Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 72 I am invincible.

Chapter 72 I am invincible.

There will be times to ride the wind and waves, and hang the clouds and sails to help the blue sea.

Fang Yun snorted coldly, a three-masted battleship without a tail mast, even if the displacement is almost as high as his own Black Sea, but it is not comparable.

As Fang Yun issued a series of flags, the sails fluttered high with the sea wind, and the two warships broke through the waves, bringing out a long white wave behind them.

The distance between the two warships was getting closer and closer, and none of them planned to avoid them. Seeing that they were about to collide, Fang Yun sneered, and cut his neck with his hands. Finally, Orlando waved his hands sullenly and turned the rudder, followed by a huge The waves were set off, and the two warships avoided dangerously. The anchors of both sides were lowered at the same time. No one cared at all whether it would cause damage to the hull.

"Fire!" Fang Yun and Odolan shouted at the same time.

A huge and incomparable roar resounded through the sky, and the tyrannical firepower of both sides erupted instantly, one after another, black artillery, and in an instant, the two battleships were in full bloom. The armrest on Fang Yun's left exploded, and the wood shattered. Duan jumped on the body, didn't even hide, and directly stood up to the commander in front of him.

Fang Yun could clearly feel the mournful sound of the hull. Huge holes exploded on the left side of the hull. Following the prompt from the space, more than a dozen pirates were blown to pieces.

But the subordinates on both sides are already crazy. The pirates are afraid of the navy because they are on the quasi-legendary battleship and the famous captain of the White Wizard. The Spanish navy seems to be aroused bloody, screaming for a board battle.

"Hook and anchor, pick up the hook and anchor, this stupid Spanish idiot is going to fight on board!" Fang Yun roared, and the two sides quickly took the hook and anchor with a long rope and threw them on the other's sail.

Fang Yun took the lead, and with his blood boiling, he wandered over with the rope at the first. Under the baptism of many artillery and muskets, he was not hit at all, and poured the magical rum and magic shield in advance. Its own defense is quite astonishing.

Seeing the captain rushing over, the excited pirates followed closely behind, and the unlucky Patton rushed over screaming. The huge ax was a sharp weapon for massacres, crushing many navies crazily, and some swords stabbed over without any harm. Scrupulous, followed by a horizontal cut, and immediately after, you can see that the stomachs of these marines have been separated, and the colorful intestines slipped down directly, and the howls and killing cries were extremely ear-piercing.

Moreover, the pirates' attack power will be increased by 30% by Fang Yun's title, and their strength will really increase.

This is the fight of blood and flesh. As soon as Fang Yun landed, he saw a Spanish navy with a musket about to shoot at him. He stretched out his left hand with a desert eagle, and the gunshot rang out suddenly. He only looked at the head of the Spanish navy. Explode like a watermelon.

"Kill them, kill these stinky pirates!" A school captain waved a Western sword with a grim face.

"Idiot, you should die!" Fang Yun walked over slowly, and the pirate behind him had already followed. The captain sneered, and suddenly took out his musket and shot Fang Yun.

Fang Yun, who did not evade, his face was twisted with wild laughter. Fang Yun, who was hit by a shot, spattered blood on his chest, but his body only took half a step back, and he had already coldly raised the Desert Eagle in his hand.

There were loud noises one after another, and violent flames pierced his chest with violent bullets. Even if he was a captain-level lieutenant, he lost half of his blood in an instant. The most terrifying thing was , the ribs in his chest were almost completely shattered, exposing his organs.

This kind of shocking lethality not only frightened the Spanish navy, but even the pirates behind them felt too scary, but at this time they only need to work hard to kill the enemy. The captain would do the same to them.

The blood-red eyes represent their frantic killings. The most terrifying thing about side-to-side battles is that they, who originally needed long-distance combat, passively accept melee combat.

