The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1028 1033 Brewing is complete! 2 more

Chapter 1028 1033 Brewing is complete! 2 more

Although the Shifang Shenquan failed to kill any opponent, based on the power of this boxing technique, it also put a lot of pressure on the strong men who surrounded Ding Ning.

Anyone who gets punched feels bad.

This means that they have a considerable advantage in numbers and cooperate closely, otherwise Ding Ning would have killed three people.

Even if more than [-] strong men attacked together, they still couldn't kill a single person in an instant. This alone was enough to prove that Ding Ning's strength was strong, and if he was replaced by other Mahayana level strong men, he would have already been defeated.

Ding Ning was not in a hurry without killing the enemy, and keeping calm is the most important magic weapon to survive to the end.

In fact, in the face of so many opponents, he can rely on the Gods and Demons Inheritance Tower, and then collect them one by one in the tower, imprison them on the fifth floor, and use the power of the ancient beast in the fifth floor Gods and Demons Trial Field to fight one by one. Beheading these people, and then gradually nibbling away, reducing the number of opponents little by little, he can still resolve the siege, which is what he did when he fought Yelu Kunlun and others before.

But this time, Ding Ning did not choose to do so.

Because he has a way to fight against the enemy, even if this method is not easy, and it will even cause a lot of damage to himself, he still wants to try it.

"The so-called relying on external things is not the right way after all. Only when you are strong yourself can you be really strong."

"Although being besieged by them is a great crisis, crises can sometimes be turned into opportunities. As long as I use it properly, my ideas may succeed."

Ding Ning thought secretly in his heart, he was determined not to use any external objects, even if using the God and Demon Inheritance Tower could help him deal with these people better, but he didn't want to do that, right now he just wanted to rely on himself, he wanted to Excavating the power of the two ways of righteousness and evil, stimulated his greater potential.

When he returned from his rebirth, there were not many times when he could feel the crisis of life and death, and it could even be said to be extremely rare.

And he needs such a crisis to stimulate his potential.

Being a fellow practitioner of righteousness and demons gave him powers that others did not possess. If he had such power and needed to rely on the tower of inheritance of gods and demons to fight against the enemy, then what was the point of fellow practitioners of righteousness and demons?

He needs a crisis, and it is in adversity that he grows.

The most important thing is that he wants to raise his own realm to another level by stimulating his potential, that is, stepping from the Mahayana realm to the Transcending Tribulation realm.

If others knew that Ding Ning's true thoughts were like this, he would be shocked and speechless, because Ding Ning had just entered the Mahayana realm, and it was impossible to think of entering the Tribulation Realm so soon.

But Ding Ning is aware of himself. His demon realm has long stood at the peak of the late Mahayana realm. He has been polished for a long time and has the foundation to break through and advance to the Tribulation Transcendence realm.

As for the Realm of the Righteous Way, although he has just stepped into the Mahayana realm, he has a solid background, and he has easily reached the peak of the later period from the Mahayana realm.

As long as one works on the basis of the peak in the later stage, and then polishes and polishes, the Realm of the Righteous Path can also be promoted to the Realm of Transcending Tribulation.

The reason why Ding Ning wants to be promoted so quickly is actually another point, that is, the existence in Jiang Taichao's body, this mysterious being can use the strength of Transcending Tribulation Realm, especially it can also use that kind of negative emotion, which makes him fall into sinking. Too dangerous.

If it wasn't for his will being strong enough to quickly get rid of that negative emotion, he would really be in danger.

Let people bombard him, even if he has the Vajra God Demon Body, he can't bear it.

In particular, there is Lei Mengsheng, a strong man who has crossed the Tribulation Realm.

Therefore, he must find a way to continue to improve his strength. As long as he also enters the Tribulation Transcending Realm, by then, these people in front of him will no longer be his opponents.

Relying on fellow cultivators of righteousness and demons, as well as the inheritance tower of gods and demons, he can look down on the entire cultivation world with ease.

The Shifang Shenquan failed, so Ding Ning immediately changed his tactics. The opponent had a large number of people, so he tried his best not to give the opponent a chance to besiege. As long as he kept changing positions at all times, it would be difficult for these people to cause more damage to him.

Ding Ning's figure began to shuttle quickly among the more than 20 people. He was like a shadow, constantly changing, so that many attacks that wanted to bombard him were all in vain.

The powerhouses in Beilubuzhou and Xigabuzhou all felt that Ding Ning was as slippery as a loach, and they couldn't trap him in one place. Even if he blocked Ding Ning's surroundings, Ding Ning still caught the gap, and instantly slip.

It would be fine if Ding Ning was just an elusive figure, but his attack was so strong that Ding Ning might sometimes die if he hit Ding Ning all at once.

Everyone had to work hard, otherwise Ding Ning could kill them if they were careless.

Now that he has made up his mind to use these more than 20 strong men as sharpening stones, Ding Ning will naturally continue to hone the realm of righteousness.

This makes the Realm of the Righteous Way, based on the peak of the later period of the Mahayana Realm, become extremely mellow, and together with the Realm of the Demonic Way, cause the catastrophe of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm.

not enough!
Ding Ning could feel that the Realm of the Righteous Path was still a little short of triggering the Heavenly Tribulation of the Crossing Tribulation Realm.

carry on.

With a change in his expression, he activated the righteous power in his dantian, and displayed it with various methods.

Ding Ning didn't know many righteous ways before, but since he inherited the mantle of Immortal Taoist, he has learned a lot of righteous ways at once, and now he has used them all one by one.

The power of magic in one hand, the power of righteousness in the other hand, the two kinds of power cast the same method, and then blasted out together. When they are about to fall on the enemy, the two forces of the same method are formed, and immediately merged into one place, and immediately burst out more. For terrible power.

Two completely different forces, when they meet together, it is like a chemical reaction, becoming more intense and more destructive.

In this way, Ding Ning urged the ten-direction magic fist, first with a demonic power, and then with a righteous power. When these two punches landed on a person, the opponent was smashed into pieces and exploded in an instant .

This scene shocked many people. No one thought that Ding Ning would produce such power after converging two powers on one person.

In fact, this can also be imagined, as if someone else wants to master the two powers of righteousness and demons at the same time, it will immediately cause repulsion and an explosion, so there is an iron law that righteousness and demons cannot practice together.

However, Ding Ning broke this iron law and began to kill people by virtue of this iron law.

If others don't take the initiative to master these two powers, he can inject these two powers into a person's body. In this way, it is equivalent to this person wanting to master the two powers at the same time, and he will naturally explode himself.

Following Ding Ning's experiment, those besieging him all retreated vigilantly, but in the next second, they surrounded him again. Since they had already made a move, they had to deal with Ding Ning, there was no reason to stop halfway.

Ding Ning is now like a bomb planter, as long as he moves his hands, he can plant a bomb on the opponent, and it will explode immediately.

In less than twenty breaths, Ding Ning blasted the three strong men to pieces with this blow.


At this time, the aura in Jiang Taichao's body changed a little, causing Lei Mengsheng's body to tremble slightly, and he felt a chill appearing on Jiang Taichao's body.

"Is it ready?" Lei Mengsheng whispered, his eyes showed a trace of fear of Jiang Taichao's existence.

(End of this chapter)

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