. It turns out that there is only this one person. If our team, even I can’t even win a contractor, and I don’t need to hang out in the Caribbean.” Arthur couldn’t help but curse a few words, but many members of the regiment just glanced at him, and finally waited, and the woman at the helm spoke.

It was a woman with a graceful figure, with a black wizard robe draped over her body, and her S-curved figure would definitely make people who don't know why drool, but her many subordinates didn't have that kind of hobby.

Turning her head suddenly, she could only make many contractors bow their heads. She was the leader of the black witch team, the notorious daughter of Satan, and the only black witch in the whole team.

It is rumored that she used to be a beautiful and innocent white girl. The first time she entered the killing space, she came to a movie with a wizard, but she was not aware of precautions, and was discovered by the other contractors. That kind of lonely and helpless Under the circumstances, she was raped by many contractors there, and finally threw her at the witch's door to die.

With dark eyes, she was full of lifelessness, but in the end she was valued by the witch and taught her black magic.

With the help of terrifying black magic, her white skin has faded and turned into black and wrinkled old bark. When she turned her head, her face was almost engraved with the mark of the devil, and there was a string of small black hair hanging around her neck. skull.

At this time, she had already taken revenge. The souls of those contractors who insulted her were all sealed in the skulls around their necks. These contractors would hear the sounds of struggling and begging for mercy in the skulls from time to time. Such an incomparable feeling, who would dare to look directly at her?

"Arthur... you command them, I want that Black Sea ship!" A deep and hoarse voice sounded, Arthur nodded obediently, and just carried out the order, after all, she knew how to kill for fun now.

Fang Yun didn't know that there was a very powerful witch in this team, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

What is a witch?Do you have so many ships?Do I want to fight with you, not to mention the cold light in Fang Yun's eyes, the power of the quasi-legendary warships, in fact, can be compared with the broken copper and iron under your command?

As the five sailboats approached quickly, Fang Yun snorted coldly, and the starboard anchor was sunk into the sea frantically, because the anchor got stuck on the bottom of the sea, and the bow of the ship suddenly sank into the sea.

The people chasing behind, no matter the contractor or the pirate, were stunned for a moment, and they were all shocked by the opponent's actions.

After a crazy sharp turn, the whole ship swayed directly, drawing a spectacular white arc on the sea surface, and then the three large cannons on the bow were aimed at a pirate ship, before the captain ran away take the helm.

The huge cannon roared, and three cannons were fired. At this time, the distance between the two sides was only one kilometer, and the shells visible to the naked eye directly smashed through the one-masted pirate ship at a fast speed. After the shell hit the head, it was almost torn apart, and the pieces of wood and corpses were blown into the ocean.

The momentary artillery attack stunned the remaining four pirate ships. What was even more shocking was that Fang Yun cut off the anchor rope that sank into the sea, swung his long sword, and even turned around and came directly to them. Center of four ships.

Arthur was a little happy at first, because the Black Sea was more like a turtle in a urn at this time, but the gun ports on the left and right sides of the Black Sea were instantly opened, and there were 16 exaggerated gun ports on one side. call out!

Fang Yun had already jumped up, reached the highest point of the bow, grabbed the mast with one hand and shouted: "Let these idiots die! Fire!"

"Fire!" Unlucky Patton shouted with red eyes, carrying an axe.

"Fire!!!" Many pirates roared in unison, and the shocking roar even overwhelmed the tide of the sea at this time.

The Black Sea was roaring at this time, the entire ship shook, and 32 24-pound cannons on both sides roared at the same time. At this moment, the ocean seemed to calm down, because the whole world was emitting a huge roar.

At such a moment, the sides of the Black Sea were covered with flying broken boards. I don’t know how many pirates were directly blasted into pieces, and the mainmasts of two pirate ships were interrupted, almost gone. The ability to move and the instant burst of crazy firepower made the sailors of the Black Sea scream excitedly.

The pirate ships on both sides also fired, but even if they were hit by nearly 10 shells, they could only make a small hole or even a big crater in the hard-as-iron hull, but the spirit of the Black Sea, which had absorbed the soul, began to Get excited and start to strengthen the hull again, or restore the damaged hull.

The Black Witch team couldn't calm down anymore. There were more than 20 people in their team, and they were on three ships. The other two ships belonged to the plot character pirates. But in such a short moment, they suffered heavy losses.

The daughter of Satan never expected such a situation to happen. In her head, they, with many contractors, must be the victor.

But what I didn't expect was that they were even worse than a dog in the water. With cold eyes, they carefully remembered Fang Yun's face and left without looking back.

Arthur waved his hand and retreated immediately, unable to fight any more. The difference in the level of the hull was too great to hurt anyone's fundamentals.

Seeing the contractor's ship leave, Fang Yun did not chase after him. After all, the contractor often has some very powerful props in his hands. Bad luck.

"Clean the battlefield and see if you can find anything useful from these sunken ships." Fang Yun jumped off the deck and stopped the battleship. Since the title has the ability of privateering license, he can get it from other captains, or The pirates got something from their corpses. Although they cannot be taken away, they can be placed on their own Black Sea, or handed over to other pirates to improve their strength. (This skill can only be used at sea)
 A new week and a new beginning, thanks to Lanshan of the Sea, Traces, M-750, Moment of Youth, Apollo Moon, only ice and fire.

  It's a pity that the rewards from Real Madrid's fresh meat Lucas and others are actually for the sake of looking good. After all, there are only 8 people who donate. I can record them one by one. When will the reward come? 99+, the code word code word code is not enough, it feels so good. Haha, just kidding, I hope you can point out some unreasonable places, don’t criticize maliciously, guys who have played World of Warcraft and know about World of Warcraft, You can find my posts in the comment area and make targeted comments.

(End of this chapter)

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