Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 233 Luo Xiao 2 Black Face!Daily 1 ask for a recommended monthly ticket!

Chapter 233 Luo Xiaoer has a black face!Ask for a recommended monthly ticket every day!
Some of them dare not look at this scene!
"Chenchen, put your feet back first!" Although Mo Lishuangxue liked Chenchen very much and was partial to her in her heart, but when the disparity between strength and weakness was too obvious, she would also overflow with sympathy.

"Hmph, don't!" the child said stubbornly while turning his head and crossing his hands.

"Junior brother, come and tell your sister!"

According to past experience, whoever faces Shang Chenchen will be defeated.Only Luo Xiaoer, the elder brother, can occasionally pull back a sentence.

"Chenchen, did he bully you?"

Feng Chang'an and Mo Lishuangxue couldn't help but stare their eyes wide. This is a eccentric obsession, right?Can't you see who is bullying whom?
The child nodded heavily.

"You three, only you can see it!"

Chenchen, why are you so serious when you say this?Do we two bully you the same?
Mo Lishuangxue and Feng Changan couldn't help but have black lines.

"Do you want me to beat him for you?" Luo Xiaoer said with dark eyes.

I don't know why, when the ancestor saw Luo Xiaoer's eyes, he felt a little timid.

"No, no, no, he's just a kid. Didn't you see that I called back?" the kid said with an awkward smile.

Luo Xiaoer: "Really?"

For some reason, Feng Chang'an and Mo Lishuangxue suddenly felt that Luo Xiaoer was not joking when he said beating children!

"Really, children like to fight and fight, you adults, don't interfere!" The child said hastily.

It's so fucking hard to be human!Who would have thought that the ancestor would one day be able to make peace and coax others not to fight?

I really have the heart to cry to death!
Luo Xiaoer glanced at the child and said quietly, "Okay!"

Hearing what he said, the ancestor finally breathed a sigh of relief.So she quickly ran to the child with her short legs and kicked him.

"Hey, get up quickly, if you don't get up again, let the dog bite you!"

The child quickly got up from the ground.

"Is it much taller than Chenchen?"

Hearing what Mo Lishuangxue said, Feng Changan felt ashamed for the child.

A child who was a head taller than Chenchen was chased and beaten by a child who was a head shorter, how useless that tall child must be!
Luo Xiaoer: "It's mainly about momentum!"

Feng Chang'an couldn't help asking, "You taught me"?
Luo Xiaoer looked at Feng Chang'an quietly: I was beaten like this too!

"If it's not you, just say it, why are you making such a frightening expression!" Feng Changan couldn't help muttering.

At this time, Chenchen suddenly spoke.

"If you dare to run, I will break your legs!"

These words directly made Feng Changan stagger.

You taught me to be so ruthless?
Luo Xiaoer turned back to Feng Changan with big white eyes.

Mo Lishuangxue walked up to the child and knelt down: "Are you a child on the island too? Why haven't I seen you before?"

The kid nodded.

"What's your name?"

"I~ I don't have a name!"

Chenchen rolled her eyes: "His name is Xiaojieba!"

Luo Xiaoer's face turned black!
"Hey, Xiaoer, don't drag me if you want to go..."

Feng Chang'an looked at Luo Xiaoer's back wonderingly: "Why did he leave?"

Mo Lishuangxue thought for a while and said, "I guess I should go back to teach Chenchen."

"It's possible, Chenchen is too limitless!" Feng Changan agreed with Mo Lishuangxue's words.

"You are dirty, let me take you to your mother to take a bath and change clothes first?" Mo Li Shuangxue said to the child.

Unexpectedly, the child nodded.

Feng Changan couldn't help but said: "Shuangxue, I guess children like pretty people."

Mo Li Shuangxue: "Let's go together!"

"Okay, okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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