Old Ancestor, she's back again

Chapter 782: Too Forgetful!The wheel is broken!

Chapter 782: Too much love!The mirror of reincarnation is broken!
As the ancestor waved his whip, there was a crackling sound.

The ice lotus shattered into pieces of fine ice.

On these ice balls, there is a portrait of Luo Yu.

The ancestor immediately understood that the more fragments there were, the more hiding places Luo Yu would have.

The law body moved instantly.

The patriarch pinched his fingers in the air, and the Dharma image behind him moved immediately.

Faxiang seemed to be kneading something, his hands were clasped together in a half-fisted posture, and he tightened them hard.

The ice lotus flowers on the ground are actually closing in one direction.

She wanted to gather all the petals made of ice together.

Luo Yu's figure kept flickering on the ice lotus, suddenly, he sang loudly: "Ice lotus, enter reincarnation!"

The ice lotus flowers around suddenly bloomed with dazzling brilliance, Luo Yu stood in the ice lotus, and also made a pulling movement.

"With the power of the merman clan, I will pull you into reincarnation!"

Patriarch suddenly felt unable to move his body.

Not only was the body unable to move, but even the Dharma image behind him was also immobilized.

Is this Luo Yu crazy?

"You crazy critic, isn't this old lady just trespassing on your territory? Are you going to kill me with all your strength?"

For the first time, the ancestor realized what a sense of crisis is.

Unexpectedly, in her life, she would not die in a thunderstorm, but in a bottomless sea.

Wobbly, dead silently!
"Damn you, the ancestor fought with you!"

Luo Yu controlled the ice lotus and quickly cast spells.

Under his control, the ice lotus quickly flattened into a crystal-clear mirror.

"Mirror of Reincarnation, recall the past!"

The ancestor couldn't help being pulled towards the mirror.

The two forces kept colliding, fiercely confronting and struggling.

Every time she gets closer, the mirror of reincarnation cracks.

Soon the corners were covered with cracks.

No matter how powerful the patriarch was, he couldn't avoid curiosity, so he glanced at the reincarnation mirror.

Just one glance completely unloaded her skills.

No past, no past, nothing at all.

Luo Yu looked at the mirror of reincarnation in disbelief.

Shouldn't the mirror show her true colors?
And how did the two of them meet?
Why does it have no effect at all?

Then there is only one explanation!
"You are not her!"

The old ancestor clenched his fists hard to hide the shaking of his fingers.

"Nonsense! It's said that you fucked up the wrong person!"

She didn't know when a dagger appeared in her hand, and she stabbed hard towards the mirror of reincarnation.

Wait, what is that?
"A pill?"

Her dagger just happened to poke on the thing that looked like a elixir in the reincarnation mirror.

"Are you fucking crazy? I brought you here just to show me the pills?"

Luo Yu suddenly came back to his senses, staring at the pill stabbed by the ancestor's dagger without blinking.

"Too forgetful, how is it possible?"

"What are you talking about? What are you so forgetful?" If it wasn't for the fact that she didn't have any strength in her body now, she would have been whipped away, why would she still be talking nonsense with him here.

"Ka~" The mirror of reincarnation suddenly cracked with her dagger as the center.

The split is still subtle.

With a crackling sound, inch by inch spider patterns, centered on the dagger, quickly spread in all directions.


The mirror of reincarnation is so broken.

Broken to pieces!
Luo Yu's eyes changed instantly.

Become eerie.

The ancestor quickly hid the dagger behind his back.

"It's not my fault, it's the poor quality!"

Luo Yu: "No wonder you can't remember anything."

(End of this chapter)

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