Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 463 You Are Big Brother's Little Wife!

Chapter 463 You Are Big Brother's Little Wife!
Cut, I want to take advantage of my ancestors!
Don't even think about it!
A faint sense of disappointment rose in Luo Xiaoer's eyes, like a puppy guarding its master at the door, standing motionless like a statue!

"What kind of dress is this?"

It's so pink and tender, it's too annoying!

The old ancestor tugged at the clothes on his body with a look of disgust, Luo Xiaoer, what kind of taste is it?
"Chenchen, are you ready?"

"Okay, come in, Luo Xiaoer, where did you buy your clothes?"

Luo Xiaoer: "The clothing store, the people there say, it's very popular recently."

"Is it all so pretentious in the current fashion?" The ancestor looked disgusted again.

"Let's go, put everything on, that's it, try to choose decent clothes for me in the future."

Luo Xiaoer: "What kind of clothes are considered decent?"

The ancestor patted his forehead hard.

"I shouldn't have talked to you about such a topic! Let's go!"

"Hello benefactor..."

"Hello benefactor..."

After walking a few steps, what is the attitude of the people on the road when they see Luo Xiaoer?

"Why do they call you benefactor?"

Luo Xiaoer: "Give porridge!"

"Oh, call us two! Why does the ancestor think that they are calling you alone?"

Luo Xiaoer: "Your appearance has changed."

This explanation makes sense!
"Okay, hurry up and buy me a small veil, what should I do if I meet an acquaintance later?"

Luo Xiaoer conjured up a gauze hat and put it on top of her head like a magic trick.

"Don't move, I'll tie it up for you!"

Patriarch: "Did you prepare this thing long ago?"

Luo Xiaoer nodded: "Just in case!"

Old Ancestor: "As expected of the people taught by the Old Ancestor, they are smart!"

Seeing her proud face, Luo Xiaoer's eyes were full of smiles.

"Big brother……"

A group of children rushed towards him and immediately surrounded Luo Xiaoer.

Even the ancestors were pushed aside.

"Hey, you little brats, didn't you see that there is another person here!" the old ancestor shouted angrily.

"Big brother, who is this young lady?"

"What a beautiful little sister, just like a little fairy!"

Patriarch immediately straightened his waist!

"Don't squeeze, or the little fairy sister will get angry if you squeeze again!" Luo Xiaoer said with a serious face.

"Sister Fairy..."

Patriarch: "Hey!"

Count you as knowledgeable!

"Sister Fairy, what kind of big brother are you?"

The ancestor looked arrogant!


"You are friends with Big Brother Benefactor, then you must be a good person too!"

The ancestor's face pulled down instantly.

"What do you mean?"

"Big brother saved all of us and gave us a school. He is really the best person in history!"

Patriarch: The best person, shouldn't it be me?

She is a little fairy!

I know that this group of little kids love the new and dislike the old!
"Actually, I asked him to do those good things!"

"Really? Sister Fairy, did you really ask Big Brother to do it?"

"If it's fake, can I still lie to you bunch of brats?"

"You are also a child, and you are not much older than us."

This is unbelievable!

"Xiaoer, you're here."

Luo Xiaoer came over immediately.

"See, he will do whatever I tell him to do. If I tell him to go east, he will never dare to go west!"

"Oh~" a group of children made a sound of sudden realization.

"We get it!"

"What do you know?" It doesn't feel good!The ancestor asked in a vicious voice.

"You are a big brother and a little daughter-in-law!"

Patriarch blushed instantly!

"You little brats, what nonsense are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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