The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1011 1016 Jiang Taichao Appears! 1 more

Chapter 1011 1016 Jiang Taichao Appears! 1 more

A demonic monk pretended to be an orthodox monk, how did he do it?
Daoist Crane was completely confused, because in his opinion, it is impossible for the two ways of good and evil to appear in one person at the same time.

He wanted to know the truth, but unfortunately no one answered him at this time.

He was still here like this, and even Qi Lingdao boy disappeared.

"I want to go out, I can't be trapped here." Master Crane realized that he was trapped behind the God and Demon Inheritance Tower, and wanted to leave, so he immediately flew forward, but before he flew far, he was caught by a Eyes locked.

He suddenly turned around, and in his sight, he saw a huge body, that body was comparable to a mountain, in the distance, maybe because he found that he was here, and the mountain-like monster was rushing towards him.

Master Crane stared blankly at the moving mountain, and through the terrifying breath, he faintly knew the identity of the other party.

Ancient beast!

In the inheritance of gods and demons, there are such terrifying existences as ancient fierce beasts.

In the next second, Master He didn't think about anything, he turned around and ran away, what a joke, how could he be the opponent of the ancient beast.

call out……

When Master He turned to run away, a slender tongue swept out and went straight to Master He.


Just as Master Crane knew the truth, the prison tower is not the real prison tower, but the tower of the inheritance of gods and demons, and Ding Ning's identity is revealed accordingly.

However, Master He, who saw through Ding Ning's identity, could not tell the news to others at this time, and everyone around him did not know the truth of the matter.

Otherwise, there will be an uproar.

in the void.

Lei Mengsheng looked at Jiang Taichao and said, "The situation of your Taishangmen is very embarrassing, what are you going to do?"

He wanted to ask Ding Ning if he was going to stand by and watch or take action to solve Ding Ning.

Jiang Taichao thought for a moment, then said: "Originally, I planned not to hide it all the time, at least wait until I saw that guy, and then make a sudden attack, but now it seems impossible, too close to the door is kind to me, I can't sit idly by. "

"Hehe, I thought you wouldn't make a move." Lei Mengsheng said with a smile, "Do you need my help?"

"No need." Said Jiang Taichao stepped out of the void, his figure no longer hidden, but directly appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, Jiang Taichao's voice spread all over the place, saying: "You think I'm too close and no one is there?"


The appearance of Jiang Taichao surprised everyone, especially those who came to the door. It is not a day or two to look for Jiang Taichao. Unexpectedly, Jiang Taichao showed up on his own initiative today.

"Big Brother."

"It's Big Brother."

"Great, big brother is back."

Jiang Taichao's reputation in Taishangmen is very high, even comparable to the elders. Before the elders of Taishangmen asked other strong men to help, but no one responded. How could the door-to-door be reduced to this level.

Well now, with Jiang Taichao appearing, everyone has a backbone.

"Oh? Has this little guy been in the dark all this time?" Seeing Jiang Taichao's sudden appearance, Mu Nanbei realized another problem.

"Dare to stand up at this time. This little guy must have his grasp. It's interesting. We didn't make a move. It's a good thing for this little guy to fight that young man." Ye Wuxiang laughed.

The five powerful forces are not quite united. Although sometimes they are united, they will still look after themselves when encountering danger.

Now that Jiang Taichao appeared, it would be great for the other four powers, otherwise they would be embarrassed and lose face. After all, the five powers are still a whole in the hearts of many people.

The appearance of Jiang Taichao caused shock and heated discussion among the crowd. The number one genius in Eastern Shenbu Continent is extremely talented, and at a young age, he has shown the strength to crush his peers.

Appearing here now can resolve the embarrassing situation of Taishangmen, and everyone is waiting to see.

"Interesting, this Ding Mo is also a strong young man. When the two of them fight, it's really hard to say which one is stronger."

"Is it the first genius in Eastern Shenbuzhou? I've always wanted to see it."

People from the other three major continents all set their eyes on Jiang Taichao. They were also very curious about Jiang Taichao. After all, they all said that Jiang Taichao was the strongest existence among the younger generation.

What is his strength, everyone wants to know.

Jiang Taichao stepped across the void and came across to Ding Ning, and the two looked at each other.

Jiang Taichao is naturally very unfamiliar with Ding Ning's current identity. He watched the battle in secret before and had an intuitive feeling for Ding Ning, but at this time, Ding Ning gave him a completely different feeling.

Only when you really face Ding Ning will you have such a feeling.

Jiang Taichao felt that what he was facing was not a single person, but a bottomless abyss.

Ding Ning stood there with a smile on his face, but it gave him a chilling feeling.

Should not be ah.

Jiang Taichao's current strength can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds. Among the younger generation, it is impossible for anyone to pose such a strong threat to him.

Is there a monster hidden in this guy's body like him?
Impossible, Jiang Taichao is unique.

Jiang Taichao felt that he must have thought too much and overestimated Ding Ning on the other side. The other party is not the devil, so why should he be so serious.

Jiang Taichao suddenly appeared in front of him. To Ding Ning, it was really a bit of a surprise. Even if he targeted Taishangmen, it was not to force Jiang Taichao to show up, but Taishangmen just happened to provoke him.

Therefore, the appearance of Jiang Taichao was completely unexpected for Ding Ning.

He had searched for this guy several times before, but there was no news, even if he asked about it.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Taichao has been secretly watching this genius match between the four continents.

If he hadn't taken Immortal Crane away, I'm afraid Jiang Taichao would have continued to hide.

"Your Prison Tower is a fake, who are you?" Surprisingly, Jiang Taichao didn't take action as soon as he came up, but directly said that the Prison Tower used by Ding Ning was a fake.

Ding Ning smiled: "You say it's fake, so is it fake?"

Jiang Taichao seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and continued: "I don't know what method you used to make an identical town prison tower, but what I want to tell you is that the town prison tower is the magic weapon of my first suzerain, it The luck that guards my Taishangmen is not something you can take away if you want. If you want to take away the Prison Tower, unless you have the strength of an immortal, no one can move it, and you are not an immortal, so you The town prison tower produced must be fake."

Hearing Jiang Taichao's explanation, everyone was in an uproar. It turned out that the prison tower used by Ding Ning was fake, but if it was fake, how could he explain the fact that Master He was taken away?

"Your appearance must not be as simple as that of a young monk. Who are you? What are your intentions when you appear here?"

Jiang Taichao asked a series of pressing questions.

Ding Ning did not answer.

"I know you won't take the initiative to speak. It's okay. If you don't speak, I can come in person. Just search your soul and I will know everything." After Jiang Taichao finished speaking, he disappeared in place in an instant.

When he reappeared, he landed a punch on Ding Ning's face accurately.

(End of this chapter)

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