Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 117 That Man's Money Eliminates Disasters for Others!

Chapter 117 That Man's Money Eliminates Disasters for Others!

"How much money others give you, I will give you double!"

"Okay, you hand over the money first!"

Old Ancestor: Is it really a killer organization with an eye for money?
Luo Xiaoer just wanted to find out who was chasing him, but when he heard this, he felt that he would not know the answer for the time being.

If it was really an organization with an eye for money, I'm afraid he would have forgotten who he was.

Li Shuangxue felt that these people didn't even think about it, and the answers were too easy and lacked credibility, so they didn't act.Just opened his mouth and continued: "Tell me who the employer is, and I will give you three times the money!"

"This is not allowed! In our business, we must pay attention to credibility. If we betray our employer, who will talk to us about business!"

The ancestor couldn't help but nodded: "It makes sense!"

Suddenly, the man in black moved.Lightning struck Mo Li Shuangxue like lightning.

Where is the attitude that everything is easy to negotiate when you have money just now?

It was made clear just now that it was just to paralyze Mo Lishuangxue, make her careless, find the right opportunity, and launch an attack!

"Too bad, Mo Li Shuangxue is going to die!"

Seeing that Mo Lishuangxue was about to be slashed, the knife in the man in black's hand suddenly fell to the ground.

The ancestor looked back, and saw that Luo Xiaoer had already grasped the slingshot, preparing for the second wave of attack.

"Someone, be careful!"

The man in black immediately looked around fearfully, forgetting to attack Li Shuangxue.

The latter drew his sword without hesitation.


The man in black was killed by a sword just now.

Mo Lishuangxue shot again without hesitation, and the men in black rushed forward. In the next second, the men in black were hit one after another.

Mo Li Shuangxue looked around and thanked loudly: "Thank you, senior, for your help!"

The ancestor couldn't help joking: "Did you hear that, people call you senior?"

"Chenchen, stop making trouble, they should find us soon."

As soon as Luo Xiaoer finished speaking, she immediately picked up the ancestor and ran away without giving her a chance to react.

Damn, is being an ancestor a small burden?If you want to carry it, just carry it!
"You put me down!"

"Chenchen, it's dangerous, don't make trouble!"

If they are discovered by the men in black, the consequences will be disastrous!

Although it was only a few slingshots to help, it had already given Li Shuangxue enough time.

Without hesitation, she took out a few things from her body and threw them on the ground.


There was a loud noise, very familiar.

The effect is exactly the same as the thing in the treasure house in the hands of the ancestor!
"A craftsman?" The ancestor turned his head in disbelief.

After the dust and smoke cleared, Mo Lishuangxue put away the protective magic weapon, and all the men in black were dead.She looked around and cupped her fists in thanks.

"Thank you senior!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately entered the ruined temple.

The ancestor immediately grabbed Luo Xiaoer: "Hurry up and go back."

"it is good."

When Mo Lishuangxue went back to find Luo Xiaoer and the old ancestor, they saw them walking all the way to the ruined temple. It was a pity that they didn't even reach a third of the way.

"Brother, it's Shuangxue!"

Mo Lishuangxue almost fell off the flying sword, what did Chenchen call her?
"Shuangxue, it's great that you're fine, my brother and I are so worried. Especially my brother, I insist on bringing Chenchen to you!"

After hearing this, Mo Lishuangxue was very moved, and a smile quickly appeared on her face.

"Thank you, junior brother!"

Luo Xiaoer said with a straight face, "You're welcome!"

"Shuangxue, in fact, my brother is very worried about you, but I can't show it on my face."

"Why?" Mo Li Shuangxue was curious.

"Because, my brother has facial paralysis, no matter how happy he is, he won't laugh!"

After Mo Lishuangxue heard it, she immediately asked concerned: "Is it sick?"

"No, my brother said it was carried in the womb."

(End of this chapter)

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