Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 77 Battle at sea?

Chapter 77 Battle at sea?
Captain Fang got Davy Jones' nautical map, glanced at it, and handed it directly to the navigator Harry, telling him to go straight to the vicinity of the island of death. As for why the captain Fang Yun didn't take the helm, he really wanted to let go : "MLGBD, this map looks like a pile of shit, what do you want me to see?"

In a special plot world like Pirates of the Caribbean, you don’t want to bring in the map from Killing Floor unless you can memorize the entire map with your brain. People who have sailing experience will also get lost looking at the map.

Of course, if you memorize the map by yourself and draw it on paper, you should be able to sell it for a high price... But such people are simply too few, even if Fang Yun's intelligence and wisdom have improved so much at this time, although his memory has greatly increased, he has not memorized it. The ability to map so many dot-dot-line lines down.

Captain Fang, who is already a bit of a nerd, feels okay after a lifeless sailing trip. After all, life is full of ups and downs, and it's not good to experience too much...


"FUCK, battle at sea?" Fang Yun grabbed the cable, holding a binoculars in one hand, his complexion was abnormal, with the corners of his mouth curled up, he was obviously very excited.

Many pirates had already heard the roar of cannons in the distance, and the sailors below the deck also appeared, stretching out their necks, looking where they were in shock.

It was really a battle comparable to a sea battle. The Black Pearl led five two- and three-masted warships, and pursued Jack Sparrow on the sea without hesitation.

At this time, Captain Jack was on Gibbs' ship, that is, the pirate ship stolen from Blackbeard, followed by the Interceptor and four two-masted warships. Jack, who had been chased for a long time, finally Furious, he used his semaphore, and all the battleships made a sharp turn. From that moment on, the sea was rough, the white waves rolled, and the sound of roaring gunfire was imminent.

The whole world changed color upon hearing it, and countless sea creatures gathered. Fang Yun could see the legendary giant shark under his feet, swimming towards it at a fast speed, for fear that he would not be able to eat a dead person.

The quasi-legendary warship Fang Yun approached suddenly, but the battle between the two did not stop. The two sides had already entered into a side-to-side battle, and the bloody killing could not stop at all. The pirate fell into the sea, and before he climbed onto the rescue boat, he went straight into the shark's mouth.

"Go forward, stop at 50 meters from where they are fighting, and remember, that grandson dares to shoot a cannon here, so he will focus on him!"

Fang Yun wanted to stop quietly, but the contractors of the two-masted warships were all red-eyed. Seeing this warship that was not his accomplice, they opened fire one after another.

A bullet passed Fang Yun's forehead and hit Taylor's forehead. Taylor clenched his fist instantly, threw the bullet on the ground on his forehead, and glanced at Fang Yun.

"Made, what are you looking at? Get rid of this group of villains, and even hit your future first mate. Fuck him!" Fang Yun was furious, but he laughed heartily. It's powerful.

As a captain of the British navy, Taylor turned into a pirate by himself. Naturally, everyone refused to accept it. No matter the Spanish navy or the original pirates, they all planned to punish him.

As a result, Taylor singled out a group of them, and everyone was his own, so naturally he couldn't use cold weapons or muskets. Taylor, who only used his fists, defeated them.

The fist-first pirate world naturally convinced the other pirates, especially Fang Yun yelled loudly, telling them that your first mate was beaten, pulled up the sail, and slammed directly between the two.

The red-eyed contractors were suddenly stunned. This battleship was so unreasonable, and it didn't slow down even though it was so close to everyone.

"Knock over them, this group of ordinary-level little trash, let them see the power of the quasi-legendary warship!" Fang Yun stood at the forefront and swung his sword forward. The hulls of the two warships that were directly hit exploded.

The contractor who woke up was planning to run away with Yang Fan, but found that the round of shelling on the bomb just now basically cut off the main sail.

"Fire!!" Following Fang Yun's order, the huge hull of the Black Sea vibrated crazily, and the shells on both sides were like pea shooters, directly smashing the two two-masted warships into plugs.

This situation completely left the contractors on the other ships dumbfounded, wondering who owns this ship?Could it be another pirate king?
However, the warships on both sides of the war also gave way one after another. This group of guys found out that as long as they did not do anything to them, this dark warship would not fight back, but the vicious pirates on board were too aggressive. Bleeding on the forehead, wearing the clothes of the British Navy, the killing intent is particularly obvious, as if waiting for someone to hit them.

Accompanied by the smell of gunpowder smoke, Fang Yun lit a cigar and sat on the bow of the ship, swinging his legs, approaching the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow and others.

As the Black Sea gradually approached the Black Pearl, Gibbs waved his hands on another ship and shouted eagerly: "Damn Brother Pastor, you are here, but how did you hit our people??"

Gibbs' voice clearly attracted everyone's attention. Many plot characters on the two ships left the battle one after another. After all, a quasi-legendary battleship is likely to change the situation of a battle, and he has just confirmed this point.

"NO..., don't you know that I changed my name recently, please call me the handsome and handsome white wizard captain who loves flowers!" Fang Yun laughed out loud after finishing speaking.

Gibbs looked embarrassed, and he knew something about it. After all, many new crew members had been received from the port, and they had all heard of the famous Captain White Wizard.

At this time, there are not only plot characters on this ship, but also many contractors. Seeing Fang Yun talking with Gibbs, these contractors' faces suddenly changed. They have never heard of this white wizard captain. In other words, he is not a plot character at all, so he must be a contractor.

Moreover, Gibbs' mouth was not reliable, he always said that his wine bag was cheated by others, and he was always distressed when he was fine. Jack Sparrow had heard Fang Yun's name a long time ago. Most of the contractors on this ship, I have also heard the rumors of Captain White Wizard, but I really couldn't believe it when I saw it.

It's incredible that there is a contractor who can stop two legends who are fighting at the same time.

"Haha, you actually stole the Black Sea from Blackbeard. Didn't this old guy chase you all over the world?" Barbosa grinned loudly, grinning his big yellow teeth.

"It's just a quasi-legendary warship. Captain Barbossa's Black Pearl is famous. I admire you very much." Fang Yun's attitude towards Barbossa and Captain Jack doesn't need to be too respectful, after all, he didn't provoke them. And they are not as scary as Davy Jones, so there is no need to be too cowardly.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart. This group of contractors are still using ordinary warships. They are all using quasi-legendary warships. Can they feel the same? A person can only be a small boss, not even a sailor. In fact, in their hearts, being able to mix with the protagonists is already very good.

(Battleship class: one-masted battleship, two-masted battleship, three-masted battleship, quasi-legendary battleship, legendary battleship.)
(The mast does not necessarily represent the combat power. Many large warships have three masts, because a sailing ship needs a fore-mast, a mid-mast, and a stern-mast. Too many are unnecessary. The combat power depends on the displacement, the number of deck layers, and the carrying capacity. depends on the number of cannons.)
(There were no warships with more than three masts in the early to mid-17th century, maybe there were, but very can ignore this detail.)
(End of this chapter)

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