Infinite Nightmare World

Chapter 88 Legendary!

Chapter 88 Legendary!
"Reminder: Contractor 6250 completed the hidden mission, successfully killed Blackbeard, and snatched the Sword of Triton and the battleship Queen Anne's Revenge"

"Reminder: Barbossa, the plot character, got the Sword of Triton and Queen Anne's Avenger. For you, the quest proposer, the favorability is increased by 60 points, and the favorability with you is now 80 points."

"Reminder: The storyline character, Jacques Palo, has regained the Black Pearl, and his favorability with you, the quest proposer, has increased by 60 points. At this time, his favorability with you is 80 points."

"You have obtained a total of 3000 common coins, 3 potential points, and 3 merit points."

"Reminder: Contractor 6520, led his subordinates to explore the island of Devil's Island, and you will be rewarded with 2 merit points."

"Reminder: Contractor No. 6520 led some of his subordinates to escape from Devil's Island, and you will be rewarded with 2 points of merit."

"Reminder: Contractor No. 6520 completed the legendary deeds. Because you and the three main plot characters entered the sea of ​​​​death at the same time, you revealed the secret of Blackbeard, knew the hidden history of the 'Dark Lord', and miraculously prevented Blackbeard's conspiracy, and together with Jack Sparrow and Barbossa, killed the legendary pirate captain Blackbeard, and changed the main plot of Pirates of the Caribbean 4. Due to your various performances, Killing Floor finally decided to reward you with 1 point Fame, 10 points of merit."

Your meritorious value at this time is 21 points.

"Reminder: Since your meritorious value exceeds 10 points, your military rank can already be promoted, and you can be promoted after returning to Killing Floor."

Fang Yun, who was sitting on the oak barrel, was in a daze all the time, but none of the sailors dared to disturb their heads. At this moment, in their hearts, Captain White Wizard was a legendary existence. Some pirates with bad mental quality went to kneel and lick Fang Yun's shoes.

I don't seem to get any benefits, but the favorability with Barbosa and Jack Sparrow has increased to 80 points, which is enough to prevent the two from playing tricks on me, which has a great impact on future development. future.

Merit points can be called the most difficult thing in Killing Floor. This thing is related to the promotion of military ranks, and it is extremely rare, so their usefulness is much greater than that of potential points and common coins.

What is even more exaggerated is the popularity.

This thing is a good thing that can't be exchanged for pie in the sky.

"Legendary degree: Every plot world has some mysterious and hidden ultimate secrets, which are not only extremely difficult to find, but also unique. Once a contractor completes the legendary deed, the rest of the contractors will not be able to achieve this goal."

1 point of popularity
In the non-state, the popularity can make the owner improve his reputation in any plot world. 1 point of fame = When you increase the reputation of any faction, the required reputation value is reduced by 10%, and you get a discount of +10% when trading all plot characters, and you have direct dialogue with some noble plot characters s right.

In combat state, +1 reputation can increase your dodge rate and hit rate by 5% at the same time.

In the clearance summary, +1 fame can give you extra evaluation.

Fang Yun, who is naturally charming, feels to himself that in the future, relying on his talent "affinity" and popularity, he is simply a bug walking in the killing space, and he is also the kind of magical existence that can directly communicate with the protagonist.

After a life-and-death battle, the relationship between Jack and Barbossa has also improved a lot, especially Barbossa holds the sword of Triton, and he can't put it down. His old wrinkled face is now smiling all day long. , I don't know, will I get older in the future...

Out of the sea of ​​death, Barbosa and his men no longer felt the existence of the physical body, greeted Jack and others, and hurried to lift the curse. Elizabeth's tender hand said that after the curse was lifted, he would propose to her when he returned.

Seeing the sweetness of the two, Fang Yun thought he couldn't get involved.

He seems to be thinking a lot every day, quietly following behind the fleet, but no one dares to underestimate the pirates on other warships, this rapidly rising white wizard captain.

After a series of round trips, only 10 days had passed by the time they arrived at the island of death. Fang Yun was relatively at ease. He didn't mind following the protagonists and going through the main plot, and the relationship between the two had its own characteristics. His hard work has changed too many plots, so there should be some benefits.

Fang Yun was wondering why he couldn't be promoted to one of the nine pirate kings. After a long time, his own reputation hadn't spread, and he was really depressed. They were mixed on the ship all day, and their reputation couldn't be spread. At this time, there was still a difference of 3000. Points of prestige can reach 20000 points of prestige, which is 'worship'.

By that time, he can naturally be promoted to Pirate King.

However, Pirate Kings are also divided into levels. The three legendary battleship Pirate Kings and the remaining six are quasi-legendary warship Pirate Kings. However, Fang Yun feels that it would be good if he can get a quasi-legendary warship Pirate King.

If he had the opportunity to refit his Black Sea and turn it into a legendary battleship, Fang Yun would be so happy that he couldn't sleep.

