Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 133 Chang'an!You are finally smart Chapter 1!

Chapter 133 Chang'an!You are finally smart for a while!
Within the effort of a cup of tea, one-third of the entire Bailian Hall was blasted out.There are many middle and high-level figures among them.

The person the ancestor wanted to find was also among them!

Finding someone is not easy!

"Shuangxue, Chang'an!"

As soon as Mo Lishuangxue and Feng Changan arrived, they heard a child calling them.

"Why are you here, why don't you stay with your brother well?" Feng Changan asked.

The child rolled his eyes at him, and said fiercely: "You just leave us alone, no one talks to me, and no one plays with me, I'm so lonely, so pitiful!"

The old ancestor learned and applied Luo Xiaoer's pitiful tricks.

"Um, Chenchen, now is not the time to play with you, something happened in Bailiantang, why don't you let Brother Chang'an take you back first?" Mo Lishuangxue said.

"No, who knows if you lied to me again." The child refused, snorted coldly, turned his head to the side with his hips akimbo.

"Frost Snow..."

Someone is calling Mo Li Shuangxue.

"Feng Chang'an, take good care of her!" Mo Lishuangxue left these words and passed away immediately.

Feng Changan and Patriarch were left in place staring at each other.

"Little ancestor, what on earth are you going to do?" Feng Changan begged for mercy first.

"Hmph, why are you asking me? I want to ask you, why did you go, why did you leave me and my brother alone, do you want to abandon us?"

When Feng Changan heard the child say this, he couldn't laugh or cry, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "I have something to do, really something to do!"

"What is it that matters to us?" The child refused to let go.

Feng Chang'an: "Aren't I going to track down the people who hunted us down and set us on fire?"

After hearing this, the child put away his momentum.

"Why didn't you say it earlier, I also picked up something?"

Feng Changan: "What?"

The child rolled his eyes and hooked his hands with a smile: "It's in our room!"

When the two of them went back, Luo Xiaoer had a dream again.

It was still the man full of evil, who kept looking at him without saying a word.

"I'm back!"

The child kicked the door open.

Feng Changan followed behind and shook violently.

He's like a bully at such a young age, but he's still great when he grows up!

Luo Xiaoer woke up suddenly, looked at Feng Chang'an with erratic eyes, and then fell on the ancestor.

"came back?"

"Yeah, brother, what did I give you?"

Luo Xiaoer woke up immediately, and followed her words: "I don't know, look for it~!"

"it is good."

"Second brother, are you better?" Feng Changan looked at Luo Xiaoer with concern.

The latter nodded.

"much better."

"Great, I've sent people to track it down, and sent people to the scene of the fire. Someone saw a group of sneaky men in black entering the town before the fire started."

Luo Xiaoer nodded: "It should be the one who chased and killed Mo Li Shuangxue."

Feng Changan: "You are wrong to say that."

Luo Xiaoer: "It's not them?"

"You can't say no, there are them, and there is another group of people! There are two groups of people who want to kill us."

Luo Xiaoer: "The other group of people also came after Li Shuangxue?"

"That's not sure."

"You two are so stupid!" The child's voice suddenly sounded.

"Chenchen, do you think something is wrong?"

The patriarch held a token engraved with a mark, and said solemnly: "The two groups of people will definitely not be the same target, otherwise, will Shuangxue go home well?"

Feng Changan's eyes lit up: "You mean, the other group of people didn't chase Shuangxue?"

"Oh, Chang'an, you are finally smart!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, the recent recommendation ticket and the little cutie added to the bookshelf are so good~ The ancestor is going to abuse Luo Xiaoer again, so let's whip it up~

(End of this chapter)

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