Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 8 Stupid Humans

Chapter 8 Stupid Humans

Since Hanks was able to create a team and become the team leader, he must have a strong strength. Even if he got the teleportation scroll by selling off his equipment, his physical strength never dropped. It simply cannot lie in its confrontation.

As he thought, there is really an enemy in this world, just opposite him, that person is like a shadow in the dark, running out from time to time, slashing his body, if it is not restrained by the other two, Hanks Definitely have the confidence to smash that son of a bitch assassin.

"Come out, come out, fight me like a warrior, you trash, rubbish!" Hanks roared angrily, blood kept dripping from his body, even if he just drank a bottle of precious potion and recovered nearly Half of his health, but he knew that he could no longer escape death.

"Hank, you take the initiative to hand over that item, and it's okay to let your life go. After all, you are a promising MT. The team leader said that you can join." The assassin hid in the dark and smiled coldly. .

"FUCK, fuck off, I don't have a high chance of dropping the props on me, so kill me if you have the ability." Seeing that these people were not busy killing him, Hanks calmed down and planned to recover his health.

Hanks, who has been through many worlds, is not mentally handicapped. He is looking for every opportunity to turn things around. At this time, he rushes to the battlefield between dwarves and trolls. It's better to continue fighting with these people.

Fang Yun walked lightly at this time, jumped on the stone, and came to the side of several contractors. Hanks and others were very surprised that this fallen elf of unknown origin didn't play with bows and arrows, played with guns, and didn't fight with others. The elves mixed together, had fun and smoked with dwarves all day long, I had never seen this kind of alternative.

"Stupid human beings, the trolls are coming here, you don't help, you are still killing each other, is your head full of shit?" The elf, who was obviously full of foul words and angry, made the three of Hanks a little bit After getting used to it, the assassin was stunned. Through the news, he knew that there was a special elf in the Gushan team, but he didn't expect that the elf in the story actually cursed people and came to join in the fun. For a while, he didn't dare to do anything here. His musket was very lethal. Although it took nearly 20 seconds to fire a shot, he didn't want to provoke him, not to mention that there were many dwarves beside him.

"Damn mercenaries, it's a waste to hire you for thirty gold coins. Why don't you go and find a woman, will you go and help?" Fang Yun pointed at several people with a threatening musket, When the muzzle is aimed at a person, you will find that the threat is very serious based on your perception, but Fang Yun's perception is too high, leading to no danger. After all, I have never heard of any plot character who would shoot at the contractor for no reason, and this elf was originally It's normal to point a gun at other people if you're mentally abnormal.

"Cough!" A cough came from the shadows.

Fang Yun squinted his eyes, waiting for this voice. With his perception, he could feel the danger of the assassin, but this person obviously had some stealth skills, so it was difficult to determine the direction, but after the voice came out.

"Bang." With a sound, flames sprayed from the muzzle of the gun, and the violent sound of the gun caught everyone off guard, and there was a scream.

"Based on your perception, you will get the following battle information"


"You caused 5321 points of bleeding symptoms per second to Contractor No. 3, which lasted for 5 seconds."

Before people had time to react, Fang Yun turned into a cheetah and ran over. A fireball flew to the side of the assassin. A bullet pierced a big hole in his left chest, and blood gushed out continuously. The lethality is too strong, enough to explode the head of an elephant. Although he has been digitalized, his chest is full of blood. The ignorant assassin relied on his body consciousness to turn around and dodge the slow fireball. I don’t know what happened. A dazzling light suddenly appeared in the sky, and he quickly blocked the dazzling white light with his arms.

His perception is not too high, but the battle information sent makes people feel that shouting is impossible!This elf turned out to be a contractor?
But with the dazzling white light and the momentary stunned effort, the impossible gunshots came again, and there were two squeaks!
"You caused 5321 points of damage to the chest of contractor No. 73!"

"You caused 5321 points of damage to the head of Contractor No. 77, 62 points of critical damage, and at the same time caused serious injuries to the enemy, and stunned for 2 seconds."

"Contractor No. 5321 died."

"This scene is a peaceful scene, you can't get any benefit from the death of Contractor 5321."

An assassin who kills at close quarters, his hiding place was known by others, he had no intention of exposing his pink chrysanthemum in a bathhouse full of gay men.

People can't help but want to shoot, and it is bound to overwhelm him!Undoubtedly, the assassin wanted to cough and inform Reagan and others to kill him.

The physical strength of elves is definitely not as good as that of dwarves. As a remote, can the blood volume be thick?Although Fang Yun's sudden appearance made these people a little dazed, human nature is greedy. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Fang Yun is an elf. Is it useful to have a high-attack musket for the mission?

It's a pity that Fang Yun has been waiting for the signal for a long time. With extraordinary perception, he can be found easily. The range of a fireball technique is not too large, but it can also scare him out.

Just now, a dazzling white light unexpectedly came from the place where the dwarves were fighting, and the assassin in the shadows was also illuminated by the white light, just like a little girl bathing in a wild river, who was discovered by the evil uncle, and there was no way to avoid it, and then It's a series of tragedies, the most painful thing is that the fierce gunshots, when they were fighting the ogre, they were shot every 20 seconds, but now Nima can fire continuously?

The same crisp-skinned assassin was killed directly. It can only be said that it was unexpected. What's more tragic is that this assassin didn't have time to show his strength at all.

Hanks is not a saint. If someone wants to kill him, he must not let him go. Since there are characters in the plot to help him, although he doesn't know why, he has already rushed towards Reagan and others fiercely.

At this time, Fang Yun was not the main force. He hid behind Hanks, dodging the extremely fast-firing assault bullets, and only fired a shot every few tens of seconds. Hanks could drive two people away by himself. At that time, a new force with full firepower was added, and Fang Yun had his head blown by two contractors who were about to beg for mercy.

Although the peaceful scene doesn't explode, Fang Yun likes this bloody feeling and always wants to cum and cum. He vaguely feels that it should be the reason of the elven blood.

"Okay, stupid human being, hand over your treasures, or on this day next year, I will come here to give you some fertilizer to make the grass on your grave more vigorous." Fang Yun held up the Desert Eagle and aimed at He said with a cold head.

Hanks, who was covered in blood, swallowed and looked at Fang Yun with a bit of resentment in his eyes. Through the shouts of Reagan and others begging for mercy just now, he knew that this elf-like plot character turned out to be a contractor.

Hanks, with dull eyes, couldn't turn his head around. Could it be that the elves who are plot characters can also become the contractors of Killing Space?
In other words, he looks like an elf, but how can Nima look like a fireball?Looks like why can you mix so well with dwarves and follow Gandalf's ass?His brain literally short-circuited.

 The stupid author has spoken, hand in the recommendation ticket, otherwise if you want to read it, it means, what class do you have to study if you read the book well!What class do you have? !Recommended votes, 30 votes, don’t you feel pitiful?

(End of this chapter)

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