Quick Pass Raiders: Rescue the Male Supporter in Progress

Chapter 205 Alternative Strategies: Who Did It?

Chapter 205 Alternative Strategies: Who Did It?
"It was the second night when I came to the villa."

So Mi Duo explained the details of being besieged by scorpions that night in detail.

Chi Hengyi pursed his thin lips tightly. He listened patiently and carefully, and did not interrupt Mi Duo's words, but after hearing that, gradually, an unconcealable anger appeared in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you not?" Is there such a thing?" He looked at Mi Duo with reproach in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

Mi Duo felt guilty: "I... didn't I not know whether these scorpions crawled by accident or were driven away by someone? So..."

"Accidental?" Chi Hengyi sneered and shook his head, "How could there be so many accidents in the world? If the scorpion was really accidental, then the bomb just now must not be groundless, right?"

Mi Duo frowned slightly. "I also find it very strange. Who wants to kill me? I don't have any enemies on the island."

Chi Hengyi shook his head, with a hint of coldness in his eyes. "Duoduo, I can tell you plainly, that person's real goal is not you at all, his goal is me, and it's me he wants to kill!"

"You?" Mi Duo was stunned.

"Yes, if you think about it, that man must have seen us enter the hut. He knew I was with you. If you were the only person he wanted to kill, he would never have taken such extreme measures. His purpose was to Put me to death!"

Mi Duo's vest broke out in cold sweat.This person is really vicious. Not only did he want to kill Chi Hengyi, but he also pulled her as a backup by the way.

"And..." Chi Hengyi took a deep breath and looked down at Mi Duo, "This man knows our whereabouts like the palm of his hand, he knows when we go in and out of the cabin, and he keeps track of our every move. Remote control. They saw us enter the hut, and then sneaked to the car to plant a bomb, and after we came out, he turned on the countdown button..."

Mi Duo stared at him, frowning and thinking. "But, who is this person?"

Chi Hengyi shook his head, his deep eyes fixedly stared not far away, he could see clearly, and suddenly said: "Forget it, let's go back to the villa first."

Mi Duo sighed: "It has to be like this."

The two were about to turn around and leave when footsteps sounded, and several uniformed male servants rushed over.Looking at the messy scene of the explosion, the expressions of several male servants changed.

Chi Hengyi said in a deep voice: "You are all out, where is Master Qiqi?"

"Young Master and Miss Xu are together." A servant replied.

"Xu Jiaqi?" Chi Hengyi frowned, "Why is she here again?"

"I don't know...Miss Xu just came here not long ago."

"Okay then, you guys clean up here." Chi Hengyi took Mi Duo's hand and turned to leave.

"Eldest young master, do you want to call the police on this matter? After all..." a male servant said timidly.

"What police report?" Chi Hengyi's voice suddenly became severe. "Call the police for such a trivial matter, are you afraid that others will not know about the Chi family?"

"Yes, yes..." The servant didn't dare to ask again.

Mi Duo glanced at Chi Hengyi, feeling a strange feeling in his heart.In her eyes, Chi Hengyi has always been a person who grew up in a greenhouse with a gentle and pampered personality and even a little indecisive, but now she finds that he seems to have suddenly changed, how should I put it?It's not that kind of obvious change, but the temperament and aura of the whole person suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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