Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 176 Luo Xiao 2 is going to make a magic weapon!Please recommend and support!

Chapter 176 Luo Xiaoer is going to make a magic weapon!Please recommend and support!

Luo Xiaoer went through piles of piles at a speed visible to the naked eye, under the dumbfounded gazes of Feng Changan and Mo Lishuangxue.

"Shuangxue, I don't think we can finish cleaning. He has already finished reading the book."

Mo Lishuangxue: "Then you still stop? Why don't you hurry up and speed up, isn't it embarrassing?"

shame!It's so embarrassing.

In just a short while, Luo Xiaoer finished all the books that he could never finish reading in his life.

It always feels like a dream.

The two speeded up, and finally cleaned up the room when Luo Xiaoer finished the last book.

The two of them were in a mess like never before.

"Shuangxue, your face is so dirty?"

"Do you think you are clean?"

The two looked at each other and laughed instantly.

"Shuangxue, you look so pretty when you smile."

"Shut up, let's go back and wash up first."

"it is good."

The child slept soundly and had no intention of waking up at all.

They and Luo Xiaoer made silent gestures and left.

Luo Xiaoer stood up and walked to the child quietly.

After serious thinking, act immediately.

"Good apprentice, what are you doing?"The old lunatic suddenly appeared.

"Refining." Luo Xiaoer was selecting materials.

"Refining, I knew that you would never disappoint my expectations."

Luo Xiaoer looked up distractedly at the old lunatic: "Have you been drinking?"

"Wow, it's delicious! Would you like to have some too?"

At this time, the old lunatic Yanran turned into a drunkard, but he didn't look like a lunatic at all.

"I plan to make a flying magic weapon!" Luo Xiaoer said firmly.

"Shh~ Don't say it, let the big devil hear it, he's coming to snatch it again."

Luo Xiaoer's eyes flashed, and he lowered his head and said, "Have you ever thought that maybe she didn't do it on purpose?"

"Who is it?"

"The one who stole from you."

"Shh~ don't mention it, be careful to be heard by her, she can hear everything we say."

Luo Xiaoer: "Didn't she already have a magic weapon? Even if she heard about it, she wouldn't come to grab it."

"Yes." The old lunatic said firmly.

Luo Xiaoer was very puzzled, is that old ancestor's reputation so bad?
"She takes your things, won't you ask her for it?"

The old lunatic: "Who do you want?"

Luo Xiaoer: "The ancestor of the Xuanyi sect."

The old lunatic: "Who is the ancestor of the Xuanyi faction?"

He sighed silently, why did he talk so much to a lunatic.

In the records of the old lunatic, there happened to be a record of making a flying magic weapon. All kinds of materials in the room were very complete. He gathered all the materials and was ready to start forging.

"Little brother, what are you going to do with so many materials?" Feng Changan rushed back first.

"Create magic weapon."

Feng Changan's jaw almost dropped.

"What did you say? You want to make a magic weapon? Did I hear you right?"

"Your ears are fine."

"Can you forge?" Feng Changan asked.

"No, I can learn."

"How do you learn? Learn from books?"

Luo Xiaoer nodded.

"I've read all the books!"

Feng Chang'an: "The books are just theories. You have never been in contact with a weapon refiner. Can it work?"

Luo Xiaoer looked straight at Feng Changan: "Isn't there you?"


"What... what do you mean? Don't scare me?"

Luo Xiaoer reminded: "Why is your face so dark?"

Feng Chang'an immediately reacted: "No, no, I just learned how to blacksmith a few times, and I haven't figured out any tricks yet"?
Luo Xiaoer: "You just have to forge, I've figured out the way."

(End of this chapter)

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