The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1013 1018 The More The Better! 1 more

Chapter 1013 1018 The More The Better! 1 more

Jiang Taichao, crossing the tribulation realm in half a step!
At this time, the happiest people are the Taishangmen. Jiang Taichao is the Taishangmen. With Jiang Taichao's strength, Taishangmen naturally has a bright face.

I thought that the most powerful person, Master Crane, would be taken away by Ding Ning. Without the strongman, he would lose his confidence and have to ask the strongmen from other sects to take action, but now there is no need for him. His strength has already surpassed that of Immortal Crane, and even the strongest of the other five powers may not be Jiang Taichao's opponent.

"Good job, I am a genius who is too close to the door. The blue is better than the blue." An elder said excitedly.

"Eldest senior brother has reached such a height. The entire Eastern Shenbu Continent can't find the second place. No, even if the other three continents are counted, it is impossible for a second young monk to reach the level of the Great Master." Brother's height."

"Eldest senior brother is no longer just the first genius. With his current strength, even if he is the strongest in the world, few people would dare to oppose him."

"Brother, you must rescue the Supreme Sovereign and kill that guy."

At this moment, Feng Yichen, Lu Qing, Suo Yun and the others have long since lost their will to compete with Jiang Taichao. What they have in their hearts is only sincere convincing. Jiang Taichao's height is a height that they may not be able to reach in their lifetime.

The geniuses of the other three major continents were all silent. They had heard of Jiang Taichao's name for a long time, and thought that they had the power to fight against Jiang Taichao, but at this moment, they had to admit that there was a gap between themselves and Jiang Taichao.

Jiang Taichao felt his own strength, and this feeling was very wonderful. He felt that as long as he lightly swung his punch, he could explode a star and sweep across a star field.

Up to now, he has finally stood among the top experts in the cultivation world.

If it wasn't for the person in front of him who pushed Taishang to such an extent, Jiang Taichao didn't want to show up. The strength of this realm was prepared to be used after meeting that person.

"Forget it, it's God's will, so what if I reveal my strength in advance." Jiang Taichao didn't care about it. He wasn't the only one who dealt with Ding Ning. He also had a powerful helper. Coupled with the existence in his body, he believed that Ding Ning has no chance of winning.


Jiang Taichao's eyes fell on Ding Ning again, and he said slowly: "This time, do you think you can still compete with me?"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Taichao operated the method, and a circular light curtain flew out, with runes flowing on it.

"Between the square and the circle, everything is sealed."

After the circular light curtain flew out, it swelled against the wind and immediately covered a piece of heaven and earth. Everything in the area covered by the light curtain was attached by a force and then stopped.

In the first blow, Jiang Taichao used a powerful sealing technique to seal Ding Ning, and then slowly searched for his soul.

This sealing technique was taught by the existence in the body, and it was displayed through his half-step crossing the tribulation realm strength, even Lei Mengsheng had to be careful.

It should be enough to deal with Ding Ning.

A physically tyrannical guy, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than this powerful sealing technique?
Jiang Taichao is very confident in this method, waiting for Ding Ning to turn into a sculpture.

Layers of power enveloped Ding Ning. Ding Ning immediately felt the special power of this power, which was a kind of sealing power. He could feel that even the air could be sealed.

Naturally, it is impossible for Ding Ning to let Jiang Taichao seal him. He kept bombarding the sealing forces falling towards him with his fists. However, no matter how terrifying his fist might be, it seemed to have no effect on these sealing forces. in the air.

Seeing this, the corners of Jiang Taichao's mouth raised an arc. If his sealing technique was so simple, he would be forced, it would be too weak. How could the method of taking it out of his body be simple.

"Any of your struggles are futile under my seal. It won't be long before I will know your true face. I am very curious about who you are. It seems that the answer will be revealed soon. "Jiang Taichao said lightly.

With his current strength, not to mention disdain for the entire universe, but there are not many people who can make Jiang Taichao pay attention, even the most powerful of the other four major forces, he does not pay attention to it, because it is unnecessary to deal with them. If there is a shot in the body, he can solve it by himself.

Ding Ning was a little surprised by this sealing power. Seeing more and more sealing power falling down, Ding Ning was not too flustered. Instead, the voice of Qi Lingdaotong suddenly sounded, "Master, you can absorb this power." You don't have to bear it yourself when you enter the tower."

That is to say, he can transfer this sealing power to the tower with the help of the gods and demons inheritance tower.

"Good idea." Ding Ning thought, oh, by the way, Immortal He is still in the fifth layer of space. Ding Ning saw Immortal He fleeing in all directions under the pursuit of ancient beasts.

Seeing this, a sinister smile appeared on his face, and he had already thought of where it would be most appropriate to use these sealing powers.

Immediately, he immediately used the God and Demon Inheritance Tower to suck the sealing power over immediately, like a water pump, those sealing powers frantically poured into the God and Demon Inheritance Tower. Of course, the God and Demon inheritance at this time is still suppressed. The appearance of the prison tower did not reveal its appearance.

Although the people who are too close to the door don't believe that the prison tower that Ding Ning used is the real prison prison tower, but it's not for a good thing to use it to disgust the door.

As the gods and demons inheritance tower continuously absorbed the sealing power, the circular light curtain became darker and darker. After three breaths, the circular light curtain disappeared silently.

Jiang Taichao's idea of ​​sealing Ding Ning was also broken.

Jiang Taichao found out that this trick was resolved by Ding Ning. Has that sealing power been washed away by the Prison Tower?
He knew that the prison tower next to Ding Ning was not a real prison tower, and even if it was a real prison tower, it would not be able to have this function.

What kind of magic weapon is that fake town prison tower? How can it be so powerful that it can even absorb his sealing power.

This method failed, Jiang Taichao was in a daze for a moment, and continued to use other methods.

With a flip of the palm, a small magic weapon appeared in Jiang Taichao's hand.

This is a small vajra, very small, it looks more like an ornament.

"I will use this magic weapon to try out what kind of treasure your fake town prison tower is."

"go with!"

The Vajra Pestle flew out with a flick of Jiang Taichao's arm.

The goal is to go straight to the Prisoner Tower next to Ding Ning.

Someone wanted to collide with his god-devil inheritance tower, Ding Ning couldn't help laughing in his heart, and immediately said to Qi Lingdaotong: "Dinner is ready."

"Wow, this magic weapon is good, it must taste good." Qi Lingdaotong's excited voice came quickly.

Daoist Qi Ling ate it with great relish when Immortal Crane sent him a circle of heaven and earth before, but now the vajra pestle that Jiang Taichao took out didn't look ordinary, and it was a great tonic for Dao Qi Ling.

Ding Ning never refuses anyone who comes to these instruments, the more the better.

(End of this chapter)

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