Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 481 Not talented, in Xialuo Primary School 3!

Chapter 481 I'm not talented, I'm Xialuo Xiaosan!

The girl's voice, outsiders should not be very old.

What is this place?
After the ancestor woke up, he immediately looked around.

Very luxurious!

Very rich!
Tables, chairs and beds, whether they are made of wood or carved, look like they are made by everyone. Such things are generally very valuable!
"I'm going to see if I'm awake?"

"Let's go together!"

"it is good!"

The ancestor immediately pretended not to wake up, and lay back.

"Shh, are you still awake?"

"She can sleep too well. She has slept for two days and still sleeps. Could she be sick?"

"Shh, the young master said, you can't talk about others!"

"Yes, yes, let the young master know, I will definitely be scolded again!"

Listening to their discussions, the young master they are talking about should be a generous person.

"Who are you?"

"Wake up, girl, you're finally awake!"

"Hurry up and tell the young master!"

"it is good!"

The four little girls were chattering, but no one answered the old ancestor's words seriously.

"Who are you?" The patriarch patted the bed in anger.

"Hey, you girl, you have such a big temper!"

"That's right, our son kindly rescued you from the outside, you didn't say thank you first, but slapped you on the bed!"

ordinary people?

"Who is your young master's name, I will thank him in the future!"

"Young master's name is taboo, we can't call him directly, you should ask him yourself!"

The little girls said they were all gone!

She remembered that she passed out in Qixia Valley.

There are generally only two kinds of people passing by Qixia Valley, one is monks, and the other is selling medicine.

Looking at the financial resources, it should be the latter!
There was a sudden knock on the door.


"Girl, are you awake?"

Could it be the son they said.

"Wake up, come in!"

The strange face looks quite tall, but the face looks a bit ordinary!
"who are you?"

"Girl, don't be afraid. I'm a businessman, specializing in pill business. Because I have business contacts with Qixia Valley, I saved you!"

The pill business is very rich!

"Thank you, let me give you a treasure as a thank-you gift!" The ancestor is a person who knows how to repay his kindness.

"No, do you look like a treasure hunter?"

Not to mention, wearing gold and silver, talking rich and powerful, talking about treasures with him, maybe people will think she insulted him?

"Thank you then."

"You're welcome, it's easy!"

Patriarch: "I heard that I have been bothering you at the house for two days. Since you don't want to repay me, I will leave now!"

"Don't you leave after eating?"

"No, I'm not hungry!"

"Coincidentally, I just received a message that there is an injured son who is inquiring about a person, and the appearance he describes is very similar to you!"

Injured son?
"where is he?"

"It's nearby, I didn't tell you it's here, do you want to see me"?
Patriarch: "What does he look like?"

"I heard from my servant that she looks a little strange, she keeps smiling, her back seems to be injured, and her complexion is very bad."

In all likelihood, it is Luo Xiaoer.

"Excuse me, I want to see him, please tell me where he is?"

"Where, I can't say, my family Ding found him on the way to transport the pill!"

"Discovered? What do you mean?"

"It is said that when he was found, he was unconscious!"

Patriarch: "Please trouble your servant to bring him here!"

"Okay, I'm also a helpful person, um, rice?"

"Eat, am I hungry?"

"What a coincidence, I'm hungry too."

"Haven't you asked the son's name yet?"

"No, I'm Xialuo Xiaosan!"

Patriarch: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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