Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 184 Wow, I pretended to be in front of your ancestor!

Chapter 184 Wow, I pretended to be in front of your ancestor!
After the person carrying the bamboo chair left, the ancestor impatiently threw the cake in his hand to Luo Xiaoer.

"Everything is good on the island, but the cakes are so good."

Then you want so much more?
"Xiao Er, I know you like to eat, the ancestor brought all the food for you, are you happy?"


"Just be happy, by the way, is the old lunatic back?"

"I'm back, I was carried back when I was drunk."

"Well, if you have any questions, let's talk about it tonight, first go and see how they are doing."

"it is good."


"Chenchen, why did you come back so soon?"

Child: "I miss you, can't I?"

"All right, all right, you can say whatever you want! I don't know when we will be able to forge the magic weapon at our speed."

The child smiled and said, "Come on, Chang'an, I like you!"

Li Shuangxue looked at her like a child, she had something to say, but held back.

"Shuangxue, your mother is very good, let me comfort you, in case you are frightened?" The child made nonsense.

In fact, the pair of old mandarin ducks didn't say anything at all, let alone ask.

In the world, how can there be parents like this!

"I'm fine, as long as she's fine."

Oh~ I see!
The patriarch looked at Mo Lishuangxue with sudden enlightenment, adopted him!

It must be that she knows that she is not her own, and she has always wanted to please her parents.Adoption is not as good as biological one, so her parents are not close to her at all.

It's better to practice a thousand recipes, but Mo Li Feixue is a little unkind.

Hey~ Fortunately, the ancestor lived for tens of millions of years, and the aristocratic family's bloody sadomasochism and so on, I don't want to watch it anymore.

"Shuangxue, you are very good and great!" The ancestor's encouragement is something ordinary people don't have!Even Luo Xiaoer didn't enjoy it much!

"Well, I don't want to do anything else right now, I just want to successfully refine the flying magic weapon!" Mo Lishuangxue said firmly.

The ancestor's eyes lit up, wow!This kid is a real talent!What kind of shit, what kind of shit, old mandarin ducks, let them down because of their love and sweetness, let's just focus on our business.

Luo Xiaoer: "Since you want to go faster, I suggest opening a few more furnaces and forging together."

Feng Changan: "Is this okay?"

Mo Lishuangxue looked at Luo Xiaoer wonderingly: "Is it possible?"

Luo Xiaoer: "Theoretically yes."

Feng Changan: "Just tell me which book you read it in?"

Luo Xiaoer: "It's not written in the book, I thought of it myself."

Feng Changan and Mo Lishuangxue's eyes widened instantly.

This time even the ancestor couldn't help but look at Luo Xiaoer with admiration.

"Xiao Er, are you sure it's okay?"

Luo Xiaoer: "I'm just sure, with the beating we are doing now, even if it takes a year, we may not be able to temper the properties of the material."

Feng Changan: "..."

"You said it earlier, there are so many furnaces!"

It is a large furnace, plus the workbench, it occupies the entire yard.

The old lunatic probably dried up the smell of alcohol due to the heat. Seeing so many furnaces piled up in the yard, he was lying on the ground crying and making noise.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to set fire to my yard?"

"Tell you, with me here, don't even think about it!"

Seeing that they ignored him, the old lunatic just played hard.

"One more move, and I'll plunge myself into the furnace and burn myself to death."

Feng Chang'an: "Little brother, we can't always be troubled by the old lunatic, can we?"

Luo Xiaoer: "Drink too much, go to sleep!"

"it is good."

The two hit it off immediately, and just wanted to give the old lunatic a shot.I saw him stepping back quickly.

That figure, that footwork, the ancestor's eyes lit up, and he immediately matched the number.

Wow, pretending to be in front of your ancestor!
(End of this chapter)

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