There is no doubt that the individual strength of the pirates is strong. Although the cooperation is not tacit, but the boarding battle is definitely much stronger than the navy, and Fang Yun spent a lot of gold coins to attract more than 60 elite pirates at a high price. In the past, there were a total of 8 pirate leaders, which was beyond Odolan's imagination!
The Spanish navy had been brainwashed by Odolan to increase their momentum, but when they were really facing a boarding battle, their battle situation was basically one-sided.

Holding the elf long sword, Fang Yun walked gracefully among muskets and swords, but the long sword in his hand was merciless, with fierce force, cutting through every enemy's body.

Fang Yun, who was shot from time to time, his body was shining with white light, and when he turned his head, he was shot in the head. The powerful lethality made Fang Yun almost unstoppable at the moment.

Aldolan was almost stunned. From his binoculars, he didn't see that this was a powerful pirate gang. Moreover, he had never seen the portrait of the captain Fang Yun, and the results were often unexpected.

But he was not made of mud, and immediately yelled: "Kill them, 10 gold coins for a pirate!!"

Money is undoubtedly something that stimulates blood. The navies, who were already sluggish, ignored it and fought frantically with it.

Fang Yun's complexion changed slightly, Odolan is such a stinky idiot, he has already shouted, he must let his subordinates hear the news he likes.

"Turn them over, you take one-third of the gold coins on this broken ship!" kicked a marine soldier over, and then pierced his chest with a sword, blood gushed out, and the amount of bleeding from the heart was undoubtedly is the most.

The unstoppable Fang Yun originally planned to deal with the naval commander, but a giant man came out from the cabin, roaring like a beast, with thick iron chains tied to his arms, dragging an extremely huge hammer.

When he swung it, an elite pirate could only block it with the scimitar in his hand, but the violent force directly smashed his scimitar, his chest sank instantly, vomited blood in mid-air, and fell directly into the ground. region.

The sea between the two warships has long been filled with countless sea sharks and even some strange sea monsters. Fang Yun once glanced at them, and there are some legendary sea creatures among them, all of which are attracted by the smell of blood. If someone falls, the consequences are fairly obvious.

The giant man with the iron chain rushed towards Fang Yun, and Fang Yun, who was dragged by his men, sneered cruelly.

"Come on, damned idiot, see my miracle!" Fang Yun roared frantically, his voice was extremely loud, and all pirates and soldiers looked over.

The Spanish navy, in particular, was horrified to see that Fang Yun instantly condensed a football-sized fireball in his hand, and rushed over at a speed comparable to that of an arrow. The surprised face of the giant man instantly became terrified.

The fireball exploded on his body in an instant, and the terrifying magic flame burned his skin. With his low IQ, he fluttered his ignited hair in horror, and accidentally fell into the sea!

What Orlando didn't expect was that this hole card was hung up like this, and he suddenly felt like cursing his mother.

Fang Yun, who was surrounded by magic elements, was invincible at this time. He raised his head, the elf sword in his hand kept slipping blood, looked at Orlando who was evasive and panicked, and strode after him.

There was a sound of musket guns, and the lead bullets with strong lethality hit his chest, and only hit 20, 30, points of damage, after the white light flickered.

The deck under Fang Yun's feet exploded in an instant, rushing into the crowd like a cannonball, and Fang Yun also instantly changed from a magician to a berserker, holding a sword in both hands, as long as he swung the long sword, someone's body would be torn apart, a stream of blood Splashing in mid-air, covered his whole body with blood, at this moment, he is like a demon god!
At this very moment, his arrogance was overwhelming!

At this moment, he is invincible to me!

At this time, it was the starting point of his expedition to the sea.

 -. -Actually, I’m so confused, how to write three or four chapters in a battle, I want to learn. Who told me, then I also learn. I tried my best to make a sea battle, but I ended up Wrote a chapter, MDZZ (talking about myself). .

  Chapter 2 every day, updated at [-]:[-] pm.

  Let's get some recommendation tickets, now there are more than 900 recommendation tickets, dare you let me go to... 800? 700? 600?Actually, I think it's okay too-. -

(End of this chapter)

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