The misty island of death is a legendary place where countless treasures are hidden. The curse of the ghost thief ship also appeared here. Fang Yun always felt restless. The reason why the strong pirates brought them was for some treasures on the island of the dead. After all, only Aztec gold coins would cause people to curse, and other things can be spent.

With such a large amount of wealth, even if Jack and Barbossa are shameless, they will not stop me from taking more than a dozen boxes. After all, I have helped them so much with the treasures of the entire island, so it is nothing to take some treasures. , This is the usefulness of favorability.

There is a huge cave in the empty and dark island of death. The sailors behind Fang Yun each hold a torch. He followed Jack and others into the cave, and felt a damp and cold atmosphere.

Obviously, this island of death was also cursed, but it was not as powerful as the curse of the Dark Lord. All eyes were on the stone box filled with Aztec gold coins.

But Fang Yun waved his hand, led the crew, and began to put gold and silver treasures into boxes, but no one cared about him, anyway, there were only 30 of them, and they couldn’t take much with them. Fang Yun secretly glanced around and smiled, Specially look for some precious and small items and stuff them into the storage space. Anyway, there are so many things, and there are fewer, and no one knows. Although they can’t take them out, they can buy supplies on the ship, transform the combat effectiveness of the battleship, and send them to the pirate crew. Salary, in short, the more the better.

"MD, I'm tired of not being able to eat and sleeping with women."

"I want to eat meat, a lot of meat."

"Haha, you idiots, I don't know if those who stay on the boat have dinner ready yet?"

The cursed sailors looked at Wiltner expectantly. At this time, Jack did not steal the gold coins. The handsome Wiltner glanced at Elizabeth and lightly cut his hand with blood. With the Aztec gold coins, they fell into the stone box full of gold coins.

"Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong..."

"Lao Tzu, I have a feeling, haha."

"Haha, I'll be able to eat apples again in the future!" But Barbosa couldn't be happier.

The sound of "stabbing" suddenly appeared when the wire was ignited, and everyone looked over in astonishment, and saw a few squinting bosses, the navy, aiming the cannon at the high point in the hole, and a few black shells directly hit the stone box top of the above.

The loud noise of 'rumbling' reverberated non-stop in this narrow space, and some weak pirates had their eardrums bleeding directly.

The huge stone on the top of the head smashed heavily on the Aztec gold coin, and the entire stone box was instantly covered by the huge stone. Barbossa and Will rushed to the distance in an instant, and a gunshot also appeared in an instant. Hundreds of British sailors suddenly emerged from behind the stone.

Fang Yun was stunned for a moment, and saw some contractors who had been abandoned by them with sharp eyes.

I was startled in my heart, this damn came for revenge?It's too bad.

"Hurry up and run, don't waste time here." Fang Yun hurriedly said hello, and told the brothers who were carrying the boxes to withdraw first, trying to bring these treasures back. There were 30 people, and every two people carried unfilled treasure boxes. , ran fast after seeing the navy.

A well-known and strong contractor noticed that Fang Yun was stealing gold coins. He felt like a soft persimmon. With a sneer, he directly selected Fang Yun, jumped up, and fell down instantly with the power of a tiger and wolf.

Fang Yun, who had a super high perception, rolled over in an instant and dodged, but the fist of the man was wearing a pair of super strong gloves. The moment the fist hit the ground, the air exploded violently. One sound.

Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled, and with a bang, the gold and silver treasures under the man's fist were directly crushed into thin metal sheets, and the stones on the ground were shaken out of cracks.

It was the first time Fang Yun met such a powerful contractor. He was really surprised. He took out the elf sword very decisively, and quickly backed away. The contractor with a sneer touched his fists 'clearly'.

Running two steps in a row, with a trace of strange steps, he fell in front of Fang Yun in an instant. Fang Yun originally planned to defend against his powerful fist.

As a result, his whole body was suddenly thrown up, and he hit his knee with a powerful impact, and hit his chest like lightning. The feeling of suffocation was so obvious, Fang Yun really didn't expect that this person would be so fierce , and the method is very strange.

What was even faster was the fist that was shining with blue light, and it was about to hit his face with the wind. Fang Yun raised his long sword in an instant, and with a bang, his whole body was thrown heavily on the ground and rolled several times. The circle stopped.

Fang Yun, whose chest was going to be sunken, stood up with a cold face and clenched his long sword. However, the contractor wearing gloves, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, moved his fingers, as if to let Fang Yun attack him.

"Reminder: Contractor No. 999 knee-butted you, causing 98-50=48 points of damage. Since this world belongs to a peaceful plot world, all damage will be weakened by 20%. His final damage is 39 points of damage."

"Reminder: You used the elven long sword to successfully block the attack of Contractor No. 999, but you still suffered 20 points of impact damage."

Fang Yun squinted his eyes to see this kind of damage, and snorted coldly with disdain. When he rushed over, he used the magic shield and the magical rum, which greatly increased his defense. This damage is nothing at all. Even if this person is extremely sharp in close combat.

 What can I say about my personality?The more data, the more words I have, this chapter is 3200 words, there is nothing wrong with it, come here to recommend, reward or something~
(End of this chapter)

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