The strongest warrior in the city

Chapter 1030 1035 The Third Eye! 3 more

Chapter 1030 1035 The Third Eye! 2 more

Blood spilled from the sky, accompanied by finely divided flesh and blood.

A strong man, in an instant, his body was smashed to pieces, and the Nascent Soul was destroyed in an instant.

Another Mahayana-level existence has fallen.

Cumulatively, the number of masters killed by Ding Ning has reached as many as four.

But this time, Ding Ning was able to easily succeed. Apart from his advantage of being invisible, there was also the factor of killing people with a knife.

Originally, Jiang Taichao wanted to use those evil negative emotions on Ding Ning, causing Ding Ning to sink, so as to achieve the purpose of beheading, but Ding Ning immediately replaced a scapegoat in an instant.

The strong man in Northern Lubuzhou suffered from the evil force of negative emotions, and was later killed by Ding Ning.

Ding Ning disappeared again.

Appears quickly and disappears quickly.

No one can see his figure in the void, no one knows where he is, everyone only knows that Ding Ning must be hiding nearby, but his hiding method is too clever, no one can find out.

"Damn it, how could this happen!" A strong man from Northern Lubuzhou said with lingering fear. He is still a little scared now, because he is less than ten meters away from the person who was killed by Ding Ning just now. If Ding Ning appears Behind him, the person who died so much was probably him.

"Did this guy do it on purpose?" Another strong man from Beilubu Continent set his eyes on Jiang Taichao. Just now, everyone saw and could feel that the force Jiang Taichao used was to rush to that Beilubu Ding Ning only showed up after that, and killed someone.

This has to make people suspicious.

"Impossible, I just felt the aura of Old Demon Ding appearing behind Daoyou Yang, and he wants to target Old Demon Ding." Someone raised objections.

"Then how do you explain the death of Fellow Daoist Yang?"

"He was deliberately murdered by old devil Ding in an instant."

Hearing this explanation, the eyes of the several powerhouses who besieged Ding Ning flickered. Although they questioned that the existence of Jiang Taichao's body was intentional, they also knew that this possibility was very small, or even impossible. If it was true, he wouldn't jump out suddenly, become an enemy of Ding Ning, and expose Ding Ning's true identity in public.

Ding Ning is most likely to kill someone with a knife. The existence of Jiang Taichao's body was calculated by Ding Ning.

"Now is not the time to worry about this matter, but we should find out the exact location of this guy, otherwise, any one of us may become the next fellow Daoist Yang to die."

Many people nodded and agreed with this point of view. Ding Ning hid it, and then leaked a trace of breath, attracting the existence in Jiang Taichao's body to take action. As a result, he took the opportunity to frame other people, making it clear that he could not find him even if he said it, and gradually eliminated them. .

Any of them could be in danger if they could not determine where Dinning was hiding.

Even if the existence in Jiang Taichao's body does not attack, other people may be attacked by surprise.

After all, Ding Ning was in the dark after hiding, but they were in the light.

"Find him, and only by confirming his location at any time, will no one of us be killed by him." The strong man from Xigabe Continent also spoke.

Those who besieged Ding Ning reached a consensus, and all of them released their spiritual consciousness, scanning the void continuously, trying to find Ding Ning's figure.

"Everyone, don't hide it. If you don't take this old devil Ding seriously, you may die at any time." Someone reminded that they also searched for Ding Ning just now, but they didn't find anything, but now it's different. If you can't find Ding Ning, you will die.

All of a sudden, all the powerhouses used their own search methods to search for Ding Ning earnestly.

Rays of light swept across the sky, and they could clearly see a hundred miles around in an instant.

However, after many strong men searched with their own means, they all frowned, and none of them found Ding Ning's trace.

This is so unbelievable.

What kind of means can hide it so deeply that the strong men of Beilubuzhou and Xigabezhou have not been able to find its trace. This kind of hiding method is too amazing.

Ding Ning is relatively confident in his own concealment technique. This concealment technique is one of the three most powerful methods of Immortal Taoist, and it is also the strongest life-saving method.

Tibetan breath technique.

To hide everything, breath, cause and effect, heartbeat and other factors that expose oneself can all be hidden.

This is the horror of Tibetan breathing technique.

Daoist Immortal had escaped countless times of life and death crises by virtue of this technique of hiding breath.

The twenty strong men were at a loss for a while, and at this moment, the words "I'm here to find him" suddenly came out.

Everyone looked for their reputation, and it was Lei Mengsheng who spoke.

Seeing what Lei Mengsheng said, many people's expressions flickered. Compared with Lei Mengsheng, their strength was a big difference, and they must not be as good as Lei Mengsheng in terms of exploration.

Lei Mengsheng stretched out a finger, stroked lightly between the eyebrows, and suddenly, a gash melted, but no blood flowed out from the gash, and surprisingly, there was a secret hidden in the gash. only eye.

This is the third eye!

When the third eye appeared in the middle of Lei Mengsheng's brow, everyone who saw this scene was shocked. The three eyes are only recorded in ancient books in the cultivation world, and they are legendary existences. It occurred to me that Lei Mengsheng had a third eye.

"It is rumored that once a person opens his third eye, he will not be far from a fairy."

"I've heard that a genius with extraordinary talent can open the hidden treasures of the body after entering the Tribulation Realm. Someone can open the third eye, which is the eye of the sky, by chance. Unexpectedly, this is not a false rumor. but real.”

After Lei Mengsheng showed his third eye, it caused a shock to many people, especially those who are strong in the Mahayana realm. How could they hope that they have this third eye? Many people have already understood that the third eye , a lot of mystery.

Lei Mengsheng ignored everyone's astonishment, a ray of light shot out from his sky eyes, and he saw that this ray of light immediately spread to the surroundings, and in the blink of an eye, the original ray of light had already covered the entire surrounding area.

And under this light, everything is invisible.

When Lei Mengsheng finally fixed his gaze on a spot in the void, everyone was overjoyed that they had found it!
"It's been exposed." Ding Ning sighed to himself, but he didn't have time to sigh more, because at the next moment, that evil negative emotion struck again.

Ding Ning was going to hide again, even if he was discovered, as long as he was fast enough to avoid being entangled by that force, he would not be afraid.

But when Ding Ning was about to lift his legs and leave, he suddenly discovered that the ray of light that enveloped him actually had a binding effect, and he couldn't leave quickly.

not good!

Ding Ning was startled suddenly, and the evil negative emotion fell from the sky the next moment.

He knew that it was impossible to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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