Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 85 Fight! !

Chapter 85 Fight! !
At this time, Fang Yun suddenly said with a righteous face: "Respect Knight, I didn't expect you to insist after so many years. We are sent by the Pope to check whether the seal is damaged."

The statue of the paladin opened its mouth with great difficulty, but it also made it drop a quick amount of gravel, and then a dull voice came out: "I remember this sacred healing technique. I used to have it too. .”

"Hint: The puppet statue of the paladin will increase your favorability by 20 points!"

Fang Yun, who is secretly happy in his heart, can only say that his talent is too strong, and this kind of neutral puppet can increase his favor for him, and there is no one else.

"My lord, as a paladin, will naturally have it. I'm just an ordinary priest." Fang Yun looked ashamed, with a hint of embarrassment.

The paladin seemed to want to smile, but when he found that he couldn't laugh at all, he sighed and let out some dust without saying a word: "In my previous impression, the priest is very amazing, don't underestimate your ability, God doesn't It will give you useless abilities for nothing."

"By virtue of your divine healing technique, I know that you belong to the camp of light. Go ahead, child. The strength of the Dark Lord has never been weakened by the seal. The longer the time passes, the stronger his strength will become. You have to be more careful. "The statue of the paladin seemed to be calm again, but Fang Yun licked his lips, but he didn't intend to let him go. He was so scared that he almost fell out of his heart just now. Of course he wanted some benefits, and the reward of the Crusaders should be in in his hands.

"Master Knight, please don't go. We have encountered many rotting corpses along the way, and we are exhausted at this time. I wonder if the Lord can provide us with some assistance?" Fang Yun said angrily, and stabbed Taylor with his arm. The few of them who knew what they were thinking, wept so sadly that they almost knelt down and choked in pain.

The paladin is a little confused, but he became a statue more than 100 years ago, his IQ has basically disappeared, and his head is full of stones. At this time, his thinking ability relies entirely on the operation of magic, and at the end of his life Impression, the reward seems to have been gone long ago. In the end, he still said helplessly: "I have nothing to give you except stones on me. The reward has long since disappeared."

But Fang Yun really didn't give up, and said in a startling sentence: "Master Knight, can you go with us?"

The paladin, who was about to crash, took a long time to speak slowly, with a voice full of loyalty and persistence: "I promised His Excellency the Pope to guard this altar forever, and I will never leave."

He wanted to take away the statue of the paladin, but in the end he could only give up. When the paladin fell silent, they also walked past the altar.

Fang Yun doesn't know what the road ahead is, but if it's just a statue of a paladin, then it must be easy, but this road can't be played like a house, let him reach the end, right?
.............................. ..
Looking at his own data, Fang Yun could only keep going when there was nothing wrong. At this time, he did not know how long he had walked from the second altar, but the road under their feet was a winding and twisted path. .

None of them were in a straight line. At some point, Fang Yun was shocked when he heard another killing cry ahead. He felt that he had been walking for too long. It seemed that he had only one thought of going on. He felt cold in his heart. Glancing at the strange and empty black woods, he didn't intend to leave the woods, but he must run out if he had the chance.

Even if the contractor is digitalized, he still needs to eat and sleep, but since he entered here, he no longer has the instincts that human beings should have. It's like changing them subtly, but he is in this place and almost forgets the time , The surrounding trees are all the same, and they can't remember the instinct of eating and drinking water.

Even under certain circumstances, unwilling to do those instincts.

This was a bit terrifying. Fang Yun saw the four elite pirates behind him, and only now had a slight look on his face. His eyes were blank just now, and he only knew how to move forward. It was frightening to death.

"FUCK, I finally met you!" Fang Yun clenched his fists, lying on the side and cursed secretly. There was a scuffle in front of them. Under their feet was a huge dilapidated altar, and there were no knights and black energy. There were many corpses on the ground , I don't know how long it took.

