Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 155: Seven Colors in Heaven!

Chapter 155 The sky is colorful!

Hundreds of exercises and thousands of recipes are instantly like enlightenment!
Mo Li Feixue's expression also changed, although the change was small, it was still noticed by the ancestor.

The child's eyes flashed, and he continued: "Isn't the mayor stupid? He didn't let his son-in-law be the mayor."

Bai Lian Qian Fang immediately asked: "If you don't become the mayor, why do you recruit a son-in-law?"

The child said innocently: "Stupid, let their child be the mayor!"

Bailianqianfang doesn't care if the child says she is stupid, her eyes are as bright as discovering rare metals.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, great!"

Mo Li Feixue frowned immediately.

"Feixue, eat slowly, I'll go out first!"

"Qianfang, don't go, just wait..." Mo Li Feixue hurriedly chased him out.

The child slowly took out a handkerchief and poured all the snacks on the table into it.

Not to mention, the treatment of the wife and the treatment of the guests are on a different level.

Dim sum is really delicious!

"Who are you?" When Bailian Qianfang was at the door, he happened to meet Luo Xiaoer who came looking for someone.

Li Feixue quickly put on the veil.

"Brother, did you come to look for me?" The child ran fast with his snacks in his arms.

"Are you Brother Chenchen?" Bailian Qianfang frowned and looked at the tall and handsome young man in front of him, with scrutiny and inquiry in his eyes.

"That's right, my brother is very powerful. He is the only direct disciple of Xu Mizi, the elder of the Piao Miao Sect's Law Enforcement Hall. He is very gifted with a photographic memory. The elder often praises his brother as Tianzong Qicai!"

"He's a genius!" Bai Lian Qian Fang couldn't help but correct him.

The only direct disciple of the elder of the Piaomiao Sect's Law Enforcement Hall, he still has a photographic memory for the genius of the sky, that's amazing!

The ancestor looked up at Bailian Qianfang looking at Luo Xiaoer with the expression of a father-in-law looking at his son-in-law, and couldn't help but smirk in his heart.

"Brother, hug, Chenchen is tired!"

Luo Xiaoer hurriedly bent down to pick up the child.

Hundreds of refinements: She is also very honest, knows how to look after children, and looks like a good character!
Looking at the excited face of the child, Luo Xiaoer couldn't help but raise his heart.

What does she want to do?
"Brother, this is the hall master and wife, don't they look good?"

There are only good and bad in children's eyes, there is nothing wrong with it!

"Chenchen, don't talk nonsense. I'm sorry, I didn't keep an eye on her and disturbed the cleanliness of the Hall Master and Madam."

Hundreds of trials: "It's okay, it's normal for children to be more lively."

Luo Xiaoer: "Then I'll take her away, excuse me."

"It's okay, it's okay, Chenchen is very cute, and my wife also likes it very much, you will come here often in the future!"

Seeing Bailian Qianfang's excessive enthusiasm, Luo Xiaoer was a little uncomfortable, so he hurried away with the child.

"Feixue, what do you think of him?"

Mo Li Feixue frowned: "If I'm not mistaken, the person in Mo Li Shuangxue's letter without spiritual roots should be him, right?"

Bailian Qianfang said thoughtfully: "Yes, what a pity! Hey, isn't there another one?"

After listening to the tinkling beating for a few days, Feng Changan felt a little ringing in his ears and a little uncomfortable in his head, so he quickly found an excuse and came out of the forging room.

"Second brother, Chenchen, it's great to see you!" Feng Changan originally wanted to find a quiet place, but who would have thought that no place would be clean, and was discussing the matter of Mo Lishuangxue's succession, when he saw the two of them walking over , It was like seeing a savior.

"Chang'an, why is your face so dark?"

This time the ancestor didn't deliberately smear Feng Chang'an, he was indeed smeared.And it's not ordinary black, the complexion is the same as if it was dug out of coal.

"Stop talking, it's hard to say!"

"Hmph, I'll know if you don't tell me!" The child was sitting on Luo Xiaoer's arm, with a smug look on his face, wishing he could lift his chin to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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