The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1007 10121 punches fly! 1 more

Chapter 1007 1012 Fly with a punch! 1 more

Daoist Crane stared at Ding Ning with flickering expressions, he really missed his sight, Ding Ning was able to defuse his attack.

What level of magic weapon is that spear?

Is it at the artifact level?

Otherwise, how could it match his attack?

Immortal Crane naturally didn't think that Ding Ning had such strength, and everything was due to that long spear.

"I really underestimated you." Master Crane said coldly, but then his voice changed: "However, if you think you want to compete with me with a good magic weapon, I can only say, young man Man, your thinking is too simple."

"External forces are external forces after all. Today I will teach you that you have to rely on yourself in everything. Sometimes, powerful weapons can't help you."

With that said, Master Crane launched an attack again.

If it is said that his attack was massive before, this time it is completely different. His attack has changed from massive to subtle, and it can even be said that it is like a spring breeze and a bath, without any momentum.

But all those who saw this scene felt their hearts skip a beat, and a sense of crisis emerged spontaneously. This was the alertness to the danger of Master He's attack.

"Turning thunderbolt strikes into light wind and drizzle, this attack is full of the meaning of lifting weights as lightly as possible. It is a whole level higher than the previous attack. It seems that Fellow Daoist He is really angry this time. It is difficult to deal with a junior. Quickly use all your strength." Mu Nanbei said.

Feeling the attack of Immortal Crane, with this level of power, it is enough to fight another Mahayana strong man, let alone against a young monk Ding Ning.

From Mu Nanbei's point of view, it's a bit like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Everyone could feel that Master He's attack seemed powerless, but it was actually full of murderous intentions.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ding Ning, wanting to know if he could resist this time, and whether he could easily resolve it like before.

This blow, like a gust of wind, like a ray of warm light, like a stream of water, came slowly in front of Ding Ning and unfolded slowly.

The flame gun hanging above Ding Ning's head spewed out fiery flames in an instant, forming a fire dragon that soared up and surrounded Ding Ning, surrounded by divine dragons, and roared out with a dragon chant.


The flame gun showed its flame attribute, which was even more terrifying than the previous ice seal. The fire dragon formed by spraying flames from the tip of the gun was as real as it was, and lifelike, especially the roar that was earth-shattering.

"Good gun!"

At this moment, the top powerhouses of the four major continents all showed strange colors because of the power of the flame gun. They didn't realize that the previous freezing was just an attribute of the flame gun, and now the flame attribute is the It's the strongest.

The fire dragon roared at Immortal Crane, declaring its anger. At the same time, Immortal Crane's heavy hand just now was swallowed by the fire dragon and dissolved again.

Immortal Crane's expression flickered, and there was a look of astonishment in his eyes. He thought in his heart, no wonder Ding Ning got rid of the prison tower. With this long spear, some of those guys in the tower would be Ding Ning's opponents.

All Ding Ning relied on was this spear.

"In this case, I will take your gun and see how rampant you are."

Immediately, Master Crane had an idea, his figure flashed, and he quickly came in front of Ding Ning. Seeing this, the fire dragon spewed flames continuously, and shot out fireballs one by one. Master Crane dodged quickly, and the fire dragon saw that the attack was not enough. When he came to Master Crane, he killed him directly.

"Hmph, a dragon that has been transformed into energy dares to collide with me. Today I will tear you apart and see how you roar at me." Daoist Crane and the fire dragon fought. He clenched his fists and beat the fire dragon continuously. The dragon's claws of the fire dragon are also fighting back, but compared with the marks left by the fire dragon on the real man He, the real man He left more marks on the fire dragon.

When the two fought to the end, Master He tore the fire dragon in half at once, and the fire dragon was completely extinguished.

Immortal He kept moving, and started to snatch Ding Ning's flame gun, making Ding Ning lose the capital to fight against him.

When the fire dragon was extinguished, the power of the flame gun became weaker, but facing the palm of Crane Master, the flame gun immediately spun, and a vortex rolled up from the tip of the gun, and the vortex became bigger and bigger, forming a hurricane .

This is not over yet, from the flame gun, the ice and flames are all integrated into the hurricane.

The hurricane, full of three colors, swept across the world, and the clouds in the sky were pulled over, and the sea below formed a large wave, one wave beating another wave.

The hurricane engulfed Immortal Crane, and in the eyes of everyone, only the hurricane was moving like a crazy beast. Many people backed away in fear, fearing that they would be pulled into it by the hurricane.

It was just a long spear, and it actually wrapped a strong man in the Mahayana realm. The strong men at this time were all moved by this scene.

But they felt that it was impossible for Master He to have nothing to do about it.

Sure enough, in the next second, Master Crane rushed out of the hurricane and grabbed the flame gun.

"Haha, I just said that our Taishangmen can easily resolve it." The Taishangmen's children became excited because of this, they were really worried that Master He was defeated by that spear just now.

"No matter how powerful a weapon is, it is a dead thing after all. I admit that this long spear is good, but in the final analysis, the strength of a weapon depends on how well its owner can bring out the opponent. With Ding Ning's strength, at most he can do this kind of thing. To an extent."

"No matter what, if the Grand Master grasps the long spear, Ding Ning will definitely not be able to take it back, and without this long spear, he is nothing."

"Just watch, he will end soon."

Immortal He and Ding Ning faced each other, their hands were on the flame gun.

Neither of the two spoke, and they seemed to have made up their minds not to let the other party take the flame gun away.

Immortal He made the first move. As soon as he retracted his arm, he was about to snatch the flame gun from Ding Ning's hand.

To this end, he did not hesitate to use all his strength.

However, to his surprise, he didn't feel the slightest resistance from Ding Ning as soon as he exerted force. Ding Ning didn't hold the flame gun tightly at all, but let go of it naturally, as if the flame gun was not important at all. Seems like.

But is the flame gun really unimportant?

of course not.

There were other reasons why Ding Ning let go and did not fight hard.

Master He didn't think too much about it, anyway, since the flame gun is in his hands now, it doesn't matter if Ding Ning has some tricks.

He Daoist is confident that he can resolve all conspiracy methods.

When Immortal He was waiting for Ding Ning's move, he saw that Ding Ning had indeed moved.

Ding Ning's movement was like a fist.

Ha ha.

Master Crane sneered, should he care about the fist of a junior cultivator?

The answer is of course not needed.

Therefore, Master He ignored Ding Ning's punch.

And then, he was tragic.

After Ding Ning's fist fell, He Zhenren was punched out, and the flame gun in his hand was instantly snatched back, and it was held in Ding Ning's hand.

Ding Ning stood still.

Immortal Crane was blown away with a punch.

This scene stunned everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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