The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1003 1008 Hong Qi intervenes! 7 more

Chapter 1003 1008 Hong Qi intervenes! 1 more

Master Crane's attack did not fall on Ding Ning's figure, because his attack was blocked.

He is confident that as long as he makes a move, Ding Ning will definitely be unable to compete.

In fact, Ding Ning did not resist, because the person who shot was not him, but another person, Hong Qi.

Hong Qi appeared suddenly and blocked the attack of Master He for Ding Ning.

"It's you?"

Immortal He was no stranger to Hong Qi, what he didn't expect was that Hong Qi would suddenly intervene.

"Yes, it's me." Hong Qi said.

"It won't do you any good to intervene in this matter." This sentence was a warning to Hong Qi.

"He is my sworn brother, if you attack him, you have to step over my corpse first." Hong Qi said seriously.

Hearing this, Master He frowned, and a strange look flashed in his eyes. He really couldn't figure out how Hong Qi and Ding Ning could become sworn brothers.

Hong Qi's sudden intervention slowed down the matter for a moment.

"Who is he?" Ye Wuxiang was very unfamiliar with Hong Qi's beggar appearance, and didn't know Hong Qi's identity.

"The strongest person in physical training, Hong Qi." Mu Nanbei revealed Hong Qi's identity.

"So he is Hong Qi." Only then did Ye Wuxiang understand. However, he was still a little puzzled. Why did it come out of Hong Qi's mouth? A generation of monks are sworn brothers, right?

"I don't know about this either. This Hong Qi has always been eccentric. He clearly has the peak strength in the late stage of He Dao Realm, but he is like a beggar without the slightest aura of a strong man." Mu Nanbei continued.

"It turns out that he is at the peak of the He Dao Realm. With such strength, he dares to intervene in the affairs of Fellow Daoist He. He is here to seek death." Ye Wuxiang sneered.

Mu Nanbei felt that Hong Qi's meddling would still hinder Immortal He, so he explained Hong Qi's real combat power.

Hearing that Hong Qi had the ability to fight across borders, Ye Wuxiang was somewhat impressed.

In such a state, it is not easy to cross the border.

"However..." Ye Wuxiang changed the subject: "The He Dao Realm is the He Dao Realm after all. Even if he can cross the border, he is not a real Mahayana Realm. It is possible to stop Fellow Daoist He for a while, but it is difficult to stop it all the time."

On this point, Mu Nanbei agreed that the border crossing could only last for a while, but as long as this period passed, Hong Qi would not be able to organize it.

It's just that they didn't expect that Hong Qi would become sworn brothers with Ding Ning.

But so what, Hong Qi can't stop Master He.

Even if there is another one, it can't be stopped, because they will not allow Ding Ning to continue talking, otherwise they will also lose their reputations.

That is to say, when necessary, they will follow suit, not He Zhenren alone.

While several Mahayana experts from the Eastern Divine Region were discussing, people from other continents were also discussing Hong Qi.

Hong Qi's fame is limited to Eastern God Buzhou. Few monks in the other three continents have heard of this name, and even if they know it, it is only a small part.

Many people are still guessing who Hong Qi is.

Fortunately, there are so many monks in Dongshenbuzhou present, and almost all of them know the name Hong Qi, the physical practitioner. After Hong Qi was recognized, many people exclaimed, and then the information about Hong Qi spread to The monks on the other three continents heard about it.

Only now did they know who Hong Qi was.

The most powerful among the body cultivators, with the ability to cross borders, is really not an easy character.

"I'm curious, with his strength, how could he be sworn sworn brothers with a young man?" asked the Binghuo Xuanjun, the owner of Binghuo Island in Nanzhan Buzhou.

"I don't think those people from Eastern Shenbu Continent have figured this out yet," Chi Qiu said, the strongest of the Hundred Beasts Sect.

"No matter what, with such a guy, I would like to see how those people in Eastern Shenbuzhou will do."

The appearance of Hong Qi aroused discussions from all quarters, from the most powerful person to the small one who practiced Qi, everyone was discussing this person who dared to intervene suddenly.

When Lu Feng and the others saw Hong Qi disappearing from their side, and then chose to stand up, they couldn't help being moved.

Others don't know why, but they still know something.

You must know that Hong Qi wanted to accept Ding Ning as his disciple at first, but after Ding Ning refused several times, Hong Qi came up with this weird idea of ​​sworn brotherhood.

Unexpectedly, Hong Qi really wasn't just talking, he really wanted to talk about something.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Kun couldn't help sighing secretly that Ding Ning was so lucky that Hong Qi actually stood up for him: "However, you still can't get rid of your fate. A Hong Qi is considered No.1 among his body practitioners, but he is not Mahayana." No.1 in the world, you are still going to die."

Cheng Kun was not disappointed because of Hong Qi's appearance. He knew that Ding Ning was imprisoned in the Prison Tower. That matter was related to the five powers. Even if Hong Qi was Mahayana scriptures, so what? , still vulnerable.

"Are you really going to intervene in this matter?" Master He asked.

"He is my sworn brother, his affairs are my Hong Qi's affairs, if you want to kill him, you have to kill me first." Hong Qi insisted.

Be sworn brother?

These four words came out of Hong Qi's mouth, and then looked at Ding Ning, everyone's face twitched, saying that you are a strong man in the Dao state, and you are still an old monk, even if you swore with others, you should be in the front row, why? The younger brother of the adult family.

The most speechless thing is that Hong Qi also agreed, and without any sense of shame, he said it very easily.

Immortal He was stunned for a while, and he figured it out. If he didn't clean up Hong Qi, the other party would keep blocking him: "Okay, then I'll meet you today, a physical trainer who can cross the border, and I'll take care of you." You are cleaning up your sworn brother!"

After the words fell, Master Crane shot directly, and a bolt of lightning blasted out with one punch.

Hong Qi stood up straight, shouted, and took the punch with his body.

"Looking for death!" Seeing this, Immortal He thought that Hong Qi was too crazy, and dared to take his attack like this, did he really think his body was made of iron?
But soon, he discovered that Hong Qi's body was really not ordinary hard, and his fist dropped, but it really didn't produce any effect.


"Come again."

Immortal Crane changed his attack again, while Hong Qi used physical training to collide with the opponent. For a while, the scene of the two punching each other was very gorgeous, especially the fists and feet of the two, which was called fierce.

Ding Ning calmly watched Hong Qi take the lead for him. Hong Qi's attack was unexpected. He was thinking about how to defeat the opponent with the strength of the righteous deity. Now it seems that he has to wait for a while .

"This guy really regards me as a sworn brother."

Ding Ning couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, even if he disagreed, the whole cultivation world would know about it now.

He deeply doubted whether Hong Qi did it on purpose.

But no matter what, Hong Qi finally stood up when he was threatened, and Ding Ning still kept this friendship in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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