The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1022 1027 Kill him quickly! 2 more

Chapter 1022 1027 Kill him quickly! 2 more

Ding Ning succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, and entered the Mahayana realm of the righteous path. This is not good news for Jiang Taichao and Lei Mengsheng.

Sure enough, it is unrealistic to expect Ding Ning to die in the catastrophe.

This guy often surprises people.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body and Lei Mengsheng looked at each other, and then it was time for them to desperately.

It's ridiculous to say that the strength of both of them can be said to be a big realm higher than Ding Ning's. They are existences standing in the tribulation realm.

It can only be said that Ding Ning put too much pressure on the two of them. Obviously they should put pressure on others, but when it came to Ding Ning, it was the opposite.

Sensing the eyes of the two, Ding Ning immediately looked over and said calmly: "As you two wish, now we will settle the score."

Ding Ning's aura, one positive and the other demonic, burned on his body like two flames.

As Ding Ning approached, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body shouted loudly: "Kill."

Lei Mengsheng killed him together.

Two strong men in the Transcending Tribulation Realm joined forces to kill a monk who was at the peak of the late Mahayana Realm. Generally speaking, there was no suspense in the result.

But now, in the hearts of everyone, they all think that even if the two of them make a move, they may not be able to solve Ding Ning in one go.


The two came to Ding Ning in an instant and started a fierce slaughter.

The two attacked Ding Ning each, and Ding Ning dealt with the other with one hand, facing the attacks of the two together, the people watching were dazzled.

too fast.

At this time, the fight between the three was twice as fast as before.

Ding Ning's two hands give people the feeling of thousands of hands, creating a visual phantom.

It can only be said that his speed is too fast.

It seems to be an ordinary fist attack, but the danger in it can only be understood by experts. Every punch, every blow, is enough to easily kill a monk in the early stage of the Mahayana realm.

Many of the top powerhouses present were all terrified at the moment.

Some of them began to retreat, mainly because Ding Ning was too scary. If they made a move, they would be killed by Ding Ning if they met face to face.

Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in their eyes, but compared to the others, their thoughts were relatively firm.

Ding Ning has grown to this point, if they don't make a move now, it will be too late if they make a move in the future.

If they want to get rid of Ding Ning, this huge threat, they must kill Ding Ning today, otherwise, Ding Ning will kill them at will in the future.

A few people quickly sent voice transmissions to the strong men in other continents to confirm their attitudes again and again. After all, once this kind of thing comes out, it will be a shame, and it will not stop until there is a result.

Several powerhouses are ready to bet the forces behind them on it.

Now, it depends on whether Jiang Taichao and Lei Mengsheng can cause a certain amount of damage to Ding Ning, give everyone a shot in the arm, and make everyone work together.

In that case, the chances of beheading Ding Ning will be greatly increased.

Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei, and Du Ling were waiting for this moment. Jiang Taichao and Lei Mengsheng who were on the battlefield didn't want to cause harm to Ding Ning.

The two of them already knew what Ye Wuxiang, Mu Nanbei and the others were thinking. During Ding Ning's escape, they learned that as long as they could injure Ding Ning, the powerhouses from the four major continents would take action one after another and join the battle .

At that time, all the powerhouses of the four major continents will attack Ding Ning together, and Ding Ning will definitely not have a way out.

Therefore, right now, in order to create such a situation, they must first fight a good battle.

The existence in Jiang Taichao's body and Lei Mengsheng teamed up to attack Ding Ning alone. After fighting for a long time, they still didn't gain the upper hand.

No one can suppress anyone.

This is not what the two want.

Ding Ning's realm on the righteous path has stepped into the Mahayana realm. In terms of strength growth, in the eyes of the two, it is not so terrifying, at least it is still within the scope of the two of them. No matter how you say it, they are still a big realm higher than Ding Ning The presence.

The only thing that troubled the two of them was Ding Ning's powerful physical body, and the God and Demon Inheritance Tower that might appear at any time. With these two major powers, it was very difficult for them to hurt Ding Ning.

Ding Ning has a strong physical body, coupled with the inheritance tower of gods and demons, he is simply abnormal.

This is also the main reason why Ding Ning can fight across borders.

Of course, the most important thing is Ding Ning's physical body. Ding Ning has a vajra god demon body, which can withstand the blow of power beyond himself. Before, he was able to compete with the two when he was still in the realm of righteousness. Now the realm of righteousness has reached the demon way The height of the realm is the same, it is no problem to compete against the two.

The two thought about how they could hurt Ding Ning under such circumstances, and kept experimenting with their hands.

However, Ding Ning is like a monster with copper skin and iron bones. If you hit it once, nothing will happen, and if you hit it again, it will still be fine.

All in all, he is Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

How can it go on like this, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body feels that if Ding Ning can't be hurt, and the powerhouses from the four major continents don't join in, it may be really difficult for the two of them to kill Ding Ning.


A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, and he was about to use a stronger hole card.

At the same time, Lei Mengsheng received the sound transmission from Jiang Taichao's body and was ready to cooperate.

The next moment, the world seemed to fall into extreme silence.

Ding Ning let out a light snort.


Ding Ning soon realized that it was not that the world fell into silence, but that he fell into a silent environment.

Obviously, this must have been caused by the two people opposite.

Ding Ning was not flustered, he wanted to see what tricks the other party was playing.

Just when this idea was first born, suddenly, an extremely evil aura surged from all directions, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Ding Ning could feel this evil aura, which was even more evil than that exuded by the demon monks. Even the kind of murderous big devil did not have such an evil aura.

This is……

Ding Ning frowned. He felt a mixture of viciousness, cruelty, cruelty, blood, curse, and a series of negative emotions.

It's like bearing the negativity of the whole world all at once.

This feeling is not good, and it makes people despair from the bottom of their hearts.

Ding Ning's heart was sinking, and he began to be in a trance, wrapped in negative emotions, which made him lose himself.

But at this time, in Lei Mengsheng's eyes, Ding Ning's eyes turned blood red, and his body was shaking.

This change made him look at Jiang Taichao, and he knew that such a change must be caused by the existence in Jiang Taichao's body.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Lei Mengsheng's heart.

"Kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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