Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 152 Flower Xiaozhu!Hall master brother vs beautiful bride!

Chapter 152 Hundred Flowers Building!Hall master brother vs beautiful bride!
Standing outside the big garden again, this place is different from last night.

"Who is it? This is where Madam lives, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

The ancestor who ran ahead was stopped.

There are many more female guards at the gate, and the maids shuttle around in the garden, each performing their duties, there are quite a few people!

"Baihua Xiaozhu, what a name!" Shui Qianzhong said, looking at the plaque above his head.

The child frowned and raised his head, what are you doing hanging the plaque so high?Are all the people here tall?snort!

To be honest, this was the first time that the ancestor knew the name of this place.

It is fresh and refined, but it is not suitable for the identity of the wife of the master of Bailian Hall, which is very contrary to harmony.

"Mr. Water!"

The guard at the gate knew Shui Qianzhong, and only heard Shui Qianzhong chatting with the female guards very familiarly.

"Is Madam better in the past two days?"

"Thanks to you, my hand has returned to life, and my wife is finally doing well."

"That's good, that's good. I don't know if Ma'am is convenient today. I just passed by so I can get another safety pulse."

"I don't know about this little one. I have to ask my wife."

"Then you go, we'll wait here!"

"it is good."

Let's just tell the female guard that the child and Shui Qianzhong are together.

"Hey, beauty, are you familiar with the hall master's wife?"

Shui Qianzhong: "Not very familiar, but I have seen it twice."


Just as the ancestor was about to continue asking, someone suddenly came from behind.

"Master!" The female guards hurriedly saluted.

The hall master Bailian Qianfang saw Shui Qianzhong was here, so he hurried over.

"Mr. Shui, is there something wrong with Madam?"

Shui Qianzhong looked down at the grasped hands, and said embarrassingly: "It's nothing, I just passed by and wanted to give Madam a safe pulse."

"Oh, that's it. I just happen to be going to see my wife too, so you can go in with me."

"it is good."

"This child?" Bai Lian Qian Fang asked.

Shui Qianzhong quickly explained: "I heard that the lady brought back the guest, and I hit it off very well."

"Oh, that's it, let's go in together!"

Is it too peaceful?This is not the style of the ancestors.

"Big beauty, you dropped something~"

The child grabbed the mask he asked for from Shui Qianzhong just now, and smiled innocently.

Bailian Qianfang immediately recognized the owner of the mask.

"Why is Madam's veil in your hands?"

Shui Qianzhong's expression changed, why is it different from what was agreed?

Didn't the child say that that veil can draw out the first beauty?Why is the mask belonged to the wife of the hall master?
One must know that Bai Lian Qian Fang is famous for loving his wife, and he is so selfish with a mask on.Secret things, appearing on them, will definitely cause misunderstanding.

The ancestor mercilessly raised his finger and sold Shui Qianzhong.


Bailian Qianfang's expression changed immediately.

"Mr. Shui, why is my wife's face towel on you?"

Shui Qianzhong laughed awkwardly: "I said I picked it up, do you believe it?"

Child, you are going to kill me!

"Brother hall master, you look so tall!"

The child's innocent and childish voice suddenly sounded, and she raised her head, clenched her hands into fists on her chin, her watery eyes did not blink, and she was full of blind worship.


Bai Lian Qian Fang froze, looking down at the little doll who was not as tall as his thigh.

"Brother hall master, Chenchen likes you so much~"

Bai Lian Qian Fang froze again, and instantly forgot about the mask.

"You little doll, you're pretty good at talking!"

"Thousands of squares..."

The beauty is here!

Bai Lian Qian Fang immediately dropped the ancestor and ran to the beauty.

"Wow, what a beautiful bride..."

 Little cuties, let's help our ancestors make it to the list!Clench your fists and go!

(End of this chapter)

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