Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 186 Am I a Big Tiger?Ask for a recommendation ticket every day!

Chapter 186 Am I a Big Tiger?Ask for a recommendation ticket every day!

so close!Thanks to the ancestor, she is agile and quick-witted!

"You don't need to come over, you continue!"

The child's fleshy little hand waved back, with the aura of being a man who is in charge of everything, and Luo Xiaoer abruptly stopped in his footsteps.

"Are you OK?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm not a three-year-old kid."

Feng Changan couldn't help but mutter to Luo Xiaoer in a low voice: "Is she four years old?"

Luo Xiaoer nodded silently.

whispering sound!
"Where did you come from, little devil?" the child's nanny roared fiercely.

That kid who looked like a goblin was not very ugly, but very thin.They can all be described as skinny and bony. There are only a few bones supporting them under the clothes, and the small thin neck is still carrying a big head. It will definitely scare people to death when it comes out for half a month.


"Hey, what am I, are you stuttering or dumb?"

Probably frightened by the aura of the ancestor, the child shrank his shoulders, and quickly shrank himself into a ball on the ground.

The ancestor couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, no wonder she didn't notice it, she didn't have any sense of existence, and even her breathing was so weak.

This kid is only one step away from being buried in the ground.

"Are you stupid?" the ancestor asked arrogantly, while measuring the height between the chair and the ground, stood on tiptoe to try it out, and decided not to take any risks.

The child raised his head from his knees, just in time to see the child's body hanging crookedly on the chair. Because the two calves had no point of strength, they kept probing, and they were about to fall off.

This child is so small!
"Big idiot, what are you doing?"

Just as the child was about to support him, he was frightened back by a sharp roar.

"Big idiot, hurry up and help me!"

Luo Xiaoer has been paying attention to this place for a long time, and when he heard the child say that, he hurried over and took him off the chair and put him on the ground.

After the ancestor came down, she suddenly felt her old face flushed, and a broken chair stumped her, she was so embarrassing!
"What are you looking at, don't go back!"

Luo Xiaoer looked at the child curled into a ball on the ground, weighed the force value of the two children after they met, and retreated silently.

"Hey, kid, whose family do you belong to? What are you doing here?"

As soon as the ancestor kicked it, the child ran away.

"What are you running? Am I a big tiger?"

The old ancestor started to chase, but when he got to the bottom of the wall, he got tangled up.

"Dog hole~"

"It's not a dog hole, it's a drainage ditch!" The old lunatic's voice suddenly sounded.

Just say?How could there be such a small dog hole?
"When did you come out?" Why was it so silent.

The old lunatic: "It's so noisy, it's so noisy..." After finishing speaking, he started to go out crazily.

There must be something wrong with this old lunatic.

After a day of jingling, most people slept soundly.

The child jumped out of the bed with a grunt, rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find things.

"Chenchen, what are you looking for?"


Luo Xiaoer directly took out two pieces, one large and one small.

"You know?" The ancestor's eyebrows were almost knotted when he looked at Luo Xiaoer.

"The hall master's wife has a problem, and so does the old lunatic. I guess the old lunatic should be the man in black who entered Baihua Xiaozhu." Luo Xiaoer told everything the ancestor knew without blinking an eye.

The ancestor looked at Luo Xiaoer viciously: "You know too much!"

So angry!

The children raised by themselves, even if they are angry, they have to bear it, and they can't be beaten to death!

One big and one small, one behind the other, kept shuttling under the eaves of the house.After walking for a while, the big one hugged the small one, twice as fast as before.

(End of this chapter)

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