Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 425 Relics reflect past and present lives!It turned out to be a big oolong!

Chapter 425 Relics reflect past and present lives!It turned out to be a big oolong!
"Master, what are you going to do?" Gongdehu couldn't bear the great sorrow and joy anymore, and wanted to ask the matter quickly.

"Amitabha, the poor monk just wants to use the power of relics to remind you of the past!"

"Do relics have this function?" Gongdehu was overjoyed.

I go!Seeing him smiling so stupidly, he must have forgotten what the ancestor explained.

silly fox!
Isn't it just a little love, a little favor, and I bought you off?

"Master, I want Nianniang to recall her past life quickly, please help me!"

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and there is nothing to hide, and the cause and effect are clear to everyone!
"What's the situation? Where are the two little foxes who were childhood sweethearts? Who is this shameless fox?" Feng Changan said stiffly.

Everyone's eyes were pierced on the merit fox like knives.

"Hey! Although the story is a bit bizarre, don't you think that the more it is like this, the more touching it will be?"

"You lied to us with what you said?" the child said angrily!
Luo Xiaoer: Last time when I was in a fugue, I only saw the antecedent, not the consequence.It turned out that the real situation turned out to be like this! "

The merit fox laughed awkwardly, looking inexplicably wretched.

"If I don't say that, you won't help me!"

"You liar!" Feng Changan was the most angry.

In vain, he secretly wiped his tears just now!
The merit fox said with a playful smile: "Oh, brother, it's all a misunderstanding! Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, it's good if you can't stand it, don't you think?"

Having been exposed by others, Gongdehu began to show his rascal side.

The most unbearable one should be Nian Niang!

Where is the promised childhood sweetheart, Little Fox?
How did he become a ruthless demon catcher?

Finally understand where the merit of the merit fox comes from?

The demon catcher catches, he lets go!One to catch and one to release, don't cooperate too well!

tsk tsk!
Nian Niang's face turned black!
She has already remembered.

"You are that fox demon!" Nian Niang's face was gloomy and her aura made people shy away!
"Nianniang, I'm your favorite little fox! You used to like to hug me and smooth my fur."

In the picture, it is indeed Nian Niang who is holding the little fox by the neck.

But absolutely no smooth hair!

Her eyes look more like waiting for the little fox to grow up before peeling and plucking its hair. It is too small and needs to be raised for another two months!


Just as the virtuous fox was about to pounce on it, Nian Niang kicked it into the air.


Pounce over, kick and fly again!

Feng Chang'an: "Why is there such a thick-skinned person?"

It's too hot on the eyes, it's hard to watch!


Wu Wu put away the relics and went back to the house, he didn't care about the farce outside at all.

What about taking the opportunity to seize the merit fox?How did it become a mess?
"Nianniang...I miss you so much..."

Nian Niang was no longer as shy as before, and she was full of fierceness.

"My relic!" the child murmured.

Luo Xiaoer: The relic can reflect past and present lives, can it also reflect him?
Thinking of this, he immediately entered the house.

"Master, I have something to ask for your help!" He directly explained his purpose!

As for Luo Xiaoer, Wu Wu didn't ignore children as much.

"I want to borrow the relic from Master!"

Wu Wu opened his eyes, and the hand twirling the prayer beads stopped.

Afraid that he might misunderstand, Luo Xiaoer explained: "I want to see my past and present lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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