Blackbeard is very vigorous at this time, there are not many subordinates, only 14 are left, but the most exaggerated thing is that there are 13 subordinates, all of whom are high-level carrion monsters, and the last one is First Officer Halp, who once recruited Fang Yun's guy.

Naturally, their opponents were Jack and Barbossa. As for their subordinates, most of them disappeared, except for some common faces, they basically disappeared.

You don't need to think about it, you know how those people died. Most of the captains with high IQs have extensive knowledge and can easily see the problem from the altar.

Although I don't know what Jack and the others got, but the number of their crews has been greatly reduced. At this time, some of them are not Blackbeard's opponents. , definitely takes a lot of time.

At this time, Fang Yun led people out without hesitation, and greeted Blackbeard with a sneer.

"Damn it, you dare to show up!" Blackbeard was the first to spot him, waving his fists with roars in his eyes.

The first mate behind him, Harp, stood up in an instant, and tore off the clothes on the upper body, exposing the strong and powerful muscles. The whole body was covered with scars and sword wounds almost everywhere, but this is also the capital of the pirates to show off, normal Once a person sees this scar, it is more effective than any tattoo.

The existence that can experience so many battles without dying has extraordinary combat effectiveness.

As for Blackbeard, he was entangled by Barbossa, and he didn't have time to trouble Fang Yun for a while.

But at this moment, the insight technique had already scanned the first officer's basic information.

Harp (Silver Plot Character)

Queen Anne's Revenge Chief Mate

Height: 7 feet 3 inches

Weight: 163 kg
Power: 42
Agility: 19
Stamina: 31
Perception: 21
Wisdom: 5
Intelligence: 6
Charisma: 9
Advanced ability: light weapon melee Lv2 specialization, basic footsteps Lv5, basic endurance L7,

special power:? ? ?
Special ability: Silver plot character, which makes the owner gain an additional 2000 points of health.

Special ability: First Mate on a legendary battleship, granting the owner an additional 1000 health points.

(Explanation: The guys who can make a name for themselves on the Queen Anne's Revenge are basically ruthless and ruthless. I guess their hearts are not as good as the carrion monsters.)
"Blow up our ship and steal the spoils from our heads, you idiot, you are so impatient!" Hal roared, and went to war directly, striding forward, like a raging rhinoceros, he drew a cold light The dignified scimitar slashed down with a forceful cleave.

Fang Yun, who was walking a little, flashed sideways, and the elf sword in his hand slashed fiercely across his waist.

"Hint: Your attack on Harp caused 143-57=85 points of damage."

The roaring Harp immediately turned around and slashed, the light of the knife tore through the air, Fang Yun frowned, and blocked the long sword in front of him, the swords intersected, making a piercing sound instantly.

At the moment of the impact, Fang Yun felt the super strong force, and almost let go of the long sword in his hand in pain, making him take several steps back, and almost hit the tree trunk behind him. Fortunately, his own strength did not It was lower than his 2 times, and successfully blocked the attack.

But this guy's defensive power is too high, and he can't deal any effective damage at all with a single sword strike.

Seeing how hard the captain dealt with this guy, an elite pirate, with a loyal attitude, took a musket and hit Harp on the head with a bang. The moment the blood splashed, the furious Harp turned around. His head screamed wildly, as if he was angry, what kind of meddling are you, a little bastard.

He rushed over like a rolling dragon, and even Aiken was knocked into the woods. His huge palm directly grabbed the elite pirate, dragged his terrified head abruptly, and gave two fierce rounds on the ground. Three times, the whole person became bloody and bloody in an instant, and was thrown aside by him like a torn rag.

Fang Yun waved his hand calmly and told Taylor to take Aiken and the others out of here, to find trouble with those high-level rotting ghouls. It was enough for him to play with him here.

 Today's third update~ Come to a wave of rewards to dig, after all, I don't like broken chapters.What a moral author I am! If you have a book list, add it quickly, don’t control yourself... add it quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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