Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 272 Why Don't You Go To Your Father?

Chapter 272 Why Don't You Go To Your Father?
The three of them glanced at each other and felt that denying Feng Chang'an at this time must be a very cruel thing!


"Really? I think so too!" Feng Changan seemed to really want to be recognized by others.

It's like someone else's words are a reassurance. After he eats, that person must be his mother.

"I'm going to see her!"

"Where are you going?" Bailian Shuangxue hurriedly grabbed him.

"Heaven prison, my mother must be in sky prison."

"Why are you so sure?" Luo Xiaoer asked.

Feng Chang'an said as a matter of course: "Only that place, I have never been to that place since I was a child."

The child raised his eyebrows, and his tone was quite teasing: "I asked you to read all the other parts of the co-author?"


That mean laugh said it all.

outside the dungeon
"Why are there more people than when the Bird Clan was here?" Feng Changan screamed in disbelief.

"Chang'an, did your father fail to deal with the Bird Clan?"

"Impossible!" Feng Chang'an believed in his father's ability to handle affairs so much that he decided without even thinking about it.

"Then what's going on here? You want to go in, can you go in?" Bailian Shuangxue asked.

"Let me try!"

The ancestor couldn't help shaking his head, and couldn't follow along to lose face.

Luo Xiaoer always stands with the child.

"Why didn't you let me in? The imperial palace belongs to my family, and so does the prison!"

Bailian Shuangxue: "Do you know who he is? He is the future emperor of Dafeng Country..."

The guards didn't even frown.

The cold iron shone brightly under the sun, without moving a bit.

"Hey, believe it or not, with a single word from me, your heads will fall to the ground!" Feng Changan became impatient, wishing he could rush over to fight them.

In fact, he rushed over too.

"Hey, what are you doing, what are you doing, let me go, let me go..."

Feng Chang'an was erected straight up and thrown out.

"Do you know who I am? I don't want my head..."

After Feng Chang'an got up, he screamed angrily.

"They are all monks!" Bailian Shuangxue hurriedly stopped Feng Changan.

"Second brother must have a way!"

As soon as the two turned their heads, they saw one big and one small facing them with their backs.

"Hey, little brother, Chenchen, why are you leaving..."

"Didn't we agree that you will help me?"

The child couldn't help thinking about it.

"Is he an idiot?"

"Probably not." Luo Xiaoer.

"It's not stupid, why would you ask such a stupid question?"

"Stupid is not stupid!"

"what is that?"

yes?what is that?
"Second brother, Chenchen, why are you leaving?"

The two finally caught up!
Luo Xiaoer: "It's because your father doesn't want you to go in!"

The child bared his teeth and smiled: "There is nothing wrong, if there is something wrong, go to your father!"

Feng Changan was speechless for a moment.

"Chenchen, little brother, help me find a way..."

Luo Xiaoer: "The point is still your father, he doesn't want you in, it's useless if you call your ancestor!"


"You two, why are you like this?"

Luo Xiaoer: "Did you know us the first day?"

On the way back, halfway through, the child couldn't hold on anymore, and his eyelids began to fight non-stop.

"Sleepy!" Luo Xiaoer was immediately picked up by someone.

Feng Changan followed dejectedly behind.

Bailian Shuangxue: "Why don't you try it with your father?"

"He won't let it go!"


Feng Changan raised his head and explained: "Because he has been telling me one thing since I was a child!"

"what's up?"

"In the palace, I can go anywhere, but I can't go to the prison!"

Bailian Shuangxue was anxious: "What if you go?"

Feng Changan raised his head, hesitant to speak.

"What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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