The strongest warrior in the city

第1020章 1025因1人,4方动!2更

Chapter 1020 Because of one person, all directions move! 1025 more

Ding Ning's Mahayana realm catastrophe is even more terrifying and vast than people imagined.

At the beginning, there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and countless thunder and lightning landed, forming a terrifying scene.

But soon, a more terrifying scene than this appeared, only to see a terrible roar coming from the dark clouds, and then saw the golden and iron horses, as if there were countless armies fighting in it, carrying out a battle A brutal fight.

People from the four major continents even smelled the smell of blood from the sky, as if someone was wounded and bleed out.

Is Ding Ning injured?
Such a terrible catastrophe, he should be injured.

Rao is the most powerful person in the four major continents, and he has to admit that Ding Ning's Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation is not ordinary, surpassing the Mahayana Heavenly Tribulation of many people.

This also proves that as long as Ding Ning succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, his potential and achievements will be greatly improved again.

Several top powerhouses in Eastern Shenbuzhou have shining eyes. Ding Mo is the old devil Ding. , Now they know that Ding Ning is still a fellow cultivator of righteousness and evil, possessing two diametrically opposite powers, and has traveled a long distance on this road, even if others want to chase him, they will be far behind.

Such a terrifying existence, once the tribulation is successfully crossed, no one will be able to suppress him in the future.

The previous top ten power structure was turned upside down by Ding Ning. Once Ding Ning became stronger, who could do anything to win Ding Ning? Wouldn't it be Ding Ning's face that Dongshenbuzhou would depend on?

Whether it is Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei, or Du Ling, there is a deep worry in my heart. It is a good thing for Dongshenbuzhou to have someone like Ding Ning who is both good and evil. Still bad.

In the eyes of several people, Ding Ning is a bomb that will detonate at any time.

You can't be provoked, and you can't belittle him. Do you have to be careful not to make enemies with this person in the future?

If Ding Ning survived this righteous catastrophe, they might really be like this.

After all, everything should be based on strength. Ding Ning is so strong that the monks in the entire East God Buzhou can't afford to provoke him. If he is not obedient, what can he do.

Several people were thinking that they didn't want to see such a thing happen. Immediately, several people secretly transmitted voices and began to contact the strong men from other continents.

The strong have the thoughts of the strong, and the weak naturally have the thoughts of the weak.

The catastrophe of the Mahayana realm was right in front of us, attracting everyone's attention. Many young monks, especially the geniuses from the four major continents, saw this scene and deeply realized the gap between themselves and Ding Ning.

This is not an existence that they can catch up with if they want to catch up, because even the seniors in their hearts treat Ding Ning with a cautious attitude, how can they compare with him.

They are not on the same level at all, and cannot be compared at all.

"With him around, anyone would lose color, so what about a genius, in front of him, I'm afraid there won't even be a wave of waves." A genius said with emotion.

"If you want me to say, we don't need to be overly discouraged. This old devil Ding is different from us. After all, he is not a monk of the same generation as us. He has long been known as a strong man. Compared with him, we are completely no need."

"Having said that, but don't forget that he is now using the Righteous Way identity, not to mention his Demon Realm. In the Righteous Way realm, he has left us far behind. He can still achieve I am ashamed of myself at such a high level.”

The talent displayed by Ding Ning made many geniuses feel beyond reach, and at the same time made some geniuses feel desperate.

This is an existence that both the old and the young feel insurmountable.

No one in the four major continents treated Ding Ning with negligence.

Because Ding Ning is too dazzling.

His past is dazzling.

His record is dazzling.

Today, his fellow practitioners who are righteous and demons are still very dazzling.

No one can ignore.

I'm afraid Ding Ning himself would not have imagined that at this moment, the monks in the four major continents would treat him with great attention and vigilance.

A heterogeneous fellow cultivator of righteousness and demons is indeed too eye-catching. It's okay not to be exposed, but once exposed, no one will dare to be careless.

Some people even think that Ding Ning not only has the strength to change the East God Bu Continent, even if it is the structure of the four continents, as long as Ding Ning wants to change, he can do it.

At least, he can have a big impact.

The catastrophe is still going on, everyone is staring at the sky, the monks from the four major continents are all silent and watching quietly.

Whether Ding Ning can successfully enter the Mahayana realm of the right path is of concern to everyone.

Those who have enmity with Ding Ning naturally keep cursing in their hearts, hoping that Ding Ning will die in Thunder Tribulation. There are actually quite a few such people. After all, Ding Ning is too strong and will affect the interests of many people. When there is a threat, no one wants to have an existence that can suppress themselves, which means that there is a knife on the head suddenly, making people sleep uneasy.

Furthermore, Ding Ning had killed so many people before, and the people related to these people were still alive. They hoped that Ding Ning would die in the thunder disaster even more.

For example, the descendants of the Yelu family, the descendants of the Dong family, the descendants of Wuji Daomen, Snake Mountain, and other powerful forces that were once invincible. They are all secretly watching this scene. Ding Ning destroyed their power, making them hate At the same time, he was extremely terrified, longing for Ding Ning to die unexpectedly.

As for those who hope that Ding Ning can escape the catastrophe, there are only a few people, such as Lu Feng, Lu Yao and others. They are Ding Ning's few friends. Although they have just learned Ding Ning's true identity, they still hope that Ding Ning can succeed. of.

At the same time, the news that Ding Mo was Old Demon Ding began to spread rapidly in the blood world, and a large number of demon cultivators came.

Especially the matter of Ding Ning and Xiu Mo's two ways caused the demon cultivators in the blood world to exclaim.

Old Demon Ding was a legendary figure in the blood world, and then Ding Ning reappeared, killing all directions, causing the blood world to shake again.

Unexpectedly, after that appearance, Ding Ning would appear at the exchange meeting of the four major continents. For a while, many demon cultivators in the blood world rushed to that sea arena.

As the sect founded by Ding Ning, the Heavenly Demon Sect lost the three powerhouses including Xie Jun and Qin Jun, but this did not affect the status of the Heavenly Demon Sect. On the contrary, it became even more awe-inspiring in the blood world, because people feared Ding Ning, knowing that Ding Ning is still alive, no one has disturbed the Heavenly Demon Sect, even if the Heavenly Demon Sect has no strong person in command, it is still scary.

Several elders of the Tianmo Sect also left one after another. They wanted to find their first suzerain Ding Ning and invite him back to the sect.

The Heavenly Demon Sect has never forgotten their founder, Laomo Ding.

All of a sudden, whether it was the blood world or those who were not interested in the exchange meeting of the four major continents, they all came in one direction.

Because of one person, the four directions move.

(End of this chapter)

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