Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 80 Devil's Island

Chapter 80 Devil's Island
The atmosphere became tense, and the four warships made a big turn on the sea, drawing a white line on the dark blue sea.

The sea of ​​death is not too far from here, but no matter where you go, you can't avoid that place, and usually sail around that sea area.

"Elizabeth, do you want to see the sea?" Fang Yun came to Gibbs' boat. Elizabeth, dressed in a female pirate's clothes, was playful and cute.

Especially the white shirt, really very tempting, Fang Yun is not not close to women, but he has not met a suitable candidate, but the title given by Killing Space is a "rogue".

It made Fang Yun want to give it a try. After all, he was rushing to save the lost girl. Welltner, the man who is destined to succeed Davy Jones, it is better to be alone. Shore, it's only at this time that I can have sex once, it makes women feel so lonely and sad.

Fang Yun, who has the noble blood of an elf and has an amazing temperament, chose to be an excellent pirate captain. At this time, he really has excellent power and temperament, super charm, and talent against the sky, and Elizabeth immediately added to him. 40 favorability points, there is no way, who made this plot character a woman~
Similarly, the talent of 'Affinity' also brushed the sailors of the entire battleship by the way.

Fang Yun secretly smiled, his talent should be changed to charisma, if he wants to be a leader, he will be liked wherever he goes.

"Well, look at the sea, why do you have time to come here? Doesn't the captain need to be at the helm?" Elizabeth said a little cutely, and looked curiously at the captain of the white wizard who rose like a hurricane version.

After all, Fang Yun himself is a half-elf and a half-breed, so his attraction to women is often more exaggerated than that of normal men.

"NO, of course not. As a great captain, you only need to control the overall situation and lead the crew to victory. Why do you have to steer yourself?" Fang Yun's smile was very charming, and he began to chat and laugh with him.

Wiltner felt a little grateful for the captain who saved him. After all, it was his appearance that turned them from fleeing to cooperating. In the end, Fang Yun specially reminded that the curse can be lifted by cutting the palm of the hand. Will go to kill him, and the favorability rises to 60 points.

But being grateful does not mean that you can soak my wife, take a bottle of rum, run between the two of you, and hand a bottle to Fang Yun with a smile.

Glancing at Turner's Captain Fang, he took a sip calmly, turned his head and left in a cool manner, everything must go with the flow, the twisted melon is not sweet, he has never regarded the characters in the movie world as a bunch of people. Data, otherwise where did I come from?
Elizabeth leaned against the railing of the bow, her golden hair fluttering in the wind, gradually covering her beautiful eyes, she turned her head to look at Fang Yun who was leaving, this mysterious and noble wizard, like a kitten, Scratching her heart, after all, the white wizard who can make a huge name in a short period of time must have abilities beyond ordinary people like you.

Wiltner didn't care about those details, he only thought about when the curse would be lifted, and he was proposing to Elizabeth...

With the day and night of sailing, the sky was dark and terrifying, and the deep blue ocean had long since turned into a black sea. Some sunken ships on the bottom of the sea were clearly visible, and there were still old and decayed wooden boards floating on the sea surface. I don’t know where they came from. know where to go.

Jack Sparrow has already reduced the speed of the ship. There are reefs everywhere, so he has to be careful.

There seemed to be some movement inside some of the sunken ships, but I don't know what was inside. When the Black Sea passed by it, it caused the sunken ships to shake.

"The rotting corpses in the sea of ​​death, the warships of these guys sank to the bottom of the water somehow, some sailors were drowned in the sea, after many years, some guys who were not eaten by the fish turned into disgusting rotting corpses .” Barbosa gnawed on an apple and explained to Fang Yun on the Black Sea not far away.

"Can't this group of guys be drowned?" Fang Yun was a little puzzled, could it be the same for the rotting corpses on Blackbeard's boat?

"They can be killed, but they cannot be drowned. The main thing is that the dead sea is suitable for these guys to survive. If they go out to the dead sea, they will be eaten by sharks long ago. This sea area has been cursed, and ordinary fish are not I will swim here." Barbosa said lightly, the old guy's curse has been lifted at this time, and he can feel the taste of eating apples, so he is in a good mood and can explain to Fang Yun.

Jack suddenly climbed up the mast, frowned and shouted: "It's almost there, be careful with your feet, and follow my boat from now on, there are too many hidden reefs in the Dead Sea."

A gloomy feeling came through, Fang Yun saw the dark and gloomy island of devil through the layers of mist, terrifying howls came from the island, the dark clouds seemed to be overhead, dark red lightning, Like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, one appeared from time to time.

"Head, are we really going to this broken island?"

Unlucky Button nodded affirmatively: "That's right, when you look at this ghostly place, you know it can't be lived in..."

"Slap!" Patton's round head was slapped, and the unlucky Patton who patted his head curled his lips and dared not speak.

Fang Yun secretly used magic, and his voice was loud and majestic: "You idiots, don't you know that danger and opportunity coexist? Captain Barbossa told me that the gold coins here can be piled up into a golden mountain. If you don't want to go, just go Why take it on the ship, what we brought back, you can hide on the deck and watch, cowards."

"FCUK, I am not a coward."

"That's right, it's all because Barton said he didn't dare to go..."

"Head, there are really so many gold coins there?" A group of pirates rubbed their palms and asked, after all, they haven't had a bad time following Fang Yun for so many days.

"Don't talk nonsense, sign up if you go, guard my boat here if you don't, if a rope is missing, I will feed you a live sea snake!" Fang Yun snorted coldly.

A group of people signed up excitedly, but Fang Yun found out that these pirates were still not afraid of death when they encountered gold coins, but he only selected nearly 50 pirates, among whom were either elites or leaders. on board.

Barton, who looked frustrated, thought that the captain would no longer use him, and almost cried out. For this tall man with a low IQ, Fang Yun could only take him to the captain's cabin, comfort him, and send him off again. He gave him a cigar and asked him to lead the remaining 180 crew members to guard the ship.

"FUCK, that's Blackbeard's boat!" Jack shouted loudly. Fang Yun and Barbossa took out their binoculars and saw it, but they couldn't get close at all. , In the absence of a map, I dare not go there at will.

"When you get off the boat, bring the best manpower. Blackbeard must have gone to the island. Although I don't know what other means he can use, we must not let him delay the time, otherwise the situation will be too unfavorable for us." Fang Yun glanced at the time, and there were only 5 days left, but Fang Yun had to go to the island to fight for the Sword of Triton and Queen Anne's Revenge.

But I don't know if this island is a small island. If so, I can still use my title. If not, it's bad luck.

 Blackbeard’s rotting corpse, and Triton’s sword, no one will explain it, so I’ll just write it, if you think it’s good, just praise me~ If you don’t think it’s good, just vote quietly~ Call me Brother Huang Tu again, wait for Fang Yun Brother came out and asked him to take a magic wand and knock on your windows one by one, turning them into yellow pictures for you.

(End of this chapter